I'm Alexi Nicole Marie Bloode, and this is the story of how my life began to change and how I learned to become who I was destined to truly be.
I really was a normal person, well to my family I was. Come to think of it, we all were normal to each other. Keeping our identities a secret from the world, I never once knew what it was like to leave my home. Out in the country, and far away from civilization, my family and I lived in a place called Liberty. Everyone has always asked where its located. Frankly, why bother asking, if you've never heard of it?
It was early in the morning, and I was training with my father for some hand to hand combat. He always thought it would be great for me to learn. Plus, being a werewolf, it kept us all pretty fit. Yes, we are werewolves but not like those that actually turn into huge wolves. We are more human-looking. Huge, with claws and fangs that could rip you apart in a second. That is how the rest of the pack is built anyway, but I have not shifted yet, and I won't until the night of my eighteenth birthday. I cannot wait to meet my inner wolf!
Catching me staring off into the distance, my father swiped my legs out from underneath me. Landing on my behind, I groaned in pain, "Always know your surroundings and never stare off into space Alexi." my father snapped as he looked at me. He was very ruthless when it came to training, but it couldn't be helped, he is the Alpha of course. As his daughter, I should know better, "Yes sir sorry sir." I apologized to him as I began to stand up. Rubbing my rear, I watched his every move after that point. "We're done for the morning anyway. You'll get to train with the pack later this evening." my father said. "But we'll see how it goes." he added cautiously, watching my face brighten up. "R...Really?" I asked as I looked up at him. "Oh thank you dad!" I squealed as I quickly ran off without giving him time to speak. This was something I had been waiting for since my sixteenth birthday.
Rounding the corner of the house, I smacked hard into another body. Both of us falling to the ground, I looked up slowly as I groaned in pain. It was Hazel, my best friend and right hand woman. "Haze!" I said with excitement in my voice. Noticing this, she looked at me and asked "What?" I couldn't help but giggle. "Dad finally let me out with the pack tonight! We get to work together tonight." I told her, my excitement getting the better of me.
"Finally! My dad's gonna be on his toes tonight then. First hunt with the pack, hopefully you can keep up." Hazel teased as she gently pushed my shoulder. She had been working with the pack since she was sixteen. Her father was the beta of our pack. "Hey, we're both the same age. You just happen to be a few hours older than me." I pouted as I turned away from her. "And it's not like I have done this before like you." I threw that back at her, though not trying to be rude. She did strike a nerve though, and recently I had been super moody.
"Hey, don't get bitchy with me." she said with a frown as she stood up. Crossing her arms, she looked down to me with soft eyes. Her frown was clearly evident, she didn't like the way I spoke at that moment. "Sorry Haze, it's just....I've never done this. I'm excited and nervous." I told her as I rubbed the back of my neck. As she held out a hand to me, I grabbed it. Seventeen, and finally I was able to be trusted to work with the pack. "I know, it's kinda nerve wracking but we'll all be there with you." Hazel said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. Looking into my eyes, she pulled me into a hug. She always had this way with words, and being my best friend, it helped a lot more than she would ever know. "Thanks, Haze. Now let's go find my mom." I said, as I began to head for the front door of the house.
As we walked towards the front door, about eight steps stood in front of us. Walking up the steps and towards the front door, I smiled. It was a lovely large oak wood door, painted in cherry red, my mother's favorite color. On the outside of the door, in handcrafted iron, two wolves seemed to be howling at the circular window above representing the moon. Grabbing the gold plated doorknob, I pushed the door open.
Walking into the house, I could already hear my mother calling out orders. Walking over towards her, I smiled softly and wrapped my arms around her waist hugging her gently. She jumped slight;y, then looked over her shoulder, her eyes wide with surprise. "Alexi, my darling." she spoke with relief as she wrapped an arm around me. "I heard your father released you to the pack tonight. Please be careful. And always stay close to one of the members of the pack. I'd kill any of them if they got you hurt." she said with a growl. A few of the other pack members nearby put their heads down a little. My mother was very protective over me, I was her only child.
