Where it all began...

*Hello again, everyone. Sorry for the late update, but after learning about Akira Toriyama's recent death, I wanted to post this chapter as a special tribute to him. It functions as both a continuation of Chapter 17 and a Chapter 0 that shows how Chi-Chi died before the events of the story. It's going to be a pretty emotional rollercoaster, so be prepared.

And to Akira Toriyama, thank you so much for everything. My life truly wouldn't be the same without Dragon Ball. It has brought me so much joy these past few years and I wouldn't have become the writer I am today without it. Your legacy will continue to live on for years to come and beyond. R.I.P. to an absolute legend and my greatest influence as a creator. The world truly won't be the same.

Once word got out about the Oracle's prophecy, Chiron and Dionysus immediately prepared to hold a council meeting in the camp's rec room. Each cabin's head counselors were expected to attend, including Annabeth, Percy, Thalia, and, of course, Zoë. Everyone was still a little disappointed about Capture the Flag being cancelled, so to keep things civil between campers and Hunters alike, there would be some downtime before the meeting would officially begin.

This, however, did not stop a few Ares kids from picking a fight and getting their limbs broken as a result. They would have to rest up in the infirmary instead of discussing the prophecy with everyone else.

Goku stood outside the Big House, waiting for his fellow camp counselors to call him inside. Like before, Percy and Hestia stood nearby.

"At least this prophecy distracted Mr. D enough to not notice that you weren't doing your job…" The son of Poseidon joked.

The martial artist, surprisingly, said nothing in reply. He was far too lost in thought at that moment.

"Um… Goku? Anybody home?"

He shook his head and glanced over at the demigod. "Wasn't trying to ignore you, Percy. I'm just trying to figure out this prophecy thing. I'm still not sure what any of it means."

"In time, I'm sure you'll come to understand it. This council meeting is being held to decipher its contents." said Hestia in a calm, soothing tone. "You don't have to do everything yourself, Goku. Everyone in camp is willing to help you."

"Well, maybe not Zoë or the Hunters, but yeah…"

"Don't be so sure. Even they share the same interest in rescuing Artemis, Percy Jackson."

"Good point," Percy rested a hand under his chin in thought. "Though, I still think Goku's help is the last thing Zoë wants right now. She'll view this quest to save Artemis as her responsibility and no one else's."

Goku narrowed his eyes and looked down at the floor, grimacing.

"Like I told her earlier, that mindset is only going to get herself killed." He muttered. "I already broke one too many promises in my life. I don't intend to do the same with Artemis… or anyone else."

"One too many promises, huh? Did those happen back in your world?"

Hestia frowned, knowing exactly what Goku was alluding to with this statement.

"Percy, I don't think it's a good time to ask something like—"

The Saiyan held up his hand, signaling for her to stop. "No, it's fine, Hestia. I'm not going to mope about it anymore. If I can't talk about it even a few months after it happened, then I'll never get over… well, her. I did explain it all back on Olympus, didn't I?"

The goddess of the hearth looked hesitant, but nodded her head, regardless. "Yes, you're right. I suppose it'd be good for Percy to hear what happened now, rather than later."

Poseidon's son ruffled his black hair in confusion. "Am I missing something here? What are you guys talking about?"

Goku took a deep breath and crossed his arms. He supposed that it'd be nice to blow off some stream before the meeting began.

"You care about Annabeth a whole lot, right?"

Percy widened his sea green eyes in embarrassment. His cheeks turned bright red as he attempted to act calm and composed.

"Y-Yeah, of course I do. She's my friend. Why wouldn't I care about her?"

Goku shared a knowing look with Hestia and smiled before continuing to speak. His expression was now far more serious.

"Well, if you were to lose her and never be able to see her again, how would you feel?"


He didn't quite know what to say. His argument with Annabeth revolved around something similar, but nothing as permanent as death. If not for Goku, he wondered if Dr. Thorn could have brought upon that possibility.

The amount of sorrow, anger, and hopelessness he'd feel if Annabeth were to die was beyond comprehension. It'd be like the day he lost his mother to the minotaur, but somehow worse.

