Meeting Alexander.

Nodding to myself and Aquafinia, I walked to the top of the staircase. Hearing my mother give orders gave me a sense of relief. Once she noticed I was there, she stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at me. Soon, every eye from every pack member was on me. Blushing, I looked away from them and headed down the stairs. "Enough gawking. We have more important things to attend to at the moment. Our guests will be here shortly." I said, trying to sound firm, but knowing it came out shaky. The pack turned their attention back to my mother who was still smiling while watching me.

"Well hello beautiful. Seems confidence has found you." My father spoke proudly, turning his gaze to my mother, knowing this was all her idea. "Thank you dad, but you and mom need to get ready in your office. I will finish up here." I told him, as Aquafinia helped me get down the rest of the stairs gracefully. 'You can thank me for that later.' She told me sarcastically with a little giggle in her voice. Rolling my eyes at the comment, I watched my parents retreat towards the direction of the office. Looking down to my phone, the time was almost upon us for our first arrival.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I quickly turned to look at the rest of the pack chewing on the inside of my lip. My eyes then landed on Hazel as she gave me a thumbs up. Taking a deep breath in, I began to speak, "Alright, I know this is my first time working with all of you, well authority-wise anyway, but please know, I want everything to go as smoothly as possible." I looked around, my eyes scanning the others. It was different, and this was a little scary and nerve wracking. "Be on your guard and make sure no rogue wolves catch word of the visiting Alpha's. Team alpha, you and team beta will be on security detail around the property rotating every ten to fifteen minutes, with property updates every ten minutes. Team omega, you will be guarding the meeting room. Two positioned inside the room, two outside the room, and one traveling back and forth." I said with a firm voice, watching them all as they listened and held onto every word I said. Still worried about the rogue wolves around, I sighed lightly. They were flocking to this place, like birds during migration. I noticed we only had about a minute left and my heart started to race. I looked at them all with stern eyes, it was time to get serious and they all knew it. "Places everyone, thirty seconds until arrival. Radio through the ear pieces if any issues arise." I ordered and watched them all disperse quickly to their positions. Then I turned towards the front door hoping that things would work out the way I had planned.

'Is this what it is like to be the spawn of an Alpha?' I thought I could already hear Aquafinia saying something in the back of my head. 'Yes. It seems you've never used this before -- it's what is known as power. You will get used to it, but don't over do it. Respect is key.' She spoke to me, then went back to being silent. She seemed a little different from what I've heard. Nodding to myself and her, I looked out the window. At the gate were a few black newer model SUV's. Waiting for those on guard to radio in, I grew nervous yet again.

I jumped slightly as I heard a voice over the ear piece I was wearing. Taking a breath in, I listened closely to them speak, "Alpha one to home base?" The voice spoke, knowing to wait for an answer. "Go for home base, alpha one?" I replied quickly, wanting to get everything started as soon as possible. Looking out the window, I watched as the guys moved around the vehicles doing their job to make sure they were secure. "First VIP arrival, Alpha Lockwoode, at the gate." They spoke, and my heart leapt with anxiety. The first guest, and it was also the most valuable guest of the day. "Send him up, alpha one." I ordered, and then headed towards the front door. Waiting for the right moment, knowing what I was to do next. I was filled with anxiety, and it was making me a little shaky. "Be careful Haze." I spoke, as I looked over my shoulder to her. She giggled, as if something was funny. Turning to face her quickly, I leaned my head to the left. She giggled, but I could tell it held a bit of sarcasm as well. "No, you should be careful. Weapons are easy to handle, plus they'll be stored within the weapons vault at your father's request." Hazel said confidently with a wink, as she grabbed the metal detector off the foyer table. Rolling my eyes with a giggle, Hazel always seemed to give me a sense of relief in a time of need.

