Artemis's Foul (Rewrite)


In an attempt to buy some new clothes like Aphrodite suggested, Goku found himself kicked out almost immediately. Anything that the boutique provided ended up being ripped apart, torn, or stretched out due to them being unable to fit Goku's muscular physique. He, unfortunately, had to use up most of Aphrodite's money just to pay for all of the damages.

This didn't bother him all that much, though. Shopping for clothes was never something he really enjoyed doing. Chi-Chi was always more into that stuff than he was.

"Oh well. Aphrodite was probably exaggerating about my gi being a target for monsters, anyway." The Saiyan said with a shrug.

With the remaining drachma he had left, Goku bought about five hotdogs from the nearest vendor. The old man's eyes almost popped out of their sockets seeing him gobble them all up in one single gulp, but thought it best not say anything. Any paying customer was welcome in his book, after all.

The martial artist then wandered off to a forested area near Long Island's easternmost tip. It rested along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, serving as a border between New York and another neighboring state called Connecticut.

This forest was filled with many towering oak and pine trees, each of them blocking out the sun's light from up above. As a result, a thick blanket of darkness was formed that made everything much more ominous in nature than it really was.

It gave Goku the sense that he was being watched by someone, something, or potentially a mix of both. Said uneasiness, however, did nothing to deter him from exploring further. He had experienced far worse growing up amongst the dangerous wildlife of Mt. Paozu.

The same could not be said for the biting sense of boredom starting to set in. He let out a loud, prolonged yawn while continuing to walk along the trail.

"Wish Aphrodite could have given me a better idea of where I should go. This forest is starting to tire me out from just looking at it."

Unbeknownst to him, Artemis and her hunters had just arrived. They sprinted from tree to tree until the moon goddess raised her hand as an indication for them to stop until further notice.

"There he is. It appears that Father's prediction was accurate…"

Her preteen followers then scattered across the entire forest, some camouflaged atop trees and others crouched down behind small bushes. Artemis, on the other hand, kept herself hidden in plain sight, causing her golden eyes to shine brilliantly amongst the darkened woodland.

Zoë scoffed upon seeing their target from afar. "Thy man doesn't look all that impressive. One shot should be more than enough."

She prepared to notch an arrow from her silver bow, but was stopped by Artemis. The goddess glared at her second-in-command for acting so foolish.

"Don't be so certain, Zoë. Lord Zeus told us to track him down for a reason. It wouldn't be wise to underestimate his abilities."

"But he's—" The lieutenant held back a retort and begrudgingly looked down at the grass beneath her feet. "N-No, you're right. Sorry, my lady."

Artemis rested a hand on her shoulder, but didn't even dare look away from Goku's approaching form.

"Save your apologies, child. We'll all know what Son Goku is capable of soon enough."

Darting her eyes from one part of the forest to another, she took a deep breath and understood that each Hunter of Artemis, including Zoë, was now ready to strike. She pulled back the string of her bow and made preparations to fire an divine arrow at Goku's head.

Goku himself, unfortunately for her, was well aware of their proposed ambush. He pretended to act oblivious and kept himself on guard.

There's multiple energies all around me right now. I can't really sense one of them, but I'm sure it's much larger than the others. If it's another god or goddess like Aphrodite, I better keep myself focused.

At the same time, Artemis's eyes glazed over with silver energy as she transferred more and more of her power into the arrow's spearhead. She let the arrow loose and directly aimed it at the spot between Goku's eyes.

Whistling through the air at speeds far exceeding light itself, the martial artist was able to hear it coming from a mile away and jerked his head to the side. The arrow continued moving forward as a silver streak, causing multiple trees to disintegrate upon impact before it dissolved.

Artemis and the Hunters couldn't believe what they just saw.

H-He dodged… one of my arrows that easily? How is that possible?!

She, in fact, failed to recall a time when any prey was able to escape her perfect marksmanship unscathed. Despite this, Goku managed to evade it with relative ease.