"I-I honestly wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her. She's everything to me…" Percy then warningly pointed a finger at Goku. "Don't tell her I said any of this, by the way."

"No worries," The Saiyan warrior ever-so-slightly chuckled. "To be honest, what you said about Annabeth is what I felt about my wife, Chi-Chi… before she died a few months ago."

The thirteen-year-old froze. "Wait, what?"

"She was sorta like my Annabeth in a way. We both met each other as kids and then got married when were older. We've had our fair share of arguments here and there, but I don't know. I'd like to say we were happy with each other." Goku said with a casual shrug of his shoulders. "It's hard to think of the bad times… now that she's gone and all."

"I know, for a fact, that Chi-Chi loved you, Goku. I could tell just from the look on her face whenever you were around, even when she got angry or annoyed." Hestia kindly assured him, using her own knowledge of his world as reference.

"Yeah, I know. I loved her too," He murmured with a small grin on his face. "But eh, the past is the past. Sorry for rambling on like that, Percy. I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear about something so—"

"No, keep going."


"I want to hear what happened to your wife. I think it'll help me understand you a little more, if that makes any sense."

Goku blinked a few times in surprise. He didn't expect to be put on the spot like this.

"You sure? It is a long story. I wouldn't want to bore you with the details."

"We've got time to kill. The council meeting hasn't started yet."

Both warriors shared eye contact for a moment or two before Goku relented and plopped himself down in a nearby chair. Percy and Hestia drew closer to him.

"Guess getting this off my chest will help me a little," He surmised while getting into a proper, more comfortable position. "Now, where should I start. Going all the way back to Fire Mountain might be too much, so hmm…"

The eldest Olympian held up a single finger. "Perhaps recounting the events leading up to Chi-Chi's passing would be a good start, Goku."

"Oh yeah! Good suggestion, Hestia. I pretty much remember like it was yesterday…"

As he prepared to tell his story, Zoë and Bianca hid behind a tree. The latter had no idea what they were doing, but went along with her lieutenant's orders, anyway. Her dark hair was now braided like the other Hunters' and her skin was coated in a faint, almost moonlit glow. It also looked like Bianca had worked out a bit more.

"Why are we eavesdropping on Goku like this, Zoë? Isn't that a bit rude, given all that he's done for us?" whispered the eldest di Angelo sibling.

"Shh! Hush, Bianca. If we're going to train under Son Goku like Artemis wishes, we'll need to learn everything we can about his past." The lieutenant sternly replied. "And learning about this Chi-Chi woman would be the most beneficial information to gather firsthand…"

"If you say so. I just don't see how knowing that Goku was married in the past could change your opinion about him. I'm sure he hasn't changed all that much since then."

Zoë pursed her lips. She darted her eyes toward Goku, noticing the deep sadness laced within his black pupils. Whoever Chi-Chi was, he certainly cared a great deal about her.

His prior reaction to Ares saying her name was proof enough of that fact. He likely would have killed him on the spot if he continued to insult her.

"We shall see."

Afterwards, they both listened to the man recall everything that happened six months ago on June 13th, Age 775, or 2007 according to this universe's calendar. That was the day his life would change forever.

June 13th, 2007 (Age 775), six days prior to Kronos's discovery of Goku

It was a nice, sunny day on Mt. Paozu. There was barely a cloud in the sky, and everything seemed peaceful. Ever since Majin Buu's destruction, days like this have become much more normal than they used to be. It almost felt like such a vile, universe-destroying monster didn't exist at all, in fact.

The people who benefited the most from this peace, of course, were Goku, Chi-Chi, and their family. He managed to make up for the seven years he spent in Other World by helping his wife with certain chores and hanging out with his youngest son, Goten. He proved to be the splitting image of his father in personality, intelligence, and appetite.

What they were most excited about, however, was Gohan's recent engagement to his girlfriend, Videl. Before everyone else could find out, they traveled to Goku and Chi-Chi's house, so they could celebrate their future marriage in a more private setting.

Right now, Videl was helping her new mother-in-law make lunch while the boys sparred with each other as a family. She would have wanted to join in, but Chi-Chi insisted on having her stay in the kitchen. It also didn't help that Goku, Gohan, and Goten would be using their strongest forms during this spar, so the young girl would, more than likely, struggle to keep up.

