After we had fixed my make-up, I sighed softly. Looking at Hazel, I smiled lightly and spoke softly, "Thank you for everything. You are the best friend that I have ever had." I stood up, then turned around and hugged her neck tightly. She returned the hug and we pulled apart from one another. As we headed out of my bathroom, and towards the door, we both could hear a commotion coming from outside. I sighed, thinking 'My day isn't even over yet.' As I hurried out of my bedroom door, I moved towards the top of the stairs. Though in heels still, I wasn't watching my footing and by the time I was at the last few steps, I missed one. Tumbling to the ground, I slapped my palm on the ground, and growled deeply. Hazel moved to my side quickly, she helped me to my feet.
"Are you alright?" She asked in a worried tone, as she looked me up and down. "I'm fine, just help me stop whatever is going on outside." I said as we both moved towards the front door. Although in reality, I had twisted my ankle and it was really hurting. 'Still having to deal with this human body until we are able to change, this really sucks.' Aquafinia whimpered as I could hear the pain in her voice. 'Don't worry, midnight is around the corner. We can deal with it for a few hours.' I told her with a reassuring tone. 'Or use it to our advantage.' She smirked painfully then went back to being silent. Her last words had me worried, but I didn't want to know what she meant.
As we walked towards the yelling and screaming, I tried to hide a limp and I sighed. Looking at how everything was being handled already, I could tell this was going to be a disaster. Shaking my head, I cleared my throat and gave a low authoritative growl. "What is going on here?" I asked with a stern voice. Looking at Axel, I cocked my head to the right. "Well finally I see you today, and you are fighting. Mind explaining?" I asked, but this time a little harsher. The guys didn't come greet me this morning, which wasn't normal, but it was my birthday as well. "Well..." he started to explain, but was cut off by one of Alexander's subordinates. I turned my attention to the man that had cleared his throat. "A few of our men went out to patrol with your patrol party. Allowing for more security for you tonight, per request of our Alpha Ms. Bloode, but they nor your members have returned." he stated as I looked over his face. This was the man Hazel was talking to earlier. I nodded, then looked at Axel. "Go get your best friend. You two are to go find those lazy jerks. I know they are goofing off." I snapped as I tried to remember who I had assigned on patrol duty. Shaking my head from the events that had been happening, I sighed. My head slightly hurt and I just wanted to sit down, only because my ankle throbbed with every step I took. Looking at Hazel, I sighed again and asked softly, "Can you please go with them? With you, I know you can get them all back in no time." Placing a hand on my shoulder, she spoke softly, "You can count on me Lex." as she walked towards Nikolias. Smiling at him, she did her little finger wave, enticing him to follow after her.
For a moment, I was alone. Letting out another sigh, I hobbled over to the garden. Trying to relax before everything started to get wild. As the garden's floral scent flowed through my nose, an added scent of the sea flowed with it. Lust flicked in my eyes, as I began to search for that familiar scent. Walking through the garden, and towards the fountain; I seemingly forgot about having twisted my ankle. As I walked towards the fountain, I scanned the area. Letting out a small disappointed sigh, I didn't see anyone. My shoulders dropped in disappointment as if I was expecting to see Alexander. Looking down into the water, I sat down on the edge of the fountain. Unaware of my surroundings for the moment, I heard a slight chuckle, startling me.
"What's the matter little wolf, looking for someone?" he asked with his voice deep and rich like dark chocolate with a hint of honey to it. I turned my gaze to him, Alexander stood to my right at the fountain. "Not at all, just a moment to myself." I said, trying to hide my feelings lightly. Though my shoulders that were once dropped, were now raised to their former position. "I see. Well then Ms. Bloode, your party will be starting soon, so I shall leave you till then." he said, as he started to walk away. "Wait." I blurted out, though it wasn't me. 'Hey why did you do that!?' I asked Aquafinia, though she didn't respond. When he turned around, Ifound myself blushed brightly. "You don't have to leave. I'd like to talk anyway." I forced myself to say. Plus I also wanted to know why he made his own pack members work, when they are supposed to be relaxing with him. "About what?" Alexander said as he shoved his left hand into his slacks pocket. Walking over with a sort of swagger, he stood in front of me. His scent filled every inch of my nasal cavity.