Goku looked over at the group in surprise. He casually waved at them and smiled.

"Hey there! You must be Artemis, right? I think I saw you fire one of those arrows in Aphrodite's memories. They definitely look much cooler up-close. Hehe."

"C-Cooler?" Artemis murmured. He had to be mocking her somehow.

The careless mention of her name also infuriated each hunter to no end, especially Zoë Nightshade. She narrowed her dark brown eyes in sheer contempt. "Silence, male! How dare thou disgrace my lady's name with thy foul, alien tongue?! I should kill thou where thee stand!"

Goku didn't understand most of what this girl just said, but the tone in her voice was unmistakably hostile and filled with rage.

"Huh? What did I do to make you girls so angry with me?" The martial artist asked in confusion as he saw the female archers aiming their arrows at his head and other parts of his body.

Artemis, although still perplexed by Goku dodging her arrow, stepped out of the woods to fiercely glare at him.

"You, Son Goku, have been deemed a threat to all of Mount Olympus. Willingly hand yourself over to Lord Zeus or face the consequences your presence has brought unto this world."

This comment only served to increase Goku's confusion. He couldn't understand why his actions were being viewed as outright criminal in nature.

"Wait, if I'm being seen as an enemy to Zeus and the other Olympians, then what happened to Aphrodite? Is she okay?"

Artemis rolled her eyes. She wasn't exactly on good terms with Aphrodite based on past experience alone.

"I doubt it. That fool's probably being punished by Ares as we speak. Serves her right for summoning and worshipping an anomaly like you."

Goku frowned in response to this callous remark. Although they didn't exactly have the nicest first encounter, he still thought Aphrodite was a nice enough person who, for the most part, had his best interests at heart. He wouldn't want her to be put in danger, at least, so that was more than enough reason for him to get serious.

He crouched down and stood in his famous Turtle School of Martial Arts fighting stance.

"Well, I guess I won't give myself up so easily then. If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll definitely get, Artemis."

His sudden change in behavior caught the moon goddess a little by surprise, but even she couldn't contain her excitement for what was about to take place. Goku truly was the type of prey she was searching for: a formidable warrior that would put all of her skills as a huntress to the test.

"So be it, Goku. I haven't had a worthy prey to hunt and capture in quite some time, so please," The goddess now sported a competitive smirk on her face, "don't disappoint me."

Goku smirked the same way and goaded Apollo's twin sister into attacking. The Hunters of Artemis took this as a sigh that they should attack as well.

"FIRE!" Zoë shouted.

Each twelve to thirteen-year-old girl nocked hundreds of arrows at the spot where Goku stood. Seeing these projectiles rain down on him, he surrounded his body in ki and outstretched one of his arms.


The Saiyan projected a stream of condensed energy that incinerated every single arrow in one fell swoop. Flabbergasted by this unforeseen technique, Zoë rolled over to Goku and shot a speedy barrage of her own arrows at close range. He jerked his arms about and shattered each one. Much to Zoë's growing ire, his skin was hard enough for them to not produce any sort of wound or scratch whatsoever.

The Persian girl seethed with rage and stood right in front of Goku. Her arms began to shake just from staring at his blank, carefree expression. It angered her to an even more extreme degree than before.

"Tsk. I don't care how strong thou art. NO MAN WILL EVER GET THE BEST OF ME!"

She took a Celestial Bronze knife out of her pocket and attempted to slice his chest. This charge, unfortunately, proved to be ineffective as Goku vanished and reappeared right behind her. He then chopped Zoë in the neck and looked down at her somewhat apologetically.

"W-What did you—"

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she fell completely unconscious. Zoë's abrupt defeat startled the other Hunters to a point where they could no longer fight back. They were too frozen in place from shock and fear for that.

Not feeling any outward hostility for the girl, Goku picked up Zoë's body and gently set her some place away from the battlefield. She was even placed underneath some bushes to help keep her safe.