"HAAAAAA!" Gohan shouted as he unleashed his Ultimate Form. A white aura of ki surrounded his body as the Half-Saiyan lunged at Goku with a powerful roundhouse kick. "Take this, Dad!"

Goku, as a Super Saiyan, saw this attack coming and blocked it with his arm. "Nice try, Gohan. Put a little more power into it next time."

Smirking, Gohan jumped backward and exchanged a few more highspeed blows with his father. He then glanced to the side and nodded his head.

"Now, Goten!"

The younger Half-Saiyan cupped his hands together and floated in midair. He narrowed his green eyes, aiming the ki blast right toward Goku's current location.

"Kamehame… HAAAAAAA!"

Blue energy was powerfully unleashed from the boy's hands. Seeing this coming from a mile away, Goku smacked it to the side and teleported away using Instant Transmission.

He materialized from one position to the next in seconds, causing Goten and Gohan to stay close together on either side.

"I see you're getting better at using the Kamehameha Wave, son. You'll still need to be a bit faster if you want to hit me, though."

Goten glumly sighed. "Dad's right, Gohan. I'm still not able to blast it as good as you and him can."

"Don't be like that. You're definitely a lot stronger than I was at your age." Gohan assured him. "Both of us can surpass Dad one day. We just have to keep getting stronger."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do."

With newfound coincidence, Goten beamed and enhanced the size of his golden aura. Both him and Gohan stood side-by-side, attempting to track down their dad's ki.

"Stay focused, Goten. He could be anywhere right now."


They could see faint glimpses of Goku's form appearing in and out of thin air. Mere seconds later, he teleported behind them and outstretched his arm.


Both of his sons evaded this attack and relentlessly pelted him with multiple, lightspeed blows. Every kick, punch, and jump let out vibrant shockwaves that shook the entire mountain from side to side. However, no matter how determined Gohan and Goten were to take down their dad, none of their attacks left much of an impression on him.

Goku simply smirked and moved at a quick, even pace. He then took advantage of an opening that was left in Goten's defenses to punch him in the stomach. The boy could no longer maintain his Super Saiyan form as he was sent crashing into the grass, groaning in pain.



This distraction led to Gohan's undoing. Goku swiftly kicked him across the face, making him go flying across the entire battlefield in a state of shock. The nineteen-year-old took deep, ragged breaths as he bounced off the ground and slowly, but surely crawled close to Goten's side. Thankfully, his little brother wasn't all that injured.

"You okay, Goten?"

"Mmhm. I'm fine." The spiky-haired boy nodded with a small grin. "I know Dad wouldn't want to hurt me for real."

"Yeah, you're right. We are just sparring."

The two of them stood up straight to address their dad. Goku's yellow hair went back to its usual color as he crossed his arms and smiled at them.

"Nice job, boys! It's good seeing you two work together for a change," He beamed. "However, you both still have some room for improvement. Goten, you shouldn't have left yourself wide open like that and Gohan, you shouldn't have let yourself get distracted by your brother. You're probably just as strong, if not stronger than me right now, so don't hide your full power. Showcase it."

Goten enthusiastically nodded his head. "Okay! I'll work on that for next time, Dad."

"Same here. I guess I've gotten a bit rusty since our fight with Buu."

Goku walked over to Gohan and softly clasped his shoulder.

"That's what happens when you don't keep up with your training. I'm relying on you boys to be Earth's protectors in the future, so even in peaceful times like this, I want you to be prepared for a new threat, if one happens to arrive. Understand?"

Remembering Goku's similar mindset during the fight against Cell, Gohan lightly grinned and nodded his head in understanding. To him, it was hard to believe that moment happened almost eight years ago.

"Yeah. Understood, Dad."

"Great to hear! Now, how about we go a few more rounds before lunch is ready?"

Goten balled his fists and stood in a fighting stance. "Yeah! Let's go again! I won't be caught off-guard this time!"

"Hehe. That's the spirit!"

