
"Hey! Hey! The walls are coming down!" The threads vibrated intensely with each strike on the surrounding material.

"Wait what? Senny dig through! We're escaping!" The cockroach began bouncing up and down while suspended once more.

"No! Senny! Alejandros! Don't go! We don't know how to get back yet!" The threads continued to hold them in place.

"What do you mean? We can get out right now! We can then get back!" The cockroach pushed off, moving forwards until it was flung back.

"Guys… the walls are breaking down! I don't think it's gonna be good if we let them capture us!" The insides of the rock began trembling.

"Relax you two. We're still a rock!" The worm lay there listlessly.

"Aren't they gonna break down all the rocks until they find us?" The cockroach slowed down to think.

"... I'm gonna get broken?" The insides twisted around in despair.

"There's a simple answer, we just run." The worm nonchalantly gave an answer.

"Yeah! Senny's right! We need to break free! Freeeeee!" The cockroach attempted to charge forwards until it was put back in its place.

"Ok, ok, we'll burst out the moment we can! Alejandros, you can carry Senny under you with half of your legs, haven't you been practicing that so you can be lazier? I'll strap myself to your shell!" The threads and rock like layer retracted to reform and wrap around the shell like a backpack. "Guys it's about to break! Brace yourselves!"

"Whooo! This is gonna be my first time to travel this fast! No energy used either!" The worm let its body drag along the floor.

"I'm gonna… sit by and prepare myself for nausea…" The phallic object swayed back and forth and fell flaccid.

"Let's gooo!" The cockroach who ran forward while dragging the worm and running awkwardly crashed into a wall. "Ahhh ow! Why's this wall here! We! Just! Need! To! Go around!"

"Hey, Alexandros! What's happening!" The worm, which had its body jerked around wildly several times, started resisting the movement.

"I don't know! We're trapped!" The cockroach frantically continued to run around.

"Wait, Alejandros! Slow down so he can see! He's too sick to do anything right now!" The worm finally convinced the cockroach to stop moving.

"Whaaa? Did we make it out?" The phallic object gently waved about in the non existent wind.

"No! How do we get out!" The cockroach continued to tap its feet while shaking the worm up and down.

"Huh? Looks like we're in a box! We're stuck! Reee!" The phallic object stood erect.


"Hah boss look at these bugs! Just like the moles over there!"

"He looks like that bug can't keep that going on forever!"

"What? How are there three! A centipede, a cockroach, and a parasite? Boss, you said the sensors only showed two right?"

"I'm guessing that parasite has no bone structure so we didn't get it. Also, what is that interaction between the cockroach and the centipede?"

"Yeah, why's it carrying it? Is it perhaps prey? Is it dead?"

"Looks pretty still to me. Luckily when we presented this to the investors all they expected was the cockroach. I guess they really want to be as unkillable as the cockroach!"

"I mean, we can probably throw the worm out anyways, we already got so many samples."

"But this worm is unique! What if we throw away our only possibility to clean up radioactive waste!"

"Maybe… But for now, we need to separate them! How do we do that?"

"Well, we definitely can't separate the parasite from its host now."

"We probably can grab the corpse though!"

"I'm on it!"

"Wait huh? It's alive and biting!"

"The nanobots got it!"

"Ok now let's separate them and take samples."


"Senny! Come back! Nooo!" The cockroach jumped and ran about.

"Alejandros! calm down! We'll get him when we break out!" The phallic object began to faint.

"What do you mean break out! How do we even break out!" The cockroach finally slowed down to have a thought.

"I don't know yet! Look we need to make a plan, or else we're gonna be just like earlier, running around and not know where to go!" The phallic object erected itself once again.

"Yeah, but what if we're trapped in that cage forever!" The cockroach turned to stare at the material that flowed in.

"Well… erm… then they can't get to us, right? What makes you ask that?" The phallic object was still oblivious to its surroundings.

"Because I see a bunch coming towards us right now!" The cockroach jumped up in fright.

"I really hope they're not coming to separate us… I should be viewed as a parasite right now so separating me from you would kill me. Let's hope they're just moving us around right now." The phallic object was too intrigued to care about the perilous situation it was in.

