Declaring Life

"Faster Cain! Faster! We need to get out of here as quick as we can! You're eating too slowly!"

"Why do we need to eat faster? I'm fine! Don't you love lazy people?"

"I love greedy people as well and you're not being greedy enough!'

"What's happened to you? You were so happy just then!"

"I'm Satan! I can change my mood whenever I want! Now hurry up and eat!"

"Ok, ok, fine! But you think I enjoy this taste!? No! The taste is absolutely revolting! The saltiness of this makes it almost bitter! The flesh wraps around and tickles your mouth! It's simply a revolting feeling! You want me to eat that faster? Have you ever felt that?"

"Ah, deal with it, I've eaten worse things…"

"But you're Satan! What do devils even eat! Do they even eat?"

"I eat the flesh and soul of my enemies! In battle, I tear myself into the enemy! I taste their flesh as my jaws tear out their flesh! I revel in the looks on their faces as they're about to die. I take joy in the despair in their hearts! And when they finally die, expecting to go to heaven, I snatch! Their souls! One final look of despair! So, does that answer your question?"

"I - I s-sup-pose s-so - o"

"Great, now turn back and keep on eating…Hehehe… By the way… Why don't you try eating like me huh? Tear into the flesh of the children!"

"I'm uh, fine with just eating them. So, I guess I'll just eat them? I mean, it is the fastest way to eat them right? No fanciful ceremony to kill them all. So it should be fine right?"

"Yeah sure, whatever, I don't care, kill them however you like! Some more blood misting about would be a better show though!"

"Uh… I'll settle for not doing that I think…"


Electricity is a form of energy, it takes many steps and undergoes many changes in order to be used. Along the way, the transformation into other forms of energy ends up losing energy. The biological systems of life were never designed to endure rapid conversions, yet life still finds a way. The dumpsites provide a unique habitat where specific adaptations where creatures continually and rapidly evolve to better suit the environment. The rapid rate of evolution may be attributed to the abundant amount of energy and thus more mutations are produced. We still do not have an explanation for how sample-458521 managed to grow so rapidly. End of log.


"Alright! Everybody! Settle down!"

"We all know there is a cause for why we are here. It's a grave one, I'm not gonna lie. Ahhh..., so how do I say this…"

"We've taken a large loss, especially in manpower. Each and every one of you have probably noticed that. We've all been working nonstop. And although I'm sure we'd all love to stop, that's simply not possible. We all need to work hard for the queen and the bible. The queen is not entirely at fault."

"The council, for the benefit of all of us, had decided to minimize the number of workers and soldiers, but maximize the number of scavengers. This benefits us the most as we can no longer expand, but maximizes the average strength per mole."

"But now we've suffered a great loss. It is no longer possible for us to simply build up our strength in peace. We've been discovered and captured."

"I know everybody but the scavengers have only experienced the safety of the nest. But that safety has been compromised."

"We have two choices, to move or to stay behind. I'm sure many of you want to fight back, but that is a futile attempt. So many of us have been captured already. Those were the most fit workers that were captured. What's left behind of us are a skeleton crew of guards, a minimal amount of workers, and scavengers."

"Taking in our current situation, the council has decided to move on. Yes. We're leaving behind your work. Your parents work. Everybody's work. But we have no choice. We are not able to fight back."

"But fear not! That is only the present! We will have our revenge one day! We declare total war against the humans for this act!"

"We may not be able to fight them head-on. We may not be able to see them at all. We may not even directly kill one. But we will make them fear us! For we shall shake their very foundation! Our colony will span over their entire territory and more! We will avenge those fallen moles!"

"So how do we do this? Well it all began with a journey. Our scavengers have journeyed long and far, searching for the end of this dumpsite! And they found it!"

"What have we found? We found our future! There's are tunnels! There's everything we want down there! Do they dump toxic sludge down there? Yes! Do they throw random plastics around? Yes! And it all flows through one place we've explored!"

"My fellow moles, we really only have one option and that is to infiltrate the humans!"

"So! Are you in!"

--Inner Nest--

"Have you, announced the journey?"

"Yes Your Highness, we have announced the journey."

"And the fake council?"

"We only mentioned it in passing, we hope to slowly integrate this into their lives. It may be a concern if we move and none of the councilmen actually exist though."

"Get some of the more trusted moles to pretend to be councilmen then."

"Well, that could work, but there's always a risk of being recognized! It's better if you give birth to several moles."

"I suppose I will have to…"

"And besides, that, uh, how are we going to move you?"

"What do you mean move me? I can move myself perfectly fine!"

"Well, I mean, with that giant thing… I assumed you couldn't."

"And you would be right in assuming that, except that I don't need to stay in this form!"


"Have you ever heard of perhaps, scavengers being able to regenerate themselves from a leftover limb?"

"I mean, sure! But I don't exactly see how you could!"

"It's simple, although nobody would think of it! I just cut off the back and recycle it! Easy!"

"I uh, I never expect that now so uh, do you want some peace while you go do that?"

"Sure, I won't hold you here any longer, I assume you have other duties right?"

"I shall see myself out then Your Highness."