Awakening Phase 2

As they heard the word, everybody trembled, they didn't understand it, but they felt chills all over their bodies. They then looked towards the spot wherein the voice came from and saw a beautiful woman that was flying in the air. They then were shocked, 'She can fucking fly!?'

The woman whom they saw then abruptly descended from the sky towards Mark and looked at him with a slightly pained expression. She then looked towards the man who did this with rage and shouted, "I will kill you, Alksov!"

Alksov then looked at the woman, no, Eliada, and laughed like a maniac, "Oh if it isn't Eliada! is the threat related to you in some way? Well, that would be better, since I can also kill this weak Dragonborn!", Eliad then gritted her teeth as she shouted towards Alksov, "Don't get cocky just because you have the Withered Flower! I'm still gonna kill you!"

Eliada then shifted her feet towards Alksov as she sprinted towards him. She then grew wings from her back and her speed accelerated. Alksov just laughed as he sent out his tentacles. Just as the tentacles were about to reach Eliada, she waved her hand and black colored scales suddenly appeared as she blocked off the tentacles that were coming for her.

This made Alksov frown as he angrily glared towards Eliada whilst saying, "Those fucking dragon scales, the only thing that I can't penetrate! SO FUCKING ANNOYING!", he then swiftly rotated his body as the tentacles surrounded him like armor. It then released a sound of metal clamping to each other and those tentacles indeed became his armor.

He then sent out a punch towards Eliada but it was seemingly slow so, Eliada just simply dodged it. Alksov eyes then had a glint of anger as his blood-red irises turned even redder as he swung his fist backward and suddenly, a part of his tentacle armor became a fucking scythe.

Eliada then felt danger coming from the weapon in Alksov's hands and tried to escape immediately, but Alksov, as if learning from his mistake, suddenly sped up, grazing Eliada's scales. Alkspov then smiled mockingly as he said, "hMM, I guess you can't take the attack power of the Withered Thorns, hehe, you're really weak, why was I so cautious earlier."

After saying that, Alksov then smirked evilly towards Eliada as he sped out from his position and as fast as a cheetah, swung his scythe at Eliada. Eliada who saw the scythe descending at her tried to dodge because she thought that this swing was slow, but then the swing suddenly got faster and faster.

Feeling danger descending upon her, Eliada then, with her sheer willpower made thick scales appeared at the spot where the scythe was descending to. Though this time it didn't wound her, she felt as if truck-kun rammed to her a hundred times causing her to vomit blood and was smashed on the ground.

The ground then cracked as Eliada was pushed deeper unto the found which caused her eyes to open wider than before since the pain was almost unbearable. (A/N: Fuck this made me remember that my phone cracked today) Alksov then laughed as he said loudly, "Finally, the wither effect has finally begun, you have a quite strong soul, Dragonborn."

He then laughed as he stomped on Eliada that was buried on the ground which made Eliada groan in pain, she wanted to do something, but she couldn't. Her body won't listen to her, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't even think straight due to the pain.

Alksov laughed, seemingly satisfied as he turned around whilst saying, "Now then, It's time for me to- huh? where is he!?", as he looked towards the place where Mark was, he was shocked to see that he wasn't there, he then tried to locate him, but then he couldn't feel his presence anywhere. He then thought, 'It's impossible to think straight, much lest move, it's impossible that he can just disappear!'


In a certain place, a white-haired girl looked towards the place in which she felt some strong presence fighting each other. She then murmured, "So that's how much strength the undead has gotten, I wonder how they did that."

Arizuare then suddenly appeared as she said, "They probably stole your research, Master", the white-haired girl then smiled bitterly as she said, "Hey, did you know I had a twin sister?", she asked Arizuare which made Arizuare get more shocked than confused.

"You have a twin sister!?", Arizuare then exclaimed in shock whilst the white-haired girl just laughed, "Yeah, only he and I know that I have a twin sister, but she turned into an undead a long time ago, I wonder how she's doing, she had probably observed Mark even one or two times by now."


In a certain desolate place where only zombies and undead roamed around, there was a white-haired girl with a monocle on her left eye, she had blood-red irises and a petite body. She as down on a throne-like seat as she placed her right leg on her left whilst her hand supported her face as she placed her elbow on the armrest. She then stared towards a certain direction with her lifeless eyes and she tightly gripped the book on her hand.


Just as Alksov was about to shout in frustration as he tried to find Mark, he suddenly felt someone's elbow locking his neck. He then lightly glanced towards his back and was shocked to see Mark holding his neck whilst glaring at him with his lifeless blood-red eyes.

"H-how!?", Alksov was shocked that Mark could move and he eve tightly held his neck, but Mark didn't even give an answer. Mark's blood-red eyes suddenly tuned icy-blue and ice suddenly started to form on Alksov's neck. Alksov, not willing to be frozen to death, suddenly flared up and some sort of rose that was completely black appeared on his hand ass the ice melted.

Alksov then looked at Mark seemingly frightened as he exclaimed, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU!?", Mark didn't answer, he didn't give him a reply, but he did reply with an uppercut which suddenly appeared before Alksov as Mark's eyes turned purple.

The force of the uppercut was so strong that it made Alksov fly up high in the sky, maybe a thousand meters high. This caused everyone to not only be shocked but also feel so inferior to Mark, especially Lucy who was even trying to compete with him.

Mark then also jumped up high catching up with Alksov who was flying up high with a shocked expression and Mark closed in on him and him so hard with his elbow then he completely descended on the ground in a single second. The ground then, like spider webs cracked as Alksov was buried ten meters below the ground which was worse than a corpse getting buried.

Mark then seemingly not finished with his attack suddenly turned into light-blue light as he descended from the sky to Alksov in a freaking split-second. "GAHH!|", this caused Alksov to vomit even more blood as he felt that his world was turning black. He was dying.

Mark then with a slice of his hand, severed Alksov's head as he stabbed Alksov's chest as he ripped off a completely black colored rose that was seemingly spewing out a dark mist. Mark then pressed it against his chest as he jumped out of the hole. As he arrived on the surface, feeling as if his whole body has been zapped, Mark's mind then blanked out as he collapsed unto the ground.


Standing on a building a man frowned as he looked at Alksov who dies, he then whispered on his breathe, "Our Queen, Alksov has died, how should we proceed", a voice of a girl then suddenly sounded out to him, "Proceed with the plan."

Hearing that order, the man just responded, "Yes your Majesty!"


Arizuare then feeling an extremely strong presence then smiled as she looked towards the white-haired girl, "It seems that he is on the second phase, and he's going on a frenzy again, and this time, it seems that he doesn't even have consciousness."

The white-haired girl just smiled s she said, "No, he is conscious, he's just acting like a beast because of the sudden power boost, but I know he'll be alright, he's the protagonist after all."

"What did you say?"