"Ahhh! They've encased us! What if we can't breathe! Why is this like me rolling around in that can! This isn't fun! Ahhh!" The cockroach began rolling around while it was encased in a sphere.

"Can… You… Stop… Moving? I'm sorta… Nauseous again…" The phallic object was only still upright since it was entirely encased in the material.

"Will that stop us from rolling?" The cockroach continued to roll.

"I don't know but I want to try!" The phallic object was desperate to be erect once more.

"Hey! I'm going backward and upside down! Woah are you sure this is better?" The cockroach began questioning everything.

"It's not any different for me, but I think it's slowing down!" The phallic object grew slightly stiffer.

"Is it? Ah! I sure felt that slowing down! What was that jolt!" The cockroach continued to panic from being trapped.

"Maybe we bumped against the other side of the cage?" A nearly invisible thread gingerly poked out to observe the wall.

"Hey! It's letting loose! Where are we!? Some sort of clear plastic container? This isn't looking so good!" The cockroach waved its legs around in the air while the rest of its body was still stuck on its shell. However, the material only let go of its legs and not the body, still restraining it. "Wait what's that up there! Is it gonna kill us!?"

"It's probably to feed us? Wait ahhh! No! Run from it! It's coming to kill us!" The phallic object was squashed underneath by the cockroach.

"I can't seem to! It's too fast! Ahhh! I'm hurt! I've been stabbed!" The cockroach's belly, which was exposed to the air, was pierced by a long and thin needle.

"Relax! Relax! It's part of your belly which will regrow quickly! Just let it do its thing!" The phallic object was still being squished underneath in pulses as the cockroach rolled back and forth, bringing the non existent pain in waves.

The cockroach finally lay still which resulted in a dull non existent pain. "Huh? The moment I stop moving it also stops!"

"Hah! The humans must think you're dying! Haha! We've tricked it!" The phallic object attempted to erect itself in joy but was pushed down.

"Will this work the next time?" The cockroach stared at the non existent sky.

"Probably, but we've gotta keep up the act!" The threads clamped on tighter to the cockroach.

"Wait it's coming down again! What did you say about it thinking we were almost dead?" The cockroach began wriggling around again.

The needle coming down seemed to avoid the cockroach but instead targeted the phallic object on its back. "Wait! It seems to be targeting me! I need some of your blood! I also need to move my core next to you! Ahhh! That was close!"

"So it's targeting both of us?" The cockroach stopped rocking back and forth in relief.

"They must really think I'm a parasite! Hah! We're tricking the humans so much!" The reserve of threads was pierced by the needle, but the blood from the cockroach flowed into the needle instead.

"When are they going to feed us!" The cockroach felt that after such a long and eventful day, it was hungry. It was still morning…

"Wait! We can also trick them into feeding us more! Just slowly slow down like you're starving! We've gotta take this scam slowly!" The parasite like phallic object stood erect in joy of its dastardly plan.

"Wait! Be quiet! I can hear the sounds of Senny's shell!" The clinking sounds could barely be heard off in the distance by the cockroach.

"Hah! I wonder how they're getting blood out of him!" The parasite grew even more amused at the thought of the worm's shell being cracked open and blood being drawn.

"The moles too! I wonder how many of them are there here!" The cockroach opened its mind to take in account everyone's sufferings.

"But wait! How do we get out?" The parasite realized their own suffering first.

"I can't see, the walls are too slippery for me to climb." The cockroach stuck its leg at the plastic wall to find nothing.

"Can you jump?" The parasite continued to worry about their situation.

"Probably not, I wasn't made for jumping remember? And I have you stuck on my back!" The cockroach weakly lifted itself off the floor to make a point.


"Hey, what do we feed them?"

"I dunno, what normally goes in a dump, and what didn't we see?"

"That radioactive waste for one, the percentage of class-12 plastic is also lower compared to the rest of the plastics we found."

"Yeah well, dump both of those in small amounts and see which one they like."

"If they don't like to eat anything, then we'll let them starve and dissect them."

"Won't their bodies be damaged if they're starved though?"

"We don't know if they like to store their foods and not eat them for long periods of time, that's why."

"Hey, why don't we begin dissecting one of those moles over there? I mean, we have so many!"

"Sounds good to me, there are plenty more at dumpsite 19 so we can always get more!"