"Sorry for having to do that, but she should be fine, Artemis. She'll probably just be asleep for a few hours at most." Goku kindly assured everyone. He even held up his hands to prove that he wouldn't do anything else with her body.

This almost noble act from a man like Goku intrigued the Hunters, but their sexism was still prevalent as ever, nonetheless. Artemis walked over to Zoë's side and motherly brushed away some bangs that covered her closed eyelids. She smiled for a moment before turning around to glare at Goku again.

"I appreciate you for doing that, Goku. However, I assure you that it will take more than a simple pressure point to defeat me in battle. Much more."

She placed her bow around her shoulders and, unexpectedly, pulled out two matching Celestial Bronze knives from her coat pockets. These particular hunting knives were almost diamond in color, extended up to the length of her two arms. Their size was almost comparable to that of medieval broadswords.

Artemis then placed one knife in front of her and the other near her backside. Her auburn flowed against the wind as she crouched downward and prepared to pounce on Goku like a fierce predator looking for something to devour.

"Whoa." Goku muttered in surprise.

"Normally, Celestial Bronze weapons like these would pass through a mortal's body and be unable to do any harm to them." The goddess of the hunter explained. "However, with you being from another universe and all, perhaps there's a chance that you're a notable exception, Goku. Let's put that hypothesis to the test then, shall we?"

Moving at speeds nearly equal to Goku himself, Artemis slashed at Goku's face with one blade and stomach using the second. The Saiyan sidestepped backward, resulting in a frantic chase between the two. The goddess of the hunt kept slicing at his body and wouldn't give him any ample time to recover or even breathe. She then gathered her blades together and slashed at Goku's legs in a large 'x' formation.

The Saiyan was forced to somersault into the air and avoid this double-bladed technique. Artemis jumped to where he was, giving her the opportunity to cut Goku's cheek right as he scissor kicked her directly in the stomach.

Both of them winced and landed back on the ground. Artemis clutched her now-aching stomach whilst the martial artist inspected the blood trickling down from the side of his face.

"My assumption was correct then. You are different from other mortals." The goddess panted, now knowing that Goku could be harmed by Celestial Bronze weapons like gods, demigods, and monsters were. "And in more ways than one, apparently. That kick was fairly powerful."

The Saiyan warrior wiped his face and smirked. "You haven't seen anything yet, Artemis. I'm a whole lot stronger than this."

"Really? Show me then."

"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you, though." Goku proclaimed in a confident tone. "Here's a technique I haven't used in a while. It'll be a good warmup for what's to come later."

Before her very eyes, the man clenched his teeth together and began to power up. A flame-like aura surrounded his entire body and increased its overall pressure, causing the ground beneath his feet to cave in and break apart into different pieces.

He narrowed his eyes and glared over at Artemis in newfound fierceness. Strangely enough, his skin now seemed to be the same orangish-red color as his aura.



To the Hunters' present horror, Goku speedily fazed out of view and slammed a fist straight into Artemis's cheek. The wind was completely knocked out of her as a clump of golden ichor trickled out in response to the Saiyan's powerful blow.

I-Impossible! This old technique of his… is actually hurting me?!

The goddess's body went flying in the opposite direction, leaving her wide open for Goku to brutally kick her in the stomach. She sailed above the tallest trees for a moment or two but didn't have much time to stay in place. Goku teleported himself directly above Artemis and slammed both hands down on her head using a successfully executed Double Axe Handle.

Overwhelmed by this sudden blow, Artemis's eyes popped out of their sockets as she careened back down to Earth and was buried six feet deep in the dirt. Her beautiful face couldn't even be seen anymore due to how much of it was covered.

Goku cringed at this moment and deactivated his Kaioken technique out of guilt. He didn't intend to display that much strength so soon.

"Oh, shoot! Sorry, sorry, sorry!"

He immediately flew back down to see if she was alright. Artemis squirmed a bit from momentary discomfort, using both knives to prop herself back up. The damage wasn't all that serious to say the least, apart from a few bruises dealt to her cheek, stomach, and head. She massaged her scalp, baffled to see that ichor was trickling from out her mouth and that respective wound.