Upon hearing the SUVs pull up and doors shut with loud slams, I opened the front door to the house. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of another Alpha and his pack. I forced a smile and began to speak as I walked over towards them. "Welcome Alpha Lockwoode to the Blood Moon pack house. We are very happy that you have graced us with your presence." I began to speak. As I began to finish what I was saying, my eyes landed on a tall handsome man in the middle of the group. "I am Alexi Bloode, we've been expecting your arrival." I managed to get out, as the man in the middle watched me with a set of icy cold, blue eyes.

WIthout hesitation, the man in the middle stepped forward. He wore a grey, perfectly tailored suit. His eyes were even more blue up close, than they were from a distance. His hair was a dark brown color, with subtle light brown tones to it. His hair style was a little shaggy looking, but very well groomed. His skin was a subtle golden tan color, accenting his hair and eyes perfectly. But what caught me off guard, was the beautiful mole that stood out underneath his right eye. His voice was calm and collected as he spoke, "Thank you Miss Bloode for having us join your pack this year for the Lunar Ceremony as well as your birthday." Although his words were kind, his look was intimidating. At the mention of my birthday, my mind went completely blank and I could not speak. 'Did mom say something?' I thought to myself, as I tried to gather my thoughts again. As if noticing my hesitance, Alpha Lockwoode chuckled. Shuffling his feet underneath him into a new standing position, he spoke quickly and persistently, "Cute. Just barely a wolf, and you've yet to explain where your father is. Our business is a rather important task of the day." As he pulled out his phone, I knew he was checking the time. He seemed rather impatient, and it made something from within me snap. It wasn't anger or rage, but I couldn't explain it.

Finally, something in my head clicked and I turned a bright shade of red. "R...Right." I spoke as I turned on my heels quickly. As I tried to hide my blushing face from him, I spoke once more, "My father is right this way. He is waiting in the office." I led Alpha Lockwoode and his pack up the front porch stairs and through the beautifully carved archway. Noticing I was not at ease, Hazel nudged me, but I only shook my head at her. Turning to Alpha Lockwoode, I spoke gently as I held my hand out towards Hazel, "If you wouldn't mind, in respect of the Lunar Ceremony and per my father's request, all weapons will be placed within the weapons vault." I then took a moment to pause and let out a small breath before beginning again. My voice quivered lightly from my nerves, "This is my right hand woman, Hazel. She will be securing all weapons until the ceremony concludes itself." As I finished the introduction, I watched them all closely. Some of them didn't seem to like any of what I had said, but it was customary. "Alright." Alpha Lockwoode spoke coldly, as he held his arms out. He seemed to have an understanding of the drill. Watching Hazel go over his body with the metal detector, made me slightly jealous for some reason.

'F*ck....He smells so delicious!' Aquafinia growled seductively in my head, and I agreed with her. His scent was of the sea, but with a delicate hint of orchids behind it. So soothing, but intoxicating as well. My heart pounded through my chest, and I could swear he heard it. He seemed to flip a switch in me, and I couldn't grasp how. After Hazel finished securing the weapons, Alpha Lockwoode turned to me and without another word, I quickly led him down the long corridor on our right to the last door on the left and knocked. "Come in." My father's voice called through the door. I pushed it fully open to where Alpha Lockwoode and I were visible to my father and mother. "Alpha Lockwoode, sir." I spoke politely and dipped my head to him. Only in front of other Alpha's would I do that.

"Come in, the both of you. Alpha Alexander, I am sorry I couldn't greet you this morning. I had to finalize some details for some meetings with the other Alpha's." My father spoke respectfully towards the Alpha. His eyes seemed to hold concern, but understanding as well. "Please, take a seat." He added as he gestured towards the chairs in front of him. "Alexi, you too." His voice stopped me in my tracks before I could try to disappear. Nodding, we both moved towards the chairs. I let Alpha Lockwoode sit down first, then following his actions, my father and I sat down as well. My mother remained standing behind my father, and to his right.