"I'll be okay mom. But thank you for worrying." I said, then planted a light loving kiss on her cheek. "Hazel and I are going to go get ready. I want to find the perfect outfit to wear." I told her as I looked over to Hazel. I was worried about the night, but I was more excited about any possible outcome. "Oh darling, you don't need anything specific to wear for tonight. Just something to get dirty in." my mother told me as she watched us quietly. I know she only said that, because she didn't want me to ruin any good clothes I had. "Anyways, you girls have fun. We will call you when the hunt is about to begin." she spoke lightly as she turned to the other pack members still standing there. Noticing that she gave me a hint to the plans tonight, I smiled brightly.
Justin, one of the new members my father took in from the Winter Moon Pack, was staring at me intently. Something about him seemed....alluring. All I knew was, he was HOT as hell. Nobody really knew the reason why he was here, and it didn't appear that he would tell anyone. He had dark brown eyes that seemed to burn a hole into my heart. His hair was a golden brown that accented his light tan skin tone. And his body, oh moon goddess, his body, he was definitely blessed with a perfect body. Hazel caught me staring, but I didn't seem to notice. Pulling my arm, as she headed for the stairs, she sighed.
"Enough looking Lex. Justin's not that hot anyway. Plus, you gotta stay pure for the Lunar Ceremony next year. It's a part of the ancient text for us females." Hazel said as she snapped around and looked me in the eyes. She was serious, and normally serious isn't her strong suit. "Serious Haze huh?" I asked as I looked away from her. I really didn't want her to see how I felt, and I couldn't even help it, he just had this pull to him. "Don't worry, I'll promise to stay as pure as I can." I added, though crossing my fingers behind my back. "Good, now let's go find something for you to wear tonight." she said with a nod. Turning on her heels, she quickly moved up the stairs. I followed right behind her, once again getting excited about tonight's events.
"Girls!" my mother's voice called from the bottom of the stairs, "Hunt time!" she called for us. Looking at Hazel, I nodded and looked at myself in the mirror. An old pair of blue jeans, a black tank top, and a pair of running shoes. Looking at my long curly red hair, I sighed and pulled it back into a messy bun. Turning around, I finally smiled and pulled the door open to my room. Hazel and I left my room and headed down the stairs, my parents were waiting for me at the bottom.
My mother was smiling, and as for my father, he looked nervous. I shook my head, then walked over to them giving them both a big hug. "Be safe darling." my mother spoke lightly, as she planted a kiss on my left temple. Rubbing my back, she gave a gentle squeeze as well. "Stay close to Maverick." my father said sternly, then looked directly at Maverick. He was also protective over me, but not as much as my mother was.
As if recognizing a command, Maverick nodded without any words needed. He looked at us all and turned around. He was a man of very little words though Hazel tells me differently, as she is his daughter. He then headed towards the front door, and said "Alright pack, pair up. Alexi you'll stick close to Justin and I. Hazel, keep your eyes out for Alexi if she gets too far from me." He then opened the door and took off in a full sprint towards the woods with the rest of the hunting party following close behind.
As Maverick established a mind link with the rest of the pack, he looked back to me, "Alexi?" he questioned as I kept pace with him. "Sir?" I asked with a quick look to my left at him, slightly nervous about what he was going to ask next. "Still haven't figured out the mind link?" he asked blatantly, right in front of the pack. As my face turned a deep shade of red, I looked to the ground, "Ah, n...no sir I haven't. The easiest tasks seem to be the most difficult for me." I told him, still looking down at the ground. "Not to worry. Just stay close." he spoke sternly, then started to slow his run down. He was the beta for a reason, but I couldn't tell if he was being rude or if it was just his nature.
Putting a fist in the air, it signaled for the rest of us to stop in our tracks. As the wind blew a little to the west, and up wind, Maverick seemed to be trying to locate a target. But my senses were stronger. At an early age, my father trained me to be a tracker, and that's what I was. Through the wind, I could catch a few scents.
"Sir?" I asked very quietly, hoping he would let me speak up. "Alexi?" Maverick replied as he looked at me hesitantly. This was my first time working with the pack, so I could understand why he was hesitant. "I'm catching the scent of a few elk nearby, but there's also a bear in the area. We should be careful of the southwest area." I spoke even quieter than the last time, still worried about the mind link, as well as him not taking my recommendation into consideration.
"Good call out. I'll alert the pack. Go ahead and see if you can find the trail." Maverick told me, then turned to the others to come near. "Alexi, where does the trail lead?" he asked. As I was examining the ground, Maverick grew impatient with me having asked his question multiple times. "It looks like they are headed to the lake about a mile west of here, sir." I called out, as I began to follow after the trail, accidentally leaving the others behind. Hazel took off after me, and soon the pack was following as well. For some reason, my instincts sort of kicked in. I couldn't help it, but I wanted to make my father proud today.
