Attacked (Slight R-18)

A whole day had passed, Mark and his group had stayed in the fortress city led by Irina for a whole a day. Mark laid down beside Isabelle and caressed her face, Isabelle was so exhausted due to their extremely passionate sex session, that she slept for a long time.

After a few more minutes, she woke up, and seeing the handsome face of Mark, she smiled happily and kissed his lips. After feeling Isabelle's soft lips, Mark then invaded her mouth with his tongue and their tongues entangled whilst their faces flushed. They then separated their lips and tongues from each other and sliver of saliva stuck to both their tongues.

Isabelle then looked at Mark with misty eyes as they hugged each other for a while. They then let go of each other and stood up. Isabelle was limping due to their sex session and it was hard for her to walk, Mark just laughed as he said, "Here, let me help you."

He then grabbed Isabelle's clothes. He let Isabelle wear her brassiere and top herself, but he was the one that made Isabelle wear her panties and pants. Because of this, Isabelle was embarrassed, causing a leak which ultimately enticed Mark himself. Unable to control himself he licked Isabelle's pussy causing her to moan. She then said whilst stuttering, "M-Mark, w-we h-have to g...o~! hrr~! ahhn~!!"

This made Mark hornier than he was. He then said, "Isabelle! I'm sorry!", he then pushed her down on the bed again and he trusted his dick inside her causing her to moan loudly, "M-Mark~! G-geez! A-ahhn~!", Mark then trusted his dick inside her faster than before making her roll her eyes backward and causing her to stick out her tongue due to pleasure.

Mark didn't stop, and he even made more moves by nibbling her tongue and pinching her nipples and clitoris. She then moaned loudly as she said, "Ahhn~! Ahhn~! Mark~! I'm! I'm~! I'm cumming~!!!!", he then trusted his dick one more time as he groaned and released his milk inside her once again.

He then removed his dick from inside her whilst she was orgasming causing his seed that he planted deep inside Isabelle to gush out. Isabelle then nibbled on her finger as she came a ton. After orgasming, she then hugged Mark with a smile, "Geez, I told you that we gotta go yet you continued."

Mark just laughed awkwardly as he smiled and said, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself", Isabelle just smiled as she said, "It's fine, now this time, I'll wear it myself", Isabelle then picked up her panties and wore it including her pants. Mark then helped her walk as they got out of the room.


Going out whilst helping Isabelle, Marie walked up to them and said, "Well you took an awful lot of time talking, well let's go, the food is ready", Mark and Isabelle nodded as they continued towards the plaza where the others are in right now. Mark then helped Isabelle sit down whilst Jeanne who saw this just sighed, 'Another lady, conquered.'

Marie then walked up to Mark and asked, "So what did you two talked about, and why did it take too long?", Mark then smiled as he said, "Isabelle just thanked me, that's it."

Marie then looked at Mark's face as she asked somewhat suspicious of Mark, "Is that really all? cause if it is, why did you take like twelve hours?", Mark clearly knew that Marie was having suspicions due to her tone, but he then said, "Well, we also talked about our families, friends, it was a nice chat."

Marie then crossed her arms as she turned around, she then muttered in her breath, but it was loud enough for Mark to hear, "Shii! such a liar, if I could just unsee what happened there!"

Mark then asked Marie, confused, "Unsee what happened, where?", Realizing that she spoke too loudly, Marie's face then turned beet-red as she immediately responded whilst stuttering, "N-nothing! it's nothing!", Mark then lightly responded, "Is that so? well, I'll go now."

As soon as Mark was far away, Marie held her body as her face flushed as she thought, 'Why do I keep following him!? Why am I so uncomfortable just by not seeing him? Gahh! Why do I want to touch him so badly!?"

Anna, on the sidelines, seeing her mom's flushed face and seeing her holding her body tight, her face then flushed. She then thought, 'So mom likes Mark, just like me. I want to be with Mark, but, I can't muster enough courage. I know that he'll probably neglect me, he has so many beautiful women by his side after all.'


On a place unknown, a figure was sitting on a throne-like chair, or maybe it was really throne. The figure then spoke, but some sort of voice manipulation was there which made it unclear if the figure was a woman or a man, "So Griego failed?", the man beside the figure then smiled as he looked towards it. The man then said, "Highness you know what to do, right?", the man then glared at the figure causing the figure to shudder in fear.

"Y-yeah", the figure stuttered whilst the man glared at it, the figure was clearly afraid of the man. It then shouted, "Eliada! come forth!", a beautiful woman with long white hair and goldish-hazel eyes with dragon-like horns and brownish skin then walked forwards. She had chains locked on her. Gritting her teeth she looked towards the so-called highness and the man, "What is it, your highness?"

The figure then said, whilst gritting its teeth, "I command you to kill our greatest threat, @#$%&, do not fail", hearing the name, the woman's, no, Eliada's face turned pale, as she thought, 'I can't kill the man whom I gave my whole heart and soul to! No matter what, I can never kill him, even if it means killing myself, but I have to warn him!'

She gritted her teeth as she kneeled whilst saying, "Yes, your highness, I will do it", she was then pulled by the guard who held the chains on her body and the guard removed the chains. They then stepped back as Eliada rubbed the parts whee the chains were too tight. She then bowed as she disappeared unto the night."

The man then looked towards the figure after Eliada disappeared and said, "Your highness, we must send the undead to where he is residing, we must injure him and let Eliada kill him immediately", feeling as if, it could the nothing about this, the figure just nodded whilst gritting its teeth, "Yeah- send them now", the man then smiled evilly as he looked towards the figure, "Good, you should always listen to me, your highness."


The people inside the fortress city were happily chatting with each other, talking about this and that whilst they were eating the feast that they had in celebration of defeating the Mutant Zombie Knight and Mutant Zombie Boss. Seeing them happily chat, Mark smiled widely, he was clearly happy of feeling a joyful atmosphere again.

Elaine, Jeanne, Ariel, Irina, and Isabelle were beside Mark and they happily talked with each other. The blonde woman who had defeated the Mutant Zombie Boss walked towards Mark and said lightly, "Hello Lieutenant Colonel Mark Creed."

Hearing someone calling him, he turned his head towards the blonde woman, and as if suddenly realizing who she was she exclaimed, "Ohhh! The best scout AND sniper in the army, Lucy Halton! I only saw you once, didn't expect to see you here!"

Lucy just laughed as she said, "You're more popular than me you know, the strongest sharpshooter, is what they called you", Mark then smiled as he said, "Really!? didn't expect that!"

Lucy and Mark happily chatted with each other, it was as if they were always on the same page, but that happy chatting ended as zombies suddenly bursted out of the ground. A soldier then shouted loudly, "W-what is that!?", their eyes narrowed, especially Mark's and Lance's, as they muttered in their breathe, "Mutant Zombie Kings."