Clearing his throat, Alpha Lockwoode spoke rather quickly, "Pardon me Alpha Jackson, but your daughter..." He started to say, then looked at me and began again, "Must she really be here?" He was rather cold about it, but I could hear the curiosity in his voice peaking through. My father spoke without hesitation in response to his cold question, "Yes. This is her first Lunar Ceremony, being an adult wolf that is." He turned his head towards me and smiled softly. "Besides, she is my only child, and when she becomes Alpha one day, she should know the basics." He added, this time with a glare Alpha Lockwoode's direction. The room grew tense for a moment, it was different, and yet my father had a way with such interactions. He was one of the oldest werewolves, apart from the last of the elders.

Without another word, Alpha Lockwoode nodded. "Understandable. Now, on to business." He spoke rather quickly, but paused for a brief moment taking in the eyes watching him. I noticed that his one cold and stiff posture was now very tense. He took a deep breath in and then began to speak, "Since my fathers passing, and your beautiful Luna taking the time to help settle some issues within my territory, I would like to ask you both to accept my deepest thank you and apology as well." Looking away as he mentioned his father, I could tell it was a sore subject, but before I could give my condolences, he began to speak again. "Now, the reason why I have asked to meet with you today is the contract you both signed with my father." Alpha Lockwoode noted as he tossed said 'contract' in front of them. His eyes darted back and forth between the two, trying to hide his nerves. Something about his scent gave off an alluring feel. Aquafinia was growling seductively in the back of my head, I could tell how she felt about him. Trying not to make any motion towards that fact, I tried to listen to them all speak.

"Made by both of you and him to ensure the safety of both packs. I understand the alliance, and will not breach the peace we have worked so hard to have together." He was saying as my attention turned back to the conversation. Though, in my mind, I was wondering what contract they were speaking of. Contracts were difficult to form, and this was new to me. "Without the help of the Blood Moon Pack, the Silver Vein Pack wouldn't be as strong as we are now. I wish to keep all peace, but I would also like to deny my father's request to take your daughter's hand without her permission. She deserves to be loved and happy, not to marry a man she has never met, until now." His voice was strong now, no nervousness within it at all. He was firm in his request to break the contract. My heart stopped when I heard 'take your daughter's hand'. My stomach dropped as well, and I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up. This morning I was talking about nobody wanting me, and now this! "Your Luna showed me the meaning of love. So, please accept my proposal?" He added, then looked towards me and away from my parents. I could see something in his eyes that showed truth, but I was too shocked to really notice anything else.

Blinking my eyes rapidly, my mind had only just registered what was said. "I am to marry him!?" Were the words that flowed through my mouth before I could stop myself. My body was shaking, and my eyes were teary, I wanted to know what was really going on! "Alexi, now's not the time sweetheart." My mother snapped harshly. Noticing this in her tone, Aquafinia and I both flinched and backed down rather quickly. Folding my hands into my lap, I looked down to them trying to figure out the situation I was in, and why this was happening.

"I'm sorry, I do not understand quite what you're asking?" My mother once again spoke in a confused tone, with an expression that matched her tone. She had made this contract herself, with the help of my father for the security of the pack at the time. "I do not wish for Alexi to hate me. I want her to actually get to know me. I wouldn't want to take her away and make her my Luna, without first loving me in return." Alpha Lockwoode answered honestly, then looked over to me. Placing a gentle hand upon my still shaking hands, he spoke towards me, and also to my parents, "I would like a chance to court her, like the true Lunar Ceremony is supposed to be celebrated. Let her choose her mate, and please, do not take this as me rejecting you." He was truly trying to help the situation, but I really wanted to get out of there. I was already uncomfortable, and now this. Without moving my hands, I allowed him to comfort me for the moment.

"I see. Then that is how it will be. The Lunar Ceremony will officially be true! This hasn't happened since before my father. The Moon Goddess will definitely be pleased this year." My father began to say, then looked directly at me. I could hear his voice holding excitement within it, though I did not look up at him. "Alexi, you will be given a chance to prove yourself as a potential mate for anyone at the ceremony tonight. If two or more potential mates present themselves, there will be seven days for them to prove their worth and love to you." He kept speaking and then quickly turned to Alpha Lockwoode before grabbing the contract. I could feel his eyes on me, it was evident that he wanted me to look at him, but I couldn't. Then, I could hear him shuffle and the feeling of his eyes were gone. "Do you wholeheartedly agree to the terms of a true Lunar Ceremony, with the Moon Goddess as your witness?" My father asked, his eyes scanning for any hesitancy Alpha Lockwoode might have. As he watched him closely, my father cleared his throat the next moment.

