Monotonous Life

"Ah, what's the point of guarding this bag of trash! Who would want to even steal this!"

"Just remember, this could be condensed into a dirty bomb!"

"As if! How expensive is that process huh? The chemicals that are need to make this cost an arm and a leg! I'm sure the feds would be on you in minutes to purchasing all that!"

'Eh… no point in making a dirty bomb these days, just cut the power lines and the city would fall into pandemonium soon enough."

"You're forgetting the hydra-like powerlines! You cut one and you'll be spending hours to find the next two!"

"Darn power stations, pumping out tonnes of this…"

"Hah! Be thankful for the job! Pays pretty well, Nobody wants this garbage anyway. You hear about the research lab trying to get this stuff?"

"Hah! Energy can't be created or destroyed remember? Makes me wonder if they're trying to build some fuel cell!"

"Hah more like trying to make a bomb! They can get so much juice just from the powerlines!"

"Ah well, they can remain stupid and sinking money into whatever they're doing!"

"You worried about the radiation though?"

"Nah, I got so many tumors that another one wouldn't do a thing. I mean, just look at these bumps!"

"Hah! You think those are tumors? Those are just your warts!"

"Hah! My warts contain energy! How else do you think I power myself!"

"As if! You showed me the doctor's examination! Just some abnormal concentrations of some random triglycerides! Barely worth anything! That ring around your belly is where that energy really is!"

"They really do store energy! You heard about what they do in that research lab though? They got some real weird animals! Heard one could take on a soldier in an exo!"

"That's impossible! The soldier would just shoot it down!"

"Ah well, what do we know, maybe it could sneak up and ambush him"

"Look, I've looked at what one of those packs and boy was I surprised! Short of a natural disaster, nothing can kill it! It's got a thermal camera to see ambushes! Got a computer in there too to prevent any human error!"

"That animal must be real special to be able to fight one on them."

"Ah must've been just some researchers bloating their results!"

"But hows this radioactive sludge relate to those animals! Everybody knows once the sludge gets dumped in a piece of land nothing around it survives!"

"You heard about those birds flying over those junkyards though?"

"Ah the rumored birds! Face it! Nothing survives! It's scientifically not possible! The radiation just breaks down their DNA!"

"Ah well, you think the researchers there are trying to cause mutations?"

"Eh, who knows what they're gonna do. Who even knows what they do!"


"Routine check on the animals?"

"Sure, sounds about time, those two are too busy researching those three types of animals that were captured."

"What's so special about them anyways?"

"They survive in high amounts of radiation!"

"Eh, they should get back to researching how to better engineer viruses to inject DNA of Sample-017999, imagine if we managed to make a formula that allowed them to be as strong as that!"

"It's too dangerous to take out for constant samples! It rarely sleeps too! Feeding it is a pain! What use is it!"

"Well I heard we got another beast locked up in the electro chambers!"

"What happened?"

"Eh the beast just couldn't be handled by the normal stuff so they put it in the cage. Nothing too special."

"Who gave it to us? We haven't gotten any recent shipments have we?"

"Who knows, hey, help me open this airlock will you? It's a bit too heavy for one person remember?"

"Hah still as weak as ever!"

"Hey! I'm the smart one remember? More brains than brawn!"

"Sure thing man, but loading in all this meat sure does you wonder where it goes."

"I dunno, that beast needs someway to keep itself alive."

"How about that mole though? What does that eat? Giant worms?"

"Hah! Should we try feeding it sample-5044057?"

"Which one is that again? Darn random numbering…"

"What do you mean random numbering? It makes perfect sense!"

"Yeah? Look at it! The first three digits are the sample number, nothing special there except nobody knows what we're talking about other than us! Totally random!"

"What about the other three digits! You forget what they are?"

"Whatever, just random numbers!"

"Hah! Random numbers? They measure how strong they are compared to an exo!"

"How can you even measure how strong they are with a number! It just doesn't make sense!"

"The first of the three digits means how strong they are, second digit measures how fast, and third digit measures how tough they are. You sure it's still random?"

"And what are you measuring with huh? Random numbers?"

"Of course it's relative to an exo! 1 means human strength and that goes up until you hit 9 which is as strong as an exo!"

"And what's in between huh? Random numbers? What's 0 huh?"

"It's just a normal progression within! 0 is absolutely helpless! You didn't know?"

"Ah whatever, I don't need to remember some random numbers some bureaucrat thought up of! Using an exo as a unit of measurement? Hah! Why not using kilograms of force!"

"Stupid people can't read numbers! They can understand that however, but it seems like you can't even understand numbers meant for stupid people!"

"Ah whatever, just know that you'll need my help whenever you're opening these hatches."

"You want to lift all this meat up too? Maybe a bit too heavy for me…"

"Hah! I guess I have to help you then! Too weak!"

"Whatever, you'll still just be my helper! The salary guy cares about who's the brains! Not the muscle!"

"Hey! I'm indispensable! Look at you can't do that I can!"

"As if! You can be replaced! I can't! You think smart people like me are lining up and begging for this job?"

"As if! If you were smart you wouldn't be here! At least I fit in!"

"Ah whatever, lets feed sample-458521"

"You finally remember the numbers?"

"Nah, just that they're printed nice and large on the side of this cage."