As I was trying to pull my thoughts together, I couldn't help myself. I bit my lip, and let out a low growl of lust. Alexander smiled, with a small chuckle. I blushed brightly, and understood what I really did. Standing up as I had embarrassed myself, I tried to move away from him quickly. Although, at that point, my ankle finally gave out on me. Half expecting to slam my face into the ground, I closed my eyes tightly. Letting out a soft squeal, I noticed I hadn't hit the ground. Instead, I was in the arms of Alexander, he had caught me. Blushing even more, I couldn't help myself winch in pain. Gritting my teeth, I reached for my ankle. "Come on, let me take you to the medic this time." Alexander said as he lifted me bridal style into his arms, yet once again today. At this point I didn't seem to care, I was too embarrassed to say anything, so I allowed it to happen.
'Two times. Way to go me.' Aquafinia bragged lightly, with a smirk hiding behind it all. 'You didn't?' I questioned her, remembering her previous comment. Letting out a sigh, I looked up to Alexander. "What's the matter?" he asked as he walked up the stairs to the front door. He grabbed a hold of the doorknob and pushed the front door open. "Why do we always seem to end up this way? In the garden, then into your arms. It's like I'm a total klutz." I told him as I looked down to my fingers. Fidgeting slightly with them, I couldn't help, but be a little embarrassed. "It's not like it was all planned. We just happen to both like gardens." Alexander said, trying to make me feel better. I could tell that he wasn't a garden guy, well at least I thought so. "Alright, I will try to believe that fact." I said with a slight giggle, trying to be sarcastic. I looked at him with light eyes, then turned to see my mother rushing towards us. My face once again turned a dark shade of red, and I was ready to hide once more.
"Don't worry, Alexi just twisted her ankle. I think she should be wearing different shoes for the remainder of the night. But I'm taking her to your medic." Alexander told my mother, which seemed to calm her down dramatically. She nodded lightly, then looked at me with worried eyes. "Twice in one day. What is Jace going to say." She said as she shook her head lightly.Walking away, Alexander headed towards the infirmary as he knocked on the infirmary door, no answer came from behind. I sighed, then balled up my fist. Leaning forward and beating on the door, I called out loudly, "Come on perv! This time I hurt myself and can't technically walk." As I heard footsteps nearing the door, I waited for the lock to click. Once it did, I looked at Alexander as he walked in with me still in his arms. Jace looked at the both of us. "You two again. Well, alright then set her on the bed." Jace said as he turned away from the both of us. Obviously not ready for any kind of lovey-dovey stuff. When Alexander placed me on the bed, he quickly took my heels off. Blushing at how quick he was to do that, I looked at Jace, who looked like he might be sick. "If you have no injury, please exit the infirmary. Alexi will be alright if it's just a twisted ankle." Jace said as he had already diagnosed my injury. "I'll see you at your party then." Alexander said, as he headed towards the door, carrying my heels with him. "Alexander, can you go find Hazel? See if everything is alright for me please?" I asked, this time hoping it would be okay for me to do so. He really has helped me and this time it pertained to some of his pack and mine. I fully trusted Hazel, but I was fully concerned about everyone and everything that was possibly happening. "Of course." he said as he left the infirmary.
Jace looked at me and sighed. "Can't even have a normal day on your birthday anymore can you." he said as he grabbed a bandage to wrap my ankle. "For the past two years, no. And this year won't be any different than last year. I can feel that much. Jace, be honest with me." I said as I looked at him with soft and confused eyes. "Why do I have to be in the middle of having two men love me? One I don't know, but find extremely intoxicating and the other I don't really like, but thinks he owns me." I said, sighing deeply with the fact that I was scared and worried about each and every outcome possible. "Everyone has their own destiny, and yours seems to be controlled by outside sources. Find your inner thoughts and make your destiny yours." Jace said with a philosophical voice as always. I nodded then sighed softly as he finished wrapping my ankle. He turned around and grabbed a pill bottle. Shaking it, he looked at me with light gloomy eyes. "Take these for pain. You'll be okay, just don't overdo it till you change. After that, you should be healed up." Jace said as he stood up and walked towards the infirmary door. He opened it and looked out. Alexander was there waiting for me, and Jace knew it. "She's all done. You can escort her outside and make sure she doesn't do anything to stupid until she has her first change." he told Alexander as he stepped backwards, pulling the door with him.
It hadn't been, but ten minutes or so while I was there and Alexander seemed to have everything under control. He walked into the infirmary and towards me. Offering out his hand, I reluctantly took it as he helped me hobble out of the infirmary, I sighed. Jace closed the door behind us as we left. And once again, his door locked. Something about Elder Rosebude and him, there was a hidden secret. Or at least I thought so.