While they resumed their sparring match, Chi-Chi and Videl were still hard at work preparing meal after meal in quick succession. Goku's wife had her black hair tied into a bun and wore a yellow martial arts uniform with turquoise pants. She also had a purple cloth that was tied around her chest, white sleeves, purple boots with red shoelaces, and pink earrings. Her light-skinned face was beautiful, but somewhat wrinkled due to age.

Videl, on the other hand, had short, spiky black hair and blue eyes. She wore a pink T-shirt underneath a white tank top and black gloves. Her feet were covered by a pair of yellow boots as well. Compared to Chi-Chi, the young martial artist looked to be on the brink of sheer exhaustion. She had to take a short break just to make sure she wouldn't pass out.

"Man, I don't know how you do it, Chi-Chi. You really cook this much food every day?!"

The Ox-Princess's black eyes were completely focused as she finished prepping the last few dishes. She wiped some sweat off her brow and took a deep breath.

"When you live in a house full of Saiyans, dear, this is child's play. Bulma would probably tell you the same thing."

Videl shook her head in disbelief.

"But where do they fit it all? I couldn't even finish one of these plates, let alone multiple."

Chi-Chi smiled and sympathetically patted her on the back.

"I'm sure you'll get used to it. You are marrying my son, after all. I swear he takes after his father when it comes to food."

Mr. Satan's daughter blushed and twiddled her thumbs. Marrying Gohan almost felt like a dream come true to her and it didn't even happen yet.

"Y-Yeah, I know…"

"All I ask is that you take good care of my Gohan, Videl. He deserves to live a happy life, after everything he's been put through as a boy. I'm sure even my husband wants that for him."

Videl nodded her head, looking determined to fulfill that request.

"I will. You won't have to worry about that, Chi-Chi."

"I'll take your word for it. Now, what do you say we call the boys back in and… and…"

Feeling lightheaded, the woman clutched her head and used a nearby countertop for support. She could feel herself losing more and more energy by the second.

"Woah! Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"I-I'm fine. I just need to lie down for a little bit. Don't worry about—"

To Videl's horror, Chi-Chi began to cough up blood. She then abruptly fell backwards and hit her head on the kitchen table. A pool of fresh blood oozed out from this wound as the woman grew faint and lost consciousness.

The nineteen-year-old girl held a hand over her mouth in utter shock.

"O-Oh my god…"

Starting to panic, Videl bolted over to the front door and tried to get the Son family's attention. "GOHAN! GOKU! GET IN HERE NOW!"

They stopped their sparring session to look over at her. It was rare to see Videl look this distressed, so something serious must have happened.

"That doesn't sound good." Gohan thought aloud.

Him, Goten, and Goku then ran inside the house as quickly as they could. Their expressions changed from confused to horrified once they took notice of Chi-Chi's condition. The blood had now seeped into the floorboards and trickled beneath their feet.

Goten, being the youngest, gasped and felt fresh tears build up in his eyes.


Goku wasted no time and crouched down to clutch Chi-Chi's limp body in his arms. She was somewhat conscious, but losing blood fast due to her sudden injury.

"What happened?"

Videl shook her head. "I-I don't know. We were talking and she just started coughing up blood. Then she hit her head and I… I…"

Gohan brought his girlfriend close to him and hugged her. She pressed her face into his chest, letting her own tears of sadness shed.

"Shh. It's not your fault. You couldn't have known this was going to happen." He then somberly glanced over at his dad. "None of us could."

Goku remained almost completely silent. Deep down, he was starting to lose it himself, but he couldn't afford to let Goten or Gohan see him like that. It'd be far too emotionally overwhelming for both of them.

He scooped up Chi-Chi's body off the ground and grimaced.

"G-Goku?" She asked in a weak, barely audible tone. Faint traces of blood were still falling down from her lips. "Are you there, sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm here, Chi-Chi. I'm going to go get you some help right now."

"Ah. That's good. Thank you, dear…"

Her eyes then closed whilst starting to breathe more erratically than before. By the look of things, this infliction of hers was quite serious, much to Goku's chagrin.

"Gohan, I'm going to take your mother to Wukong Hospital. Bring Goten, Videl, and everyone else there as soon as you can."