I'm bleeding this much from just a few hits?! There's no telling how much power he may possess if this Kaioken technique is, indeed, only scratching the surface… She thought in clear disbelief, the drops of ichor slowly starting to dissipate due to her regenerative abilities. The goddess then spared a quick glance at Goku, becoming far more puzzled by his existence than ever before.

What is he? He's obviously not a god like myself, but he can't be human either. It makes me wish that Father could have told me more about him before this hunt even started. In a serious situation like this one, I need to know exactly what I'm up against.

Part of her was frustrated by Zeus's vague description of Goku as "extremely powerful", rather than actually sharing specific details about his abilities, personality, and fighting style. Then again, that made Goku all the more enticing of an opponent to fight against.

"That was… an impressive technique, Goku, I admit." Artemis grumbled under her breath, brushing excess dirt off the white jacket she was wearing.

"Um… thanks. It's sorta a massive upsurge of energy that can only be sustained for a short time. Otherwise, you'll severely put a lot of strain on the body and risk damaging it." The Saiyan described. He then apologetically scratched the back of his head. "Sometimes I don't know my own strength when using it, so sorry for hurting you like that. It was uncalled for."

The man offhandedly pointed to the deep crater where Artemis's face used to be, much to her chagrin. She crossed her arms and grimaced at him.

"There's no need for an apology. As a goddess, I've endured far worse injuries in the past." Artemis declared. "Besides, those will be the last attacks you'll ever be able to land on me, anyway. You haven't even seen my Divine Form yet."

"Divine Form?"

Artemis said nothing in reply and readied her hunting knives once more. Right as they were about to continue their fight, Goku felt a sudden surge of ki appear from a distance. It grew more potent and enormous by the second until, finally, a gigantic blast of yellow energy was sent careening towards them.

"WATCH OUT!" The Saiyan martial artist shouted.

He pushed Artemis out of the way as the blast crashed downward in a fiery explosion. This implosion created a shockwave that ripped multiple trees out of the ground and blatantly destroyed a few others.

Revealing itself from the deepest parts of the wilderness, a large hydra with three pairs of glowing orange eyes stormed into view. Each of its heads had six elongated spines that resembled crowns and sharp spikes that snakes along their necks. The draconic monster, unlike its smaller brethren, also had a massive pair of wings that tore through the entire forest every time they moved a single muscle.

"Graaahhghgh!" The ferocious three-headed beast roared, primarily setting its sights on Gok above all else.

Seeing that their mistress and the unconscious Zoë were potentially in danger, the remaining Hunters sprung out from their hiding spots and attempted to fend off the hydra as best as they could.

Artemis, still being shielded by Goku, blushed in a mix of embarrassment and outrage. She then shoved the Saiyan off of her and said, "Get off of me! What gave you the audacity to touch—"

Her eyes widened upon seeing how immense this hydra was compared to other members of its species. Each arrow fired by her subordinates did nothing to deter its rampage, all evaporating in small sparks of static electricity before they could even touch its skin. Hunter after hunter fell from the hydra's immense power, either being sent flying by powerful explosions or blown away from the projected wind of its impressive wingspan.

Goku, not familiar with a creature like this aside from its slight resemblance to Gohan's pet, Icarus, and possibly Shenron, looked to Artemis for some guidance.

"W-What is that?"

The moon goddess shakily helped herself up and glared at the monster as it tossed her girls around like ragdolls.

"That, Goku,is a hydra. It is a reptilian monster that can grow two more heads if one of them is destroyed or cut off. They're usually much smaller than this and don't have wings, I'm afraid. I've never seen one of this particular size in over a millennium." She admitted, recalling the nine-headed Lernaean Hydra that Hercules fought as one of his twelve labors.

Goku looked surprised by the sheer rarity of such a creature. "But why would it appear now? What's it after exactly?"