When we walked outside, the eyes of both my pack, and Alexander's were on us. "Is everything alright with Hazel, and your missing pack members?" I asked as he helped me sit down. Alexander nodded, though didn't say anything. His eyes scanned the area, then they landed back on me. "Is everything alright Alexander?" I asked in a worried tone. He was being oddly quiet now, and there had to be a reason why. "For now, everything is fine. Do you need anything to drink?" he said, as he looked at me with soft eyes. 'I guess every alpha is on their toes?' I thought to myself, then Aquafinia replied 'Sort of. Alexander is a pure blood like you. Though, he seems more on edge than I have ever seen another before.' I nodded, then turned to see my mother. She was happy to see that I was fine, and even spent time with Alexander as she walked over with a cake in her hands, she smiled at the both of us.
"The party has started and you're here now. How's your ankle darling?" she said, as she placed the cake on the table next to us. "It's fine. Jace said it'll be better after I have had my first change." I said, then looked down at my ankle. Still really bummed out that I couldn't walk on it right, I gave another sigh. My mother looked at me with worried eyes, then towards Alexander. He nodded in agreement, and then my mother turned back to me. Smiling once again, she placed the cake on the table next to me. "Well the party seems to be a success. Your guests are getting along and it seems to be the right mood." my mother said with a soft sigh afterwards. "For now, mother. Just wait until later, everyone will be tense." I added, as I looked at her with serious eyes. Already waiting for a horrible outcome to happen. The tone of my voice was serious, and it even sent chills down my own spin. Looking away from her, I sighed. "Alexander, can you please get me something to drink?" I asked lightly, rather parched as I began to think about later once again. "Listen darling, everything will be alright. Trust in the Moon Goddess, and she'll direct your heart." my mother said, always with a sweet tone to her wise words.
I nodded, then looked up as Hazel moved towards us. Looking at her I blinked lightly, waiting for her to tell me what happened. "What a mess." she exclaimed as I looked at her with worried and confused eyes. "What?" I said, as I went to get up, but my mother pushed me back into the chair. "Nothing, just Alexander's men, drunk before the party and they talked our lazy drunks into drinking. Found them goofing off around the old fountain." Hazel said as she sat down next to me. Taking in my wrapped ankle, she looked at me then to my mother and sighed. "So when you fell earlier, it was something." she said with a sad tone, feeling down that she didn't notice it. "I was fine, till I took a moment to myself. I tripped and it finally gave out on me. Today has been exhausting and I am ready to relax for a little bit. This is my party after all, I can sit if I want." I said with a confident giggle then looked at my mother, who was giggling along with me. Turning to Hazel, I took her hand and smiled lightly. "So don't be all down okay? I just had more on my mind, than a hurt ankle." I explained, though it was really bothering me the entire time. Leaning back in my chair, I yawned lightly. Finally, starting to feel the effect of planning events. It wasn't easy, though it wasn't hard either, but something in my gut told me I was in for a rude awakening by the night's end.
As everyone mingled in the distance, time came for the birthday candles to be lit. I smiled as I still sat, in the same chair as before. Though my body was a little stiff and starting to get sore as time neared midnight. I could feel my body heating up as well, though it was a rather cool night. I wiped my brow and I could feel myself sweating more than usual. Turning to Hazel, I pulled her closer to me. "I need something to wipe my face. I'm sweating." I whispered as I looked at her with nervous eyes. Hazel looked at me, her eyes widening as I said that. "You're starting to go through the change." she whispered softly, as she quickly passed me a napkin. Wiping the sweat off my forehead, I looked up as my mother and father approached me. Sitting up, I could hear the others start to sing 'Happy Birthday'. Smiling at them all, I waited for the cake to be placed in front of me.
When they all finished singing, I blew the candles out. Giving a wide and happy smile. I was among friends and family, though it was starting to get a little unbearable as well as I could feel my body starting to heat up more and more by the hour. "Thank you all for attending my birthday. I apologize if sitting down for almost the whole party seemed like bad manners, but I hurt myself, and still not having my first transformation yet, it is a little bit of a nuisance. Please enjoy some cake, I'll be opening present in the meantime." I addressed them all, then turned to my parents who were moving the present over already. I smiled at them, then looked over to Elder Rosebude who raised her glass to me.
The others began to gather around. Some of them had cake, and some waited till later. I smiled and looked at them all. As they passed me my first gift, my father smiled. "This one is from your mother and I." he said, as he looked at my mother with glistening eyes. As I took the envelope, I opened it slowly. Taking out the card, I began to read it out loud. "Our dearest daughter, you are the light of our life. You bring us joy and laughter, no matter the time. From a little bundle of life, to a strong mature soul. You make us proud, day in and day out. We love you Mom and Dad." I said with a smile on my face. I looked at my mother and spoke softly, "I love the time you took to make this mom. I'll treasure it." I then pushed it back into the envelope. Looking back at them, I was handed a very large box.