"But I can help you, Dad. You don't have to take care of Mom all by—"


An awkward silence then permeated throughout the room. Goku took a deep breath and tightened his grip on Chi-Chi's body.

"Please, Gohan. We don't have much time left. I can sense it." He whispered. He then darted his eyes from Gohan to Goten in dismay. "Look after your brother for me, alright?"

"Alright. I'll meet you in West City."

After sharing the briefest glimpse of a smile, Goku vanished into thin air and rocketed out the door as a Super Saiyan.

Goten, still a little unnerved by the puddle of blood still leftover from Chi-Chi's body, lightly tugged on his older brother's pantleg.

"I-Is Mom going to be okay, Gohan? Will she get better if Dad brings her to the hospital?"

Gohan and Videl exchanged uncertain looks with one another. He closed his eyes, extremely worried about what would happen himself.

"I-I don't know…"

The three of them then flew over to West City, so Bulma, Vegeta, and everyone else would be aware of what was taking place.

Inside Wukong Hospital, West City…

Upon reaching the hospital's front entrance, Goku depowered himself and ran inside. He didn't acknowledge the people waiting at the front desk. He was too concerned over his wife's condition to care about what they thought.

The nurse responsible for filing appointments did not look amused. She even recognized the man from his prior stay over a decade ago or more.

"Excuse me, sir, but we're very busy right now. Please go to the back of the line and wait like—"

"There's no time! My wife is very sick right now and I don't know what's wrong with her! We need a doctor right away! Please!"

The nurse glanced over at the woman in question. Her skin was now a ghostly white and she struggled to breathe at an even pace. Sympathizing with Goku's situation, she begrudgingly sighed and got up from her seat.

"We'll prep her for the ER. The doctor will take care of your wife as best as he possibly can."

Goku bowed his head in relief. "Thank you so much, miss!"

Within a matter of minutes, Wukong Hospital's staff placed Chi-Chi's body on a bed and rolled her into the next possible emergency room. She slightly opened her eyes and reached out her hand for the Saiyan martial artist.

"G-Goku… I'm scared, honey…"

Running by the side of the bed, he grabbed her hand and gently squeezed it.

"I'm here for you, Chi-Chi. We'll get through this together. I promise."

The woman weakly smiled and felt tears streak past her cheeks.

"Heh. Don't make promises you can't keep, silly."

Suddenly, she began to cough again, but in a much more violent manner this time. A large clump of blood was splattered onto the hospital bed's sheets.


"Shit! We're losing her. We need to operate fast." The doctor cursed. He was an older man with white hair and glasses. "Please wait out here, Mr. Son."

Goku wanted to protest the doctor's orders, but before he could say anything, the emergency room's doors were slammed shut. Now, all he could do was sit and do nothing as his wife fought for her life.

It made him feel more powerless than he ever has before.

"Please. Not her."

A few hours later…

As the hospital's staff tried to figure out what was wrong with Chi-Chi, Goku continued to sit outside her room. Gohan did as instructed and gathered all of their friends together, including his grandfather, Ox-King. He, unsurprisingly, was taking his daughter's condition the hardest. He already lost his wife, the Ox-Queen, to a similar ailment many years ago, so losing Chi-Chi was not something he ever expected to happen.

He bawled his eyes out in the corner while Goten tried and failed to console him.

Even Launch decided to show up once Tien and Chiaotzu were informed of Chi-Chi's condition. They weren't exactly close friends, but she still wanted to be there to support Goku in his time of need. She owed him that much, given their past together.

"Well, this sucks," Yajirobe grumbled from the sidelines. The overweight samurai had decided to come with Korin, in spite of his initial reluctance to do so.

Bulma glared at him with piercing blue eyes. She was wearing the same outfit from when Majin Buu attacked.

"Read the room, Yajirobe. Now's not the time for your complaining."

"What? Am I wrong?! I just think it's bullshit that Goku just defeated Majin Buu not too long ago and now, he has to deal with the possibility that his wife might—"

Launch, now in her more aggressive, blonde form, cocked a gun.

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you, porker!"

Oolong snorted and crossed his arms. "Hey, don't drag me into this."