As we approached the lake, my call was right. There were a few elk grazing about six hundred yards from us. I wanted to attack, but Maverick placed his hand on my shoulder shaking his head. Kneeling down, he looked at me again, "The pack is going to set a perimeter. You'll strike first, make sure it's a killing blow." He spoke in a whisper as he watched the others get into their places. As everyone started to get around the targets, I grew nervous. Once the perimeter was set, Maverick patted my back, "Go for the one closest to you. Stay out of sight." he whispered then found a spot to supervise.
Nodding, I slowly began to sneak up towards the two elk. The scent of the bear I was worried about had grown heavier since we had been sitting here. Pushing that thought away, I was more worried about killing my first elk. Inching forward, I would stop about every hundred feet until I got about one hundred feet out. Ready to attack, I stopped dead in my tracks. Something huge began to shadow the light around me. Slowly turning my head, it was as I expected. That damn bear! Without hesitation, I tried to get away, but was smacked hard with its huge paw. A huge wave of pain shot throughout my body as I flew across the ground. The bear roared in anger.
"Lex!" Hazel growled as she tried to race towards me, more worried than she had ever been. "Hazel no!" Maverick growled as he rushed towards the both of us. Having the main link established, he told the hunting party to attack, and with those commands, four out of the six regular hunting party members attacked trying to get the bear's attention off Hazel and I. I was holding my stomach and chest, groaning in pain. Looking at the others, I growled to myself, 'I'm too weak for a damn bear.' and tried to get up. "Stop Lex, you seriously got hurt. Let the hunting party take care of it." Hazel said as she forced me to lay back down. She kept looking over her shoulder, there was so much going on. And the bear was a little stronger than the best hunters in the pack.
"Justin get Alexi out of here! Hazel go get that elk! We've got the bear." Maverick barked out orders quickly, then turned his attention back to the beast. He was clearly upset, but this was something that was bound to happen, I was just too naive to notice in time. Justin turned quickly and moved over towards Hazel and l. Hazel stared at him with stern eyes, and then did as she was told. She didn't like him, and I didn't know why. He scooped me up into his muscular arms, and headed for the pack house. Though the world around seemed to bounce and weave by, Justin was being gentle while I was in his arms. As soon as we reached the line of the property, Justin stopped. He looked down at me and smiled brutishly. "Barely able to hold your own against a bear." he teased, then headed towards the house again.
I wiggled out of his arms, and landed on the ground. "Ouch." I spoke as I rubbed my butt. Standing up, I doubled over in pain. Justin tried to pick me up again, but this time I growled at him, "Don't touch me." I was obviously upset about his comment, though I was in too much pain to truly care at the time. He backed up, but looked at me. "Just trying to help." Justin said sarcastically as he put his hands up in the air. "No, you're trying to be a prick with that comment you made about that damn bear." I growled harshly, then slowly headed up to the house. My breathing was slightly ragged from moving too much, as well as my injury. "I was merely teasing. Let me help you get to the house." he said, then picked me up once more. This time I could hear his tone change, it was a little more sincere.
As we got to the front door, it swung open quickly. My mother and father had already been alerted to the events that unfolded. "Justin, take her to the infirmary. I'll get the Medic in there quickly." my mother quickly ordered as she ran off towards the office.
Justin did as he was told, and took me to the infirmary. I had to open the door as he was holding me. Walking through the door carefully, he headed towards the first empty bed. Laying me on it gently, Justin smiled lightly, "You're too cute when you stare at me Alexi." he spoke in a whisper so only I could hear him. My cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. Turning away from him, I shook my head, "I have no knowledge of what you speak of Justin. Sorry, but you know the ancient text. Don't make any advances, unless you wish for the Moon Goddess to punish you." I told him as I kept looking away from him. I was feeling more of a pull than I had ever felt before. My heart wanted him, as well as my body. But I knew better, at least I hoped I did.