It felt light, but it still had some weight as I began to open it, that was when I smelled him again. A weathered oak smell with the undertone of blood. It was distinct enough to make me start growling. Aquafinia was still upset as I was, with the events that happened earlier this morning. Standing up, I didn't care about the pain in my ankle. My body was already reacting to the change and it only made my anger boil more as I walked up to Justin, I got in his face slightly. "You have no right to be at my birthday party. The Lunar Ceremony is another story." I growled as I looked him in the eyes. Justin laughed and looked at me with devilish eyes. He held out a present, he looked into my eyes. "I got you a birthday present. It's that enough to try starting over, with me." he said, trying to make his voice sound more seductive. Though it only made me feel disgusted with how he was talking. Stepping backwards, to put a little distance between us, I scanned the area, the tension in the air making it worse. Alexander was missing and I was worried even more now. "All I want is for you to take your place as my mate and my luna. Is that so bad?" he laughed as he walked into the middle of everyone and pushed past me.
"It is Justin. You are stepping on eggshells. You either leave, or I deny you rights to the Lunar Ceremony now." I growled, my body still heating up more than it ever had before. My face was red, but it was obvious from anger and another source. I balled my hands into fists, and walked closer to him this time. I could tell he was rather nervous at my words, even noticing my actions. "Now leave. And return when the Lunar Ceremony begins." I snapped as I tried to relax my hands, but as soon as my mother noticed, I was more angered than normal, she stepped between us. "You heard her Justin." my mother said as she turned me around. Pushing my body towards the door of the house, what happened next pushed me to my limit.
When my mother's hands slipped off my shoulders, it was already too late. Turning around to see Justin holding my mother closely to him, his fingernails were like his werewolf ones. I growled and looked at him. "Let her go." I snapped, as I walked closer to him. This time, it was obvious to him that my change had started earlier than expected. "You think you can really get her back? Come on, a female in the middle of change losing all sense of time, strength, and power. You won't be able to do much about it." Justin mocked as he stepped away from me and my mother was still in his embrace. The pack was tense, and it was making everything worse. Growling deeply, I moved towards him. My body began to ache even more, I was already hot to the touch and needed to cool down. Though, with what was happening now, that was not an option. I could feel as my muscles twitched, I could see the world starting to move a little faster around me. My senses were dulled, though everything having to do with movement was heightened even more. Justin managed to coax me into the garden, I growled heavily. My body was beginning to hurt more, and yet it wasn't even midnight. The change was only making everything worse, and I just wanted it all to stop.
Once he pushed my mother to the ground, I couldn't stop myself. I lunged at him, though he was quicker than I was as he grabbed me, and pulled my body into his embrace, putting his hand to my neck. He took in my scent, I could hear him groan with pleasure, although it only made chills run up my spin. I was creeped out and really grossed out all at once again. "Why are you doing this?" I growled, trying to get away from him once again. "You are seriously ruining my birthday." I snapped harshly this time with a bitter tone to my voice. "Because I want you to know what I am capable of." he said in a deep growl as he finally released me. Not because I asked, but because Alexander once again appeared in his humanoid form. Noticing this, Justain began to take his own form, laughing at his own pain through his change. "Y-You think your fo-form is better than mine!" he growled and started laughing in pain as he did. Everyone knew just how painful the process of changing was and I was not too thrilled we had to go through it. While Justin was in the middle of his transformation, Alexander pulled my body away from where he was.
My mother disappeared into the rose bushes nearby. She knew the situation at hand had escalated and she needed to gather others to help. I subconsciously forced my body closer to Alexander's humanoid form, I could hear Justin growling behind us. "Why do you disobey the way you do? Didn't I tell you, there were going to be consequences?" Justin growled as his dark brown eyes glared at me. He then took notice, my mother was missing. Disdain grew on his face, like he had nothing else to torture me with. He growled heavily once again and looked at Alexander. "You really think you have won? She will be mine in the end. No matter if she doesn't choose me." Justin said as he moved closer to the both of us. Alexander placed his large humanoid hand on my back, pushing me even closer to his body. So close that I could feel the soft fur of his pelt and was able to take in his scent once more, even though it was a much lighter tone. My body felt as if it were calming down at that point. "Leave Justin, now is not the time for this. The Lunar Ceremony is starting soon and you've already disgraced your pack's name." Alexander said as he kept his voice calm, even in a time of disaster like this. He didn't want to attack and he didn't want to kill anyone on the night of the Lunar Ceremony. He just wanted to relax in peace, like they were supposed to. He looked at Justin, who was now open to all attacks. Though I knew I needed to take care of it. Pushing myself out of Alexander's arms, I moved towards Justin. My body is heating up once more, though it felt slower than it had been. "It is over. Either leave or I put a stop to this now." I said, trying to force the words out.
