Truth of the Mystery and The Forgotten Dragon Girl, sad

As they saw the shadow, they were filled with fear, a fear of not knowing what that thing was. Mark then walked near the window without fear as he gazed outside.

He then saw a shocking scene, it was one of the bodyguards of Nora. He saw the guard twitching whose gaze as if ready to eat a person, he stared at Mark.

The guard's head then continued to shake as he gritted his teeth, whilst his skin turned completely pale, no, not pale, it was bluish in color but also pale at the same time.

Lightning then struck the ground as flashing light illuminated the area for a split-second as the guard turned into a zombie completely. Wait... no, there was something weird. He could still control himself!?

Though that only lasted for a couple of seconds as the guard slopped to the ground and slowly ascended like a drunk bastard who wants to have a fistfight.

Mark then looked behind him and gazed at Nora's sharp eyes. After a while, the gaze turned into a glare as Mark's eyes then turned sharper and sharper as he said with a tone as if threatening Nora, "Tell us the truth."

Nora didn't mind the glare Mark gave as she just sighed as she slowly switched the places of her left leg and right leg and said, "I bet you already know about the Chronos Tempus right?"

Mark just nodded as Nora said that as she continued, "Good, this explanation will be faster then", She then looked at a maid and as if ordering something, she nodded as the maid walked away.

She then continued to speak, "Their explanation is probably wrong, so let me explain this thoroughly. Chronos Tempus actually has two kinds."

"The first kind is Chronos, which is the Greek of time, This only applies to 'humans'", she clearly emphasized the word humans causing Mark to arch his brow.

Just at that time, Nora's maid arrived and gave two cylinder-like things to Nora as she showed it to Mark, "This is the container of Chronos and this is the container of Chronos Tempus."

Seeing the arching brow of Mark, Nora still had a solemn expression as she said, "You might understand what I mean. The people who say that they have Chronos Tempus are not humans but ferociously strong kind of zombies."

"Then how do you have a container C

of Chronos Tempus?", Mark asked. Nora then looked at him and immediately answered, " This belongs to one of my guards who lost all his stored Chronos Tempus, so we had to kill him."

"Now, back to the topic, shall we?... Chronos are used to activate as you saw earlier, some kind of magic circle. I didn't even believe it myself when I first saw it", she said as she looked straight out of the window. She did not know though, that the people here are extremely proficient at magic.

"Chronos Tempus, however, gives zombies the power to regain their consciousness", with this revelation said, Mark and the group were shocked. They had not expected this.

"As I said, Chronos and Chronos Tempus are different, but only we have Chronos", Nora continued and Mark and the others gave Nora a questioning gaze.

"Yes, only we have Chronos since all of them are no longer human", this shocked them even more as Mark thought, 'So if they're not human, then that old man was also not human?'


Back in the city, the previous old man that Mark and the others talked to, walked along the streets not afraid of the zombies walking around. But the problem was, he was limping.

Slightly turning to an alley, he then kneeled as he vomited blood. His skin then started to rip off from his body and suddenly, his previous old face turned into a smooth and soft looking face of a woman!?

She had white hair with strands of red everywhere. She had pale blue-green eyes and pale skin with a slight blue tint. She had various stitches on her body and she had a tail that looked like it came from a demon.

The rest of the body then was removed from hers and showed that she wore a beautiful black whole-dress whilst she had a collar on her neck and a ring on her finger. She also had a bowtie on her head which made her rather look..... cute.

She then smiled bitterly as she lightly pecked the ring on her middle finger on her left hand as she said, " I'm sorry master, I failed you, now, I have to go against you, if only I had not died."

She then vomited blood again as she weakly said, "I only have a short time left. I'm sorry that I had to trap you in that house so you can't get out using the so-called Chronos."

"I still have to power up these Mutant Zombie Overlords, I just hope that I can find you again", she then muttered slightly as she fainted and was lying on the ground.


Back at the mansion, Mark then felt a faint breath over his ears. It seemed to call him. He then looked behind him through the window and pondered as Nora said, " Are you listening, Mark?"

"Oh! sorry, sorry, continue", Mark then said as he thought about the call, 'What was that? Why did I feel comfortable, feeling that, but I also feel uncomfortable?'

"That's all it basically is, I don't know any more details or who was the being who gave that, they're motives are also unclear, just why?", Nora then began to question herself as she looked at the group.

Mark then nodded as he said, "How about let's continue this natter tomorrow, anyway, where are the others?", Mark asked as he hadn't seen them in a while.

As if knowing that Mark would ask this, Nora then stood up as she said only one word, "Come", she then walked out of the living room and unto a wall!?

No.... it wasn't a wall! Nora then slightly pushed something on the flat wall, a door suddenly appeared. Nora then went inside and Mark and the others just followed without making a sound despite getting shocked and all.

As they went inside, there was one path that leads to a single room. They then walked towards the room and Nora then opened the door.

Inside then, the survivors happily talked with each other. Mark then walked inside then heard a loud shout, " Master!", it was Eliada.

Then Eliada then jumped to Mark and higher him tightly as she said, "I missed you, master, no.. my husband", as the girls heard that, veins suddenly bulged out of their heads.

Elaine then suddenly had her eyes glowing red as she held Eliada. She then said, "I am the first wife and will always be, so fuck off!", she then with a light glow of red on her hand threw Eliada on the wall which she was completely stuck in.

Mark and Lance then exclaimed, "Ability!", as soon as that ended, Elaine felt as if she cooled down as the other girls looked at her with fear. She then noticed and suddenly rambled nervously, " O-oh no! I-I-I-I lost my cool! who did I throw!?"

She then looked to Eliada and asked "Who's she?", then Silvia then pondered upon it, and with an expressionless face, she knocked her hand on her left palm and said, "I know! she's the dragon girl!"

"Ohh!", the girls then all simultaneously said as if they remembered. Charlotte then walked closer to Eliada and injected her with glowing liquid and completely healed her whilst Eliada then acted as of sobbing, " You're mean! huhuhu."

Mark then looked at Nora as he asked, "You're not shocked by this?", Nora just shook her head as she said, " I could believe that there are dragon people and abilities if there is a zombie apocalypse and a being saying that this thingy will protect you."

Mark then nodded and thought, 'Thinking the unexpected', as he said, "I see", then just before he could turn back towards the girls, Nora then spoke, " And besides, I have an ability too."

At that time Mark was intrigued, he then asked, "Ho, what is it?", then with a smirk on her face, Nora then looked towards Mark smugly as she said, "The ability to win every bet."