I'm glad you asked, Son Goku. We monsters have been anticipating your arrival for quite some time.

The hydra had now stopped its rampage to glare directly at Goku. Its malefic, sinister voice rang through his subconscious and caused him to feel an ever-so-slight sensation of pain with each word it spoke.

"What's wrong, Goku?"

"It's the hydra. It's talking to me somehow!" He grunted while sharing his own glare with the multi-headed monster. "What are you talking about? I just got here. Artemis didn't know who I was, and you shouldn't either."

Ah, but don't you recall what the goddess, Aphrodite, told you? Us monsters are attracted to exceptionally high levels of power, much like yours. The moment you arrived here… was the moment I prepared to make my presence known.

Goku widened his eyes in realization. Using the Mist, this hydra probably disguised themselves as a human and listened in on his conversation with Aphrodite. They must have been a staff member or customer at Tom's Restaurant.

"It's after me then…" He muttered.

Artemis glanced over at him in frustration, wondering why he was having a casual conversation with the hydra instead of sending it back to Tartarus.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I think somehow my enormous ki is making this hydra feel threatened and territorial. Sort of like you, Zeus, and the Olympians in a way." Goku replied. Artemis deadpanned at this comment, causing him to sheepishly backpedal a bit from discomfort. "No offense."

The hydra growled in semi-amusement and would even attempt to laugh if they could.

On the contrary, I am not threatened at all. Your arrival to this world is a gift for every monster… and our current master.

Goku didn't like the sound of that. "Master?"

Lord Kronos. Many months ago, he saw a vision depicting you as the destroyer of Olympus and every immortal god or goddess in existence. He has now orchestrated many events from the shadows, both ensuring your entrapment in our universe and the creation of this ideal future my lord has seen.

The martial artist felt a shiver go down his spine. None of what the hydra told him made any sense, yet regardless, this vision unnerved him in a number of ways. He had no real animosity towards the Olympians, so why would any vision depict him as their killer?

The name, Kronos, also sounded slightly familiar. No trace of him was shown in Aphrodite's memories, but his past as the former ruler of the cosmos was briefly depicted. He wondered if his absence had something to do with the love goddess being long after his reign as king.

"That's not right at all. No matter what you tell me, I'd never do something like that! All I know is that Aphrodite stranded me here with that dumb elevator and I'm going to make the most of this situation in any way I can. I don't care how long it takes me to get back home!" Goku shouted at the hydra. The monster in question narrowed its eyes into slits and sneered maliciously.

What I just said has far more to do with Aphrodite and that elevator than you realize, but no matter! Once Kronos gets ahold of you and your immeasurable power, you won't ever have the chance to go back to your world! I swear it!

The hydra relentlessly blasted more of the forest to smithereens as it closed in on Goku's energy. Now, at this point, it had every intention of either bringing him to Kronos personally or killing the Saiyan warrior itself.

Artemis stood in front of Goku and glared at him irritably. "Are you finished talking, Son Goku? Cause my hunters don't have much time left. They could fall in battle to that monster and lose their immortality in seconds!"

She peered over at the Hunters who either collapsed from exhaustion or were crushed by the hydra's now-frantic writhing. It broke her immortal heart to see them in such pain.

Goku, angered by both the turmoil he inadvertently caused and what the hydra told him mere moments ago, unleashed his white aura to draw attention away from the Hunters of Artemis. This proved successful as all three of hydra's heads stared at Goku and growled.

"Sorry. The hydra was telling me some things I didn't want to hear, and I got distracted." The Saiyan sighed in disappointment. "Order your hunters to fall back. I'll deal with this thing alone."

His energy began to increase in size and resemble a burning, gently flowing white fire. Despite this, Artemis didn't like being ordered around by some mortal man she just met.

"Y-You can't tell me what to do! I'm a hunter! I never run away from—"

She attempted to hold out a knife closer to Goku's throat, but he grabbed the goddess's wrist and stopped her from doing so. His eyes burned holes into Artemis's very soul, causing her to freeze in place.