"The Moon Goddess isn't going to do anything." Justin said as he turned my face towards his. I could see, he had a very dark grin on his face. His eyes were cold, but showed lust in them. "S...She w...will." I stuttered as I tried to pull my face away from him. My eyes showed fear and excitement. "Like hell she will." he chuckled and then pulled my face closer to his. Without a second thought, he planted a kiss on my virgin lips. Trying to pull away, he only pulled me closer to him.
As he pulled me closer to him, the infirmary door burst open and Justin released me quickly. He turned around, and there stood my mother and Luna of the pack. She growled deeply and moved towards us both. The aura that she held was dangerous and I pulled the blanket that was under me, over me. My mother was a scary woman. "Office. Now." she growled deeply and sternly as she stared at him. As I could hear a set of feet retreating out of the room, the other set walked towards me. "Alexi Nicole Marie Bloode, look at me now." she said sternly, but with a slightly gentle tone. "M...Mom?" I asked lightly as I pulled the blanket down from my head. I was obviously awestruck about the event that had just happened, and now I was being questioned about them. "What happened just now?" she blurted out without hesitation in her voice. She could tell I was in shock as well, but I tried to think of the words to tell her.
"H...He kissed m...me." I stuttered as I looked at her, my eyes began to fill with tears. "H...He also said he didn't care about what the Moon Goddess would do." I added as I began to cry a little. Sniffling, I looked away from my mother. I was embarrassed about what she witnessed, and even made me feel worse about next year's Lunar Ceremony as well. "Thank you. Jace is going to take care of you." she spoke lightly as she turned around. Walking out of the room, she sent Jace in right after her.
"Let's see what damage that bear did to you hun. Now take that shirt off, I need to examine you please." Jace said as he began to pull some gloves over his hands. I nodded as I did as he asked. Luckily I was wearing a sports bra, but that didn't do much. The bear seemed to get it with its claws, and me too. Looking me over, Jace sighed lightly, "It's not that bad Alexi. You're tougher than you look. Most new hunters can't take damage like you did. You'll have scars, but you'll be able to say you survived a bear on your first hunt." he spoke, trying to make light of what happened. He stood up and walked over to his medicine cabinet. Rummaging through it, he looked over his shoulder at me, "I know you're not great with needles, but I have to give you this shot. You'll also be on bed rest for the rest of the night." Jace told me as he walked back over. I could see he was dreading giving me a shot as much as I was dreading getting it. I sighed as I nodded, and looked away from him. Waiting for the stick of the needle, I grit my teeth together.
Once Jace was finished with my wounds, he left the room and I was suddenly alone. 'What the hell did he kiss me for?' I asked myself, chewing on my lip. I didn't want to complain, it was a nice kiss, but did it really have to be like this? I shook off the thought, then realized how tired the events that had transpired made me. Closing my eyes, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
A little while later, I could hear a commotion going on in the office next door. Opening my eyes, the room was now dark. I slowly sat up, trying to make out the voices in the next room, but it was too hard to tell. Looking around in the room, I noticed a cup of water sitting next to the infirmary bed. Grabbing it, I dumped the water in the bedside trash can. Slowly moving to the wall, I placed the glass on the wall. Listening closely, I could make out my parents yelling at someone, well my mother really.
"What the hell is your problem?" My father snapped harshly. He sounded confused and frustrated at the situation. "He kissed our daughter, Jackson! And I even caught him trying to make advances on her. I want him gone. Send him back to Winter Moon. He already blatantly disregarded and disrespected every rule that you set for him." my mother growled deeply as she was very mad. "Send. Him. Back." she snapped, then stormed out of the office with a slam of the door. She couldn't handle a rule breaker, and Justin was obviously one of them.
"My wife is right, Justin. You can't go making advances on a female who hasn't even turned eighteen yet. It is in the ancient text. I'm sorry, but I will be sending you back to Winter Moon." my father spoke, his tone was very disappointed over the actions that took place. Looking at him, he sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I had high hopes for you too, Justin. But now, not so much. Go home and don't return until you learn your place." my father added, as he stood up from his chair. "Maverick will be escorting you to a meeting place. You will be transferred back from there." he spoke once again, as he headed to the door and opened it.
I pulled the glass back from the wall and sighed. 'My first kiss and he gets sent back to Winter Moon. Oh Moon Goddess have mercy on me too please!' I thought as I sat back down on the infirmary bed. Making myself lay down once more, I closed my eyes forcing myself to go back to sleep, soon everything seemed to fade away again.