
As a fist came upon the Mutant Zombie King's head, he heard a voice saying, "You're gonna pay", repeatedly.

It was thrown away by fifty meters as it looked at the thing that punched him. It was Mark. As he saw the person who punched him, he touched his face as his eyes were emitting confusion, shock, and fear. He then said, stuttering, " H-How are you alive!?"

Mark just looked at him as his blood-red eyes glared at him and the feeling of that gaze was like being pierced by thousands of blades. However, the Mutant Zombie King then clicked its tongue as it exclaimed, "YOU STINKING PIECE OF SHIT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!"

He then launched himself to Mark and punched him with all his force. Mark just stood and he slowly sent his fist forward just at the moment the Mutant Zombie King's fist arrived. What happened next truly shocked the Mutant Zombie King and the onlookers. It was thrown away. Mark didn't even exert force, yet that monster was knocked back with Mark's slowly moving fist.

The Mutant Zombie King who was knocked back was completely lying on the ground. Whilst laying down, he looked at Mark as he said, "How? How? HOW ARE YOU SO STRONG!? I EVEN GIVEN UP EVERYTHING JUST TO GET THIS GREAT POWER! YET! YET! HOW CAN YOU BEAT ME!? THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! IMPOSSIBLE! NO!"


In a place where zombies are everywhere, not a single thing can be found here except for zombies, well maybe you can see some building and a figure who had an angry face which twisted and twitched every time.

The figure then agitatedly tapped his foot as a shadow suddenly appeared before him. The shadow then said, "Master, it seems that the Evolved Mutant Zombie King wasn't able to kill—", before he could finish, the figure then agitatedly said, "I know!"

After clicking his tongue, the figure then, clearly irritated, said, "He's already at the semi-awakened stage, FUCK!", he then stomped his foot strong enough to create a crater on the ground. He then said, "Strengthen the Evolved Mutant Zombie King now!"

The shadow just bowed as he said lightly, "Yes Master!", the shadow then disappeared and left the figure who then lightly said, " @#$%&, I'm gonna have your head! I will see your demise! It's all your fault! I'M GONNA TAKE MY VENGEANCE!"


Clearly enraged, the Mutant Zombie King, no, actually, the Evolved Mutant Zombie King, stood up and aim its fist at Mark. But the results were the same. Feeling hopeless, the Mutant Zombie King then exclaimed, "WHY!?"

As its eyes glowed with rage, he was filled with hopelessness, well not that he deserves any sympathy. But as soon as it was gonna attack, a voice suddenly sounded in its head saying something that it clearly did not understand, "Suiu Quet Enracigius, Strethim Fol Ragis! Roeresita Enracigus Uipagraticus!"

It's eyes then started to turn white as if a ghost suddenly decided to possess it. Black miasma then spurted everywhere and went inside the Mutant Zombie King via his mouth and eyes. Glowing darker and darker, it then looked at Mark and said, "Triodray Yurui Deqiyad!"

With a jerk, it then stood up and attacked Mark without the slightest hint of fear. Mark suddenly felt a wave of danger and immediately sent out his fist and both of their fists collided as both of them were knocked back of the force.

Mark was sent through the cathedral creating a huge hole while the Mutant Zombie King was sent out towards the mountains nearby and made a hole that could probably frighten every person if it was not the apocalypse.

But both of them didn't give up. Mark then suddenly flew out of the cathedral like a bullet and the Mutant Zombie King was almost as fast. Everyone was shocked by this spectacle. Now, even those who've seen Mark in action was shocked.

Isabelle looked at what was happening and she couldn't even think if this was reality or not. She was filled with confusion, but not just her, even Marie thought that she was dreaming and her jaw dropped down so low that you could probably fit something big in her mouth ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

This simply was too unrealistic, it seemed as if this came out straight from the movies and was sent here on earth. The survivors who were looking couldn't believe their eyes and kept rubbing it and they kept pinching themselves, they felt pain so they realized this wasn't a dream which was too bizarre for them.

Elaine and Jeanne also couldn't believe their eyes. They turned to look at Ariel who wasn't a bit surprised and asked, "Why are you not shocked by this?"

Ariel just responded with a, "I've already seen it", and just looked back at Mark and the Mutant Zombie King and watched them fight seriously.

Lance who saw this was extremely confused, he then had one thought in his mind, 'It grew stronger again?', he knew it shouldn't have grown stronger. It really left him confused. It already grew stronger before but then grew stronger one more time, what's this? every time you fight you go stronger?

Silva and Thea just stared at Mark, they were shocked a little bit but they've already seen it. Whilst the almost average girl, Gabrielle, almost average, because her figure and appearance were incredible, was still shocked by this despite already seeing it, but this seemed to be much shocking than before.

Layla, Liza, Jane, Feina, and Feina's sister, just stood dumbfounded. Well, Feina's sister didn't stand cause she couldn't, she was carried by Feina. They couldn't believe their own eyes, which was a very normal reaction to this. This was not a movie nor was it a cartoon or anime. (A/N: Well, of course, it's a novel.)

Going back to Mark and the Mutant Zombie King, they kept punching each other and caused each other to be knocked back so far. Everything was very damaged. The Cathedral was very damaged, the hills we're very damaged, everything was damaged.

Mark seeing no one had the advantage just clicked his tongue, but then he realized that the Mutant Zombie King had its eyes closed, 'It's probably unconscious', Mark then smirked as he decided to win this fight with both brains and brawn.

Mark then started to speculate. He couldn't pierce it due to the durability and strength of its skin. His punches aren't working since they were just on par. How could he defeat it?

As Mark was thinking of a solution, he was just dodging the Mutant Zombie King. As he kept dodging, he then remembered that the Mutant Zombie King was slightly slower than him, he could take that as an advantage.

Quickly sprinting off to find a tool to use, Mark then found a crowbar and came back immediately before it would attack everyone else. Running off to throw a large rock that was probably a meter wide with both his hands, he aimed towards the Mutant Zombie King's face which caused it to turn around to Mark.

Mark then immediately run off to the other side and jumped towards the Mutant Zombie King. The Monster then realized this and tried to swat Mark with its hand whilst Mark was jumping towards its eye. Mark then thought, 'Just as planned!'

Getting swatted so hard was truly painful, but then it didn't really hurt Mark that much. Landing directly on its eye. Mark then tried to pry its eye open. After it got open enough to fit Mark's first perfectly, it then felt something itchy in its eye and tried to scratch it and swat it again.

Mark didn't waste time, since time is gold, and immediately punched it's eye so hard, that it was knocked out so far and its eye bled. Suddenly feeling stung by something, the Mutant Zombie King then finally woke up from its unconscious fighting and felt something hurt so bad on its eye and cursed, " What the fuck!?"

Its strength was getting zapped out from it. The pain on its eye was just too much. It felt as if its eye was already blown off. Well, it actually was, but the skin was too tough to make the crushed eye spew out.

It then couldn't help but lay down on the ground feeling pain all over. Its only weakness was either its eye, nose, mouth, and ear. Slowly going out unconscious, it then looked at Mark and said, " you!"

Mark then ran up to him and punched its other eye so hard that his arm was filled with brownish-yellow fluid. Mark then cursed loudly as he smelled the brownish-yellow fluid, which was probably zombie blood, "FUCK! this still smells like shit!"

After finishing the Mutant Zombie King, Mark was about to leave when he suddenly heard something that wasn't resembling other sounds. It was as if the wind was inside a barrel which was filled with water and laser beams with a long sounding gunshot. Mark then looked behind him and saw purple light coming and he only saw a glimpse of it as it slowly arrived at him. One thing he said though, "Shit."