What is my purpose

"What is the purpose of life...There's no apparent reason why we're here. We were born simply because of a coincidence. A series of coincidences."

"What do we do though?"

"We've always concentrated everything, from power to resources. We strip the power away from the masses so that one may have all the power. We strip the resources from the surrounding land so that we may have all the resources to enjoy."

"Our goal as life is to resist total entropy."

"For even god wishes to concentrate all the sins on himself, thus proving he is living. He may delegate his power to others to produce miracles, but that will only cause more sins to be concentrated on him."

"No wait… We've only proved that life resists total entropy… Not that all beings who resist total entropy is living…"

"Ah well, whatever, found my purpose."

"Wait a second. How do I even do all that?"

"I know! I know! I just have to devour everything! One day I'll devour the sun and the stars! Then I'll devour the skies and space itself! And finally, I'll devour god!"

And so the birth of the all devouring mole began by devouring the plastic around it.

--Tunnels, south junction--

The queen, now alone, had no one to take care of her. The mangled flesh behind her which was still slightly pink unlike the thick white skin that covered the rest of her body began to swell an alarmingly quick rate, quickly matching the size it was in the colony before. A small ball of pale, sickly white fat rolled out rolled out with spindly arms and legs sticking out by the side. A corresponding amount of flesh from the queen was also lost, but the ball of fat began to thicken its limbs at a rate visible to the eyes. Within seconds, the fat had receded, the limbs exposed themselves, and muscle grown around its entire body.

The ball of flesh now became the first member of the new colony and now it began pulling pieces of plastic out of the damp piles full of yellowed fat and tissue. The pieces of plastic were brought to the queen to go down its mouth and never be seen again.


While the queen was giving birth, other moles were preparing to do the same. The pheromones drifted along the tunnels, a breath of fresh air to the moles who had been smelling the trash the humans made. The air around the plastic, although dry and unforgiving, had never been like this. But they resisted it to survive.

--Northern sector, level 1, hallway 1, room 9--

"So ya wanna join us Reavers now do you? What's your name anyways? Whatcha want from us?"

"Uh yeah, I'd like to join you, name's Leonard, and uh I suppose I just wanna rise to the top here."

"Hah! You guys hear him?" A bellow of laughters rang around the room as there was one figure left standing in the doorway unmoving amidst the several men standing around in the room.

"So am I in?"

"Sure, yea problem!"

"So what do I do?"

"Why don'tcha get yourself settled in for now, get yourself a room, evict someone if ya need to… Oh yeah, by the way, anybody recommend you here?"

"Nah, came here myself."

"Alright then, watch yourself! We'll call ya when we need to!"

--Northern Sector, level 1, hallway 1--

"So mister guide, what are we doing here just standing around?"

"We waitin' for new fish o'course. Whatchya thinkin' this job 's? No'one need a guide aft' they stayin' 'ere a while."

"Oh? How many people come here then?"

"Nothin' much. Most of 'em are gov'nant work's 'ho come 'here ta pla'."

"And those people are the ones who we make money off of right?"

"Nah, we standin' at te wron' gate fo' that."

"Oh? Why aren't we there then?"

"Dunno, if ya wan'a die sure, be my guest."

"What does that mean?"

"Them rich bloke sure love bringin' their own peeps in 'ere. If ya ain't carefu' ya die. Ain't gon' know what happen ta ya. Head go flyin' right off."

"Those people bring in body guards? How are they allowed to do that? I'd understand if they just snuck in by themselves but that's entirely different!"

"Well ya see, it ain't jus that simple. Ain't just fo'r gates fo' nort' eas' sout' wes' bu five."

"Oh? Where's the fifth one?"

"Eh, at the corn' o' nort'wes'. The corn' o' the gov'nant builds ya see."

The two flanks both sides of the door, waiting to ambush any new member who joined. The juices from the fruit they had stolen before made their hands sticky and unbearable, but they couldn't afford to leave the door unattended for even a second.

--Vice captain's room--

A large rattling came from the door. "Captain wants to meet you all! Get up!" The rattling could be heard from the door of the room next to them as well.

"Man, what's she up to now?"

"Ain't nothing good I can tell you that already."

"Heh why don't you give her a chance? Good chance she'll give ya bonuses."

"Alright boys, let's go… Not like there's anything else to do anyways."

The six men began walking down the hallway into a wide open room.

Dozens of chairs lay neatly forming a perfect semi circle around the microphone on its stand. Behind the microphone stood two figures where one was right behind the microphone and the other diagonal to the first.

The men slowly filed in, filling all the chairs completely.

"Hello I'm Olivia. Olivia Avilo I know I haven't introduced myself properly yet, but here's my introduction."

"I hope you won't discriminate against me for what I'm about to say but I know some of you might."

"I'm the daughter of a relatively well off official. Yeah. I'm the second daughter and sixth child though, if that makes it better."

"I'm here to prove myself to everyone, to my father, to my siblings, and most of all, you. I know you all probably don't believe in my skills but I did help out in planning the frontline positions."

"I believe that I am fully capable of leading you all in whatever challenges we may face in the future. To hell and back they say."

"I know that it's hard having a new captain, which is why I've prepared a gift for you all from my father. We'll be having brand new gear, imported from another city state for you all. I hope you'll accept this gift and with that, my appointance as captain."

"For the foreseeable future, I will do my upmost to accomplish our duty as police officers and to protect you all…"

--Northern sector, underground level 1, derivative 5, hall 3, room 14--

"Why's it so long?"