"I, Alpha Alexander Lockwoode, agree to the terms of a true Lunar Ceremony, with the Moon Goddess as my witness." Alpha Lockwoode spoke clearly for us all to hear him and without any hesitation. Nodding, my father immediately ripped up the outdated contract, tossing it to the trash immediately. He seemed somewhat relieved about this meeting. Still sitting quietly with all of them in the room, I tried to wrap my head around what was going on. 'Aquafinia? I need some help please?' I quickly asked her, desperately wanting to get out of the room. I was so confused, scared, and nervous about all this new information. 'On it, just let me speak through you.' She told me, then helped me relax a little. Her actions were mine and I knew it was a good feeling, though I couldn't help but feel the way I did.

Upon knowing Alpha Lockwoode's sincerest tone and intentions, Aquafinia quickly spoke through me, "There is no need for me to take this as a rejection. I understand as well, you want love, and so do I. Thank you for taking my feelings into consideration Alpha Lockwoode." She helped me get out the words that even I couldn't say. Upon hearing those words, Alpha Lockwoode smiled softly. "Thank the Moon Goddess you understand. I will wait for the moment the Lunar Ceremony begins, then I will present myself as a potential mate." He said as he cupped my hands in his. Lifting my eyes, I met his gaze perfectly. I could sense something within him calling to me, but I resisted the pull. Standing up rather quickly, I rubbed the back of my neck. "If you all will excuse me, I must greet the other arriving Alpha's." I said, then ran out of the office quickly. I could hear my mother's voice calling out to me, but soon it faded into the distance. I ran past the staircase, and out the front door, I honestly didn't know where I was even going.

Soon my thoughts started to clear a little, as the aroma of flowers filled my nose. 'The garden.' I thought and moved towards it quickly. Heaving out a heavy sigh, I finally reached the fountain in the middle. Sitting down, I wrapped my arms around my legs, and laid on them. Still contemplating the events that happened, Aquafinia started to speak carefully to me. 'The true Lunar Ceremony happens with the owner of said contract, who refuses to go forth with the details. If we married him, all because of some past issues with his father and your parents.' She had begun, then paused for a moment seemingly to think about how to say what she was going to say next. It was hard to comprehend. He rejected me, but didn't. Something within my heart hurt, but understood. 'It sounds like he wants the Moon Goddess' blessing though. True love only comes once, when finding a mate. You are together for life and love is a factor to keeping a stable relationship, as well as communication.' She spoke softly, then sighed. I could hear her, and we were already fighting. Great, just one more thing I needed. As I looked at the fountain, and throughout the garden area, I sighed. This was one place I felt sane, and now I couldn't even think. As I contemplated her words, she could hear everything I was thinking.

'But, like I've said before. I don't want a mate!' I thought, though half of me only agreed. I was still young, so you could see why I didn't want a mate. Though I still didn't understand why females needed one so early to begin with. 'Alexi, you do not decide this on your own. There is a certain feeling you get, when you are with the right one. It pulls you in and keeps you there with a tight grasp. The scent of your mate is very intoxicating, so much so that even you would forget the world around you. You would even fight off that world, at all costs, to have that one person by your side. Plus, we would be great mates to begin with!' She told me, without even stopping to think about what she was saying. I could tell she wanted to tell me more, but something or someone was watching us.

As I was sitting on the fountain, I slowly began to feel a presence standing behind me. Although they weren't too close, I could still feel them. "Come to hide out?" A familiar male voice spoke from behind the fountain. My eyes widened, and I slowly turned around. Seeing who it was, I rubbed my eyes quickly, hoping I was merely dreaming. But I wasn't, it was Justin. Why had he returned? And why did he have this strange aura that somehow seemed to emit power, and lust?