Though it only made Justin laugh as he moved closer to me. "Soon you will be mine to do with and whatever with as I please." he said as he quickly reached out for my arm. I reluctantly pulled away from him, but not before he could grab my other arm as he pulled my hand to his face, he chuckled. "I'll mark you now, so that way you cannot be pure." Justin said as he opened his mouth. Pulling my hand towards his open mouth, I could feel the heat of his breath on the backside of my hand.
'Moon Goddess please help me!?' I thought as I closed my eyes, half expecting something to happen and as it was, something did happen. A strange light illuminated the garden, and Justin managed to release me as we both stumbled backwards. I managed to land into the same strong and familiar arms as I had been in before. We both watched as the light started to take form. Dimming itself as it formed itself into a female figure. Still glowing brightly, though not enough to harm the eyes. For some reason, I felt like she was calling me. Her voice was soft and ever so light, and her scent was so familiar. "Moon Goddess?" I questioned, my voice loud enough for others to hear me.
"I am and you asked for help." she said, her voice echoing throughout the garden, leaving a ringing in everyone's ears. Stunned, I nodded and bowed my head to her. "Now is not the time for that, my child." she told me as she lifted my eyes to meet hers. They were bright blue, almost white looking. They seemed to have yellow speckles as if stars were sparkling within them. When she released my face, she turned her back to me. A dark sense of power began to circulate around her. "You." she called out, her finger pointing straight at Justin as he was now in his human form. "You have disgraced a True Lunar Ceremony." she said, then looked at me. "By seeing the truth and disgrace happening, in this pure female's memories, I have seen the truths behind your ways. What do you have to say Justin?" she demanded as she turned back to him.
Everyone's eyes were glued to the events happening in front of them as if nothing, but fear had overcome him. Justin was staring into the face of the Moon Goddess, the one put in charge to judge us as her eyes narrowed, she turned to address the pack. "Today the Moon gives thanks to the Blood Moon and Silver Vein packs, but with sorrow looks down on the Winter Moon pack. Today Justin, you will be stripped from your werewolf abilities. Living among them as nothing. A new alpha will be appointed." she said as she turned back to Justin. Moving closer to him, she stuck her hand out. He tried to get away, but the others watching grabbed him. Assisting the Moon Goddess, she walked up to Justin and placed her hand on his forehead. A gentle yet vibrant light began to illuminate her hand as she seemed to be performing a ritual. Watching as Justin's eyes rolled into the back of his head and the others released him, soon his body fell to the ground. He was limp, not dead and yet not alive either. "I have taken his inner wolf, now you decide what to do with him." the moon goddess explained and then turned to look at me. Having one's inner wolf stripped from their intertwining soul, is said to be painful and will even cause death. Rare occurrences, what is left of said broken soul, body, and mind are cared for by family members or sometimes, they are placed among humans in asylums.
Looking to the moon she noticed it was almost time as her moonlight grew dimmer, the moon's peak was just about to finish cresting. She smiled down at all of us, then walked closer to me. "And so, on this night you will gain strength, wisdom, and honor. Follow your heart's desire, and you will unlock your power. The inner wolf you carry with you, was once mine. For you are blessed beyond your years. *Cherchez le rouleau des anciens loups." She spoke, her voice carrying throughout the garden once again. She placed her hands on my cheeks, she pulled my forehead to her lips with haste, but gentleness, she was definitely the Moon Goddess the ancient texts referred to. She left us just as she came and my mother smiled at me. The others began to talk about what happened and what should be done. Justin still lay lifeless on the garden ground, I turned my gaze to Alexander. 'What a start to this week. And it's not even over with.' I thought to myself, then looked at my mother once again. Though I could feel the effects weighing heavily on my body. Still, not having turned yet, I was growing more and more agitated and hot. My body aching all over, and still yet, nothing. Without warning, as if my body wasn't able to function anymore. Everything around me started to get dark. My vision tunneled and all I could see was a few faces. I could hear myself breathing deeply and my head began to pound. At first, I thought I was going to be okay and then the darkness overtook me.
"*Cherchez le rouleau des anciens loups." - "Look for the scroll of the ancient wolves."