Don't you Dare Try to Enrage Me

The enemy then walked up to the front gate and we're confused about what they saw, yes, Feina and Isabelle must be outside, but Mark, Lance, and Marie shouldn't be since they were coming to ambush them secretly, "5, what's going on here?"

Feina just smiled as she said, "You're really stupid, I guess that's the traits of terrorist scum and thugs", she then pointed their gun at them and said, "You're really stupid to not see this coming, But then we'll give you a chance, give up and help us and we won't kill you."

The leader of the group just laughed loudly as he shouted, "HAHAHA! US? GIVE UP? HAHAHA, YOU MUST BE KIDDING! YOU'RE STUPID! HAHAHA", hearing the loud laugh, Feina just smirked as she shouted, "Well then, I welcome you to hell!"

Feina then nodded at Mark as he smirked and shouted loudly, "Everyone! Fire!", after hearing that, the enemy went on full guard, they looked around and saw various bushes which were confusing, 'why was it there', they all thought, but before they could do anything, the survivors from the cathedral started to shoot.

*BANG! BANG! BANG! Tritititit! Tririiriiri!* (Various Guns sounding throughout the whole gate.)

All of the survivors took aim and shot the enemy to death, all of the enemies then retaliated as they started to shoot the survivors. Mark then aimed his AKM, and as if he had perfect accuracy, he hit them all in the vital parts.

There was a total of fifty soldiers sent here, but that number was incredibly small, so Mark was guessing that the others were observing, 'Well, I guess they aren't actually that stupid'.

As the gunshots ended, all of the remaining terrorists in front of the gate was already killed. The survivors were about to cheer but were stopped by Mark whilst hushing them, "Shh! There are still more!"

"Prepare to shoot!", Mark ordered, but then, they brought out something unexpected. Something was thrown up to them, 'What's that? ball?, IT'S A GRENADE!'.

It was aimed towards the bushes in the left were Ariel, Silvia, Thea, and Jeanne hidden, Mark then shouted loudly as he looked at Ariel and the group, "EVERYONE ON THE BUSHES ON THE LEFT! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!!!!!"

Hearing Mark's loud shout, they then immediately tried to escape out of the bushes, unfortunately, out of the twenty-five survivors, only eleven survived. Mark was enraged, but as he saw that Ariel, Silvia, Thea, and Jeanne survive and only had some wounds, but Jeanne suffered the most wounds after protecting Silvia.

As he saw his heavily injured sister, Mark was filled with killing intent and rage, he looked at the direction where the frag grenade came from and saw a man that was grinning with pure arrogance, cockiness was surrounding him, that man then said, "Hahaha, I guess you would do something like this, 5, now your sister is really gonna be raped by the men to death."

Mark looked at him with pure rage as Feina then shouted, "1, if you dare touch my sister, I'm gonna kill you!", the man just laughed as he said, " You? Kill me? you're the weakest of the five and 2,3, and 4 is here, you think you can survive? none of you will survive!"

He then looked at Mark with an aura of arrogance, "Oh you mad? Is that girl close to you?", he then looked at Jeanne as he said, "Don't worry, after you die, she'll be my woman, I'll try her carefully."

He then looked at the other girls as he said, "Hmm..., so many beauties! I guess I'll take them too!", he then smiled as he aimed at Mark with his light machine gun. Mark's eyes then from blue and grey m, turned into blood-red as the man called 1 took the shot.

The bullet then flew towards Mark but to everyone's surprise, he caught it. 1 who was looking at him was dumbfounded, whilst fear showed at his eyes, " H-How!?"

Mark did not talk as he suddenly disappeared from his spot and appeared behind 1 and said with a presence as if he was the absolute being, "I will kill you, you dare hurt my sister and after hurting her, you're planning to fuck her? Fuck you, go die."

Mark then swiped his hand as he crushed 1's arm causing 1 to cry in pain. He was thrown away with the force of Mark's hand about 10-15 meters away. "ACK!!!! ARGH!! GWOHK!!!", 1 spat out blood as he rolled away on the ground.

He was still alive but was injured beyond repair. Mark then looked at the remaining soldiers who counted up to a hundred or one-hundred-fifty and said, " I'll give you a chance, surrender and obey us, and I will spare you, but if you don't surrender, I'll kill you."

After seeing that spectacle, they were full of fear, they didn't want to enrage Mark, they didn't want to offend this monster. He was able to beat up their leader and injured him beyond help in one hit, all of them then shouted together, "We surrender!!"

Mark then looked at them with our superiority, "If you dare disobey, I'll kill you, if you dare hurt any of the people here, I'll kill you, if the men here try to lewd the women among the survivors, I'll kill you, if any of the women here think that you can seduce me, I'll throw you sluts in the middle of thousands of zombies and let them enjoy you."

After hearing his words, the girls that were planning to seduce Mark shuddered in fear and were full of sweat. The men also shuddered in fear, they didn't dare try to lewd the women, they were afraid to be killed by this demon.

Mark then nodded as his blood-red eyes turned back into the normal color, he then said, "Good, come with me, we'll invade those bastards", the men and women who surrendered, including 2,3, and 4, who were part of the group that Feina was in.


"S-sir...", a man who was clothed and acted like a butler, so he must be a butler looked at the ugly dick-handed frog-headed bastard who was hitting his arm-chair, " FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! HOW COULD THEY HAVE LOST!? AHGGGHGGHHH FUUUUUCKKKK!!!!!!!!"

"Sir, calm down!", the butler tried to calm down the croaking frog chicken who then looked at him angrily, " SHUT THE FUCK UP!", he then threw a chair at the butler which the butler just caught. The butler then suddenly clicked his tongue as he turned into a shadow as he said to the boss, "Do you want the power to get what you want?"

The man then looked at the shadow with pure shock as he said, "W-what are you!?", the butler just responded calmly, " What am I, doesn't concern you, now tell me, do you want power?"

The man then looked at him as he said, "Yes! I want power! I want everything I want! women! power! strength! I want to be on top of the world!!", the shadow then stabbed the man as he said, "This is needed, I will give you power in one condition, kill this man", he then showed a picture as mists went inside the terrorist boss.


He then looked at the men and women whilst the girls were beside him. Jeanne was lying down on one bed as Ariel tended on her wounds. Earlier Mark was beside Jeanne on tears, He hugged her dearly whilst trying to hold back his tears which flowed down in his cheeks on its own. He was worried and depressed, he didn't want to see Jeanne in pain.

As he looked at the men and women he then said, "We have enough guns and bullet-proof vests for each of you, we will go to your base and raid it. Also, we must find Feina's sister. And if there are any other hostages there, we must get them out."

They just nodded and obeyed everything Mark said, they didn't want to die after all. "Alright, be ready we'll go there in T-minus two hours."

"Yes sir!", they then saluted and went down underground, they got ready and wore the bullet-proof vests. All of them were fully armed as the time passed by.

As time passed, Mark then went with the group that surrendered to them. Mark then looked at them and said, "Ride the vehicles you rode earlier, we will ride our one vehicles, alright, move out!"

They then went to their vehicles and Mark and his group with, Ariel, Thea, Silvia, Feina, Layla, and Liza went to their vehicle. He then shouted, "Let's go!"

But before they could leave, a large roar, a huge monster then jumped out up high and landed in front of them all, it held a girl on its hand tightly, the girl was struggling as she felt as if she was getting crushed. She screeched in pain as her eyes turned red, Feina who was sitting inside a vehicle shouted out, "SISTER!"

The creature then said loudly, "I'LL KILLLL YOU ALLLL!!!!!!!!"