As all of this needless banter went on, Goku continued to remain completely still. He clasped his hands together and stared at the wall.

Krillin rested a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, don't be so glum, man. It's good that you caught onto Chi-Chi's condition so early on."

"But what if I didn't? What if she's had this thing for a long time and I didn't even notice? It'd be like the Heart Virus all over again."

Master Roshi stroked his beard. He was wearing a black suit and fedora with red sunglasses. He also propped himself up with a wooden staff.

"You can't think that way, my boy. You should be hoping for the best possible outcome, not the worst. Or else you'll drive yourself crazy due to guilt."

"I get what you mean, Master Roshi, but… I just don't know how to feel." Goku replied as he held a hand over his chest. "I honestly don't know what I'd do if I lost her."


Afterwards, the emergency room's doors opened. The doctor walked out with a stern, almost saddened look on his face. There were traces of fresh blood on his gloves too.

Everyone gathered close to him in growing intrigue.

"How's she doing? Is she going to recover?" asked Bulma.

The doctor took off his glasses and frowned. He chose to address no one else, but Goku for this conversation.

"Mr. Son… I mean, Goku. I'm sorry to say, but… your wife is dying."

This was the last piece of news Earth's protector ever wanted or expected to hear. He can feel the entire world spinning around him.

"D-Dying? You… You can't be serious, right?"

"This has to be some kind of joke! She was fine just a few days ago! Bulma shrieked.

"I'm a doctor, Ms. Brief. I assure you that I wouldn't joke about this kind of situation." He glowered. "Given Chi-Chi's medical history, I believe that she's developed a special case of pneumonia that has blocked off all airflow to the lungs, which resulted in her coughing up blood and losing consciousness. She must have inherited it from a distant or close family member somehow."

Ox-King's eyes widened. "T-That's how her mother died. She got it when Chi-Chi was just a baby."

"Then it likely spread to your daughter genetically. Normally, pneumonia can be treated days or even weeks in advance, but in this case, Chi-Chi must have had the disease inside her body without even realizing it. This is what we call atypical pneumonia or walking pneumonia."

"Walking pneumonia?" Goku whispered to himself. "But why can't it be treated? Surely you have enough resources to keep her alive? You have to!"

"I'm sorry, but we've tried everything. The problem is that she was losing far too much blood before we could even operate on her. A case of acute subdural hematoma in her head pretty much made every other option we had left null and void." The doctor explained while trying his best to remain professional. "She must have suffered an injury that created a blood clot within the space between her skull and brain. Not sure if any of you were aware of such a thing beforehand…"

Videl, remembering the moment Chi-Chi hit her head on the kitchen table, gasped and held a hand over her mouth. "N-No. This… can't be happening…"

Goku hung his head down and tightly balled his fists. He had to suppress the urge to scream right then and there.

"So… there's really nothing you can do? She can't be cured of any of this?"

"Again, I'm sorry. I truly am." The doctor rested a hand on his shoulder and began to walk away. "All of you can have a few moments to say your goodbyes. Take as much time as you need."

Once the doctor left, Goku and his friends were stunned speechless. None of them could say a single word to comfort one another.

That is, until Goten nervously grinned and tried his best not to break down.

"Welp, it's a good thing we have the Dragon Balls then. We can wish that pneumonia thing away and Mom will be healthy again! Problem solved!"

Gohan's frown slightly deepened. "Goten…"

"I mean, it'll take a while to gather all seven of them, but if we all work together, we can summon Shenron and—"

"That won't work."

Goten flinched upon hearing Piccolo's words. He glanced at the Super Namekian in confusion. "Huh?"

"If your mom really is dying, Goten, neither the Dragon Balls or Namekian Dragon Balls will be able to bring her back. Once you die of natural causes, including a disease in this case, you're gone for good. Nothing will be able to change that, not even a wish from an Eternal Dragon."

All of the Half-Saiyan's hopes were now shattered in one fell swoop.

"B-But that's not fair! The Dragon Balls can wish everyone who was killed by Buu back, but they can't save my mom?! Why were they made that way? Why?!"

Videl quickly crouched down and hugged Goten as he cried his eyes out. She knew exactly what it was like to lose a mom.

"Shh. It's okay. Let it out."

"I-It's not fair…" The spiky-haired boy whimpered.

While this happened, Gohan slowly walked over to his dad. Goku couldn't even move from his spot in the hallway. It was the first time he saw him act like this.

"Dad, I…"

"You, Ox-King, and the others can have your moments with Chi-Chi first. I'll go in last."

"Okay. If that's what you think is best…"

Everyone then filed into the hospital room for the next few moments or so. This left Goku alone with his longtime rival and friend, Vegeta. The eponymous Saiyan Prince was resting his back against the wall. He stared at Goku with narrowed eyes and fully crossed arms.

"This isn't a good time to argue with me, Vegeta. I'm not in the mood."

"Look, I'm the one with the furthest attachment to your wife, Kakarot. Hell, I rarely, if ever call her by her actual name most of the time." The prince remarked. "But as one warrior to another, even I can swallow my pride and express my condolences…"

He then slowly marched in front of Goku and looked at him face-to-face.

"I'm sorry… Goku. Someone like you doesn't deserve this." He said in a rare showcase of empathy on his part. "Just remember to not let this moment destroy you completely. Us Saiyans are meant to keep fighting, no matter what hardships we may face along the way. Tell that to Gohan as well."

He took a moment to let Goku ponder these words before heading for Wukong Hospital's exit on his own. For just a moment, he felt almost comforted by what his rival said.

"Thanks, Vegeta. You're a good friend."

Vegeta glanced back to knowingly smirk at him. It was enough to show that, deep down, he felt the same in his own way.

"Hmph. Friends? What gave you that idea?"

With him gone, Goku was now almost completely alone. He steeled himself for his last encounter with Chi-Chi. It was a day he didn't think would ever happen, yet, unfortunately, it ended up coming to pass.

What can I even say to her?

The martial artist felt his heart skip a beat upon seeing the doors open. Not a dry eye could be seen, especially from Goten, Gohan, Ox-King, Videl, and Bulma. Even Piccolo, at worst, looked unnerved by what was taking place.

"Are you ready?" asked Bulma.

She bit her lower lip and sadly stared into Goku's eyes. They had both been through so much together since they were young, but this day, by far, would be the most difficult to endure.

"Yeah. I think so."

As he walked into the room, Goku ruffled Goten's hair and gave him a short, yet comforting hug. The boy sniffled and looked up at his father in sheer sadness.

"D-Daddy? You won't let Mom be alone again, will you?"

"No, son. I'll stay with her until her time comes. I promise."


He slightly grinned, gave Gohan a respectful nod, and then shut the door behind him. His eldest son, however, still took it upon himself to listen in.

Goku took a doubletake upon locking eyes with Chi-Chi. Her skin was much paler than before and she had an IV inserted into one of her arms. Next to the bed was a Vital Signs Monitor that recorded her heartbeat, which was currently stable, yet slowing down fast.

Her hair was down, showing off her long, flowing black hair as well. It made Goku remember how beautiful she truly was now and back when they first got married.

"Hi, Goku," She lovingly whispered. "Please sit with me. I want to see you up-close."


Time came to a proverbial standstill as Goku slowly, but surely sat in a chair next to Chi-Chi's bedside. Based on her energy alone, he could tell she was getting weaker by the second.

"You look tired." the Saiyan said as he rubbed a hand along his wife's cheek. She grabbed onto his palm and held it tightly in her own hands.

"I'm so sorry, Goku. For everything." The young woman croaked. "If I knew I contracted pneumonia sooner, none of this would have happened and I wouldn't have had to leave you, Gohan, Goten, and—"

She began to violently cough again, causing her vitals to become more inconsistent. She let out short, shallow breaths as Goku tightened his grip on her hands.

"You don't have to apologize. None of this is your fault, Chi-Chi."

"B-But it is! I knew my mom's history, yet I became too reckless. I was far too happy to see that something was wrong with my health… before this all happened."

Tears continuously fell from her eyes as Goku gently wiped them away and tried his best to smile through the pain.

"I should be the one apologizing to you. Time and time again, I did so