"No, Artemis! I caused this mess and I'm going to clean it up! Understand?" He growled in annoyance. Artemis, although short of breath at the moment, slowly nodded in understanding and pulled her hand away from Goku's larger one.

She massaged her wrist a little before sighing and calling out to her followers.

"Retreat to the woods, everyone! The situation is under control!"

As instructed, the Hunters of Artemis sprinted away from the hydra and fled. They stood together in the forest, taking extra time to support the wounded and Zoë's unconscious body. Goku, in contrast, stood in place and kept the hydra preoccupied.

Phoebe, one of Artemis's oldest hunters, stood by her side and grumbled in frustration. She had a full head of ginger hair and was comparatively much larger than her colleagues in terms of size. At the moment, she was just barely covering a prominent gash in the side of her stomach.

"Lady Artemis, are you sure trusting this man is wise? He is still our enemy, remember? A random hydra shouldn't change that fact."

"In this case, the enemy of our enemy is our friend, Phoebe. Goku may have earned Zeus's ire, but from my perspective, he doesn't seem to be an evil or hostile person at all. He also holds far more power than we initially anticipated." The goddess of the hunter replied. "Consider this hydra incident a study session of sorts. We can learn a lot more about him based on how Goku fights an opponent he actually views as adversarial."

"If you say so, my lady." Phoebe grunted. She then got to work healing the hunters who were the most wounded by the hydra's energy blasts.

Meanwhile, Goku stood face-to-face with the hydra. He squatted down and stood in a fighting stance, showing absolutely no fear towards this large monster.

Fight all you want, Son Goku, but even you cannot stop the inevitable. Lord Kronos will obtain your power one way or another. And when that day comes, the Olympians shall be brought to their knees!

"You gonna keep talking or are we going to fight?"

Enraged by Goku's clear lack of interest, the hydra's eyes glowed a bright yellow as it glided forward and attempted to slam into him.

Arrogant off-worlder! You're going to lose an arm for that!

One of the hydra's heads attempted to bite down on Goku, but he avoided this attack with ease and flew into the air. He purposely departed from the forest, and led his draconic opponent away from its trees and plant-life.

"At least Artemis and the hunters won't have a chance of getting involved now." Goku murmured under his breath.

Now fully airborne, the hydra used its wide wings to their fullest potential and floated in place. Every consecutive flap of these wings projected small, rapid cyclones that almost blew Goku away, lightning bolts surrounding his entire body as it did so.


The Saiyan slightly covered his face and used Instant Transmission in rapid succession to psyche the hydra out. This caused the hydra twist and turn its heads around to snap at the fleeing Goku, growing more enraged each time they missed.

He then teleported in front of one head's elongated neck, resulting in it being ripped clean off by the center one. Blood splattered all over the place, much to Goku's visible disgust.

"Yeesh. Didn't mean for that to happen."

The excess and blood spewing out of this head was one thing, but what grossed him out the most was seeing the hydra regenerate. Two forked tongues pulsated from within the dismembered throat, forming Chinese Dragon heads identical to the one that was previously lost.

"Bidibidibidi! Graaahghghg!" The hydra roared triumphantly as it became stronger than it ever was before. All four heads then opened their fanged maws in unison, orange-yellowish energy building from their mouths and slit green eyes.

Wanting to end this fight before it got too extreme, Goku teleported right below the hydra and cupped his hands together.

"Let's finish this! KAAA… MEEEE…" He shouted, a sphere of blue ki taking form in between his two palms. It grew larger with utterance of each syllable and mirrored the hydra's evolving gravity beams. "HAAA… MEEEE…"

Pillars of white-blue light spun around the ki ball resting in his hands. Orange-yellow electricity was then spat out by all four heads, combining to form one giant beam heading straight for Goku and the entire planet itself.

This blast shall mark your fate, Son Goku! Your life shall now belong to Lord Kronos, now and forever more!

"THAT'LL NEVER HAPPEN! NEVER!" The Saiyan of Earth roared ferociously. "…HAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Finally, he unleashed a gigantic stream of blue energy known to many as the Kamehameha, or Turtle Devastation Wave. This widely renowned ki blast collided with the hydra's gravity beam headfirst. Their beam struggle, however, ended almost immediately as Goku's Kamehameha trudged forward and engulfed the hydra's entire form.


The hydra was disintegrated upon impact and sent back to Tartarus alongside other fallen monsters. With nothing left to stop it, the Kamehameha entered the Earth's upper atmosphere and became one with the inky black cosmos of outer space.

Goku narrowed his eyes and inspected the spot where that hydra once stood.

"Something tells me that won't be the last monster Kronos sends to attack me…"

Not wishing to dwell on the horrible things previously described him, Goku floated back down to the forest. Artemis and the Hunters were patiently waiting for him there.

However, upon landing, he could sense their energies, but couldn't see where they were in the wilderness. Artemis's divine ki also made her impossible to track down period.

"Artemis? I took care of that hydra like I said I—" Goku's casual greeting was interrupted by a small prink in his neck. "Oof!"

The cause of this sting was a small needle with pink feathers sprouting outward from its back. He held the small dart in his right hand while scratching the back of his head with the other.

"Huh. I wonder this does. A-And why am I so sleepy all of a… all of a—"

Goku closed his eyes and abruptly fell asleep, snoring away like the twelve-year-old goofball he used to be. Hiding behind some surviving bushes and trees, Artemis approached the fallen Saiyan with her other Hunters, apart from Zoë, still in tow.

"It appears that, much like any other mortal, Goku can't sense my divine energy. That's one weakness to take note of, I suppose." She blandly surmised. Phoebe and some other girls observed the sleeping man like a frog waiting to be dissected. They were clearly appalled by his childish behavior and facial expressions.

"What should we do with him now, my lady? Do we bring him to Lord Zeus as promised?"

Artemis shook her head. She now saw Goku in a different light after witnessing the Kamehameha's awesome, star-like glow mere moments before.

"Not yet. We'll take him to Camp Half-Blood for further questioning. I need to find out more about his Kaioken technique and the blue beam he used to vanquish that hydra."

The Hunters, although absolutely despising the aforementioned demigod base with a burning passion, could not afford to disobey their mistress's orders.

"Of course, my lady. We'll head their right away." Phoebe reluctantly grumbled. She then roughly dragged Goku's unconscious body along the dirt floor while the others carried Zoë with significantly more care and trailed after her.

Before she could join them, Artemis stood behind to inspect the damages done to Camp Half-Blood Forest. It could have been a lot worse if Goku wasn't around to stop the hydra's rampage. She would have certainly lost a lot more hunters as well.

A part of her, however, was still unsettled by his strange abilities. That "conversation" he had with the hydra didn't help much to downplay these concerns either.

"If Goku could make me bleed with that Kaioken technique, there's no telling what he could have done to me with that blast. I could be scattered to the winds… or worse." Artemis thought in concern. Regardless, a part of her felt happy to meet such an interesting person as well, even if he could pose a significant threat to every god in existence.

I don't know what to feel. I've never felt this terrified, yet immensely excited at the same time.

Although their own fight was short, she still wanted to find out everything about his original home and where his godlike power came from. That discussion, of course, would have to wait until he became conscious again.

She brushed her hair back and let it flow against the wind once more. Her golden eyes were now squinted in curiosity.

"What other horrors will you and your universe bring upon this world, Goku? I'll have to find that out for myself, I suppose."

Afterwards, the goddess of the hunt regained her composure and set a course for Camp Half-Blood. She didn't know what to think of the naïve Saiyan at this point, but her opinion was far more positive than her father's by a large margin.

If anything, she believed that Goku's powers could be used for the betterment of Mount Olympus, rather than its destruction. They just needed to view him as an ally and not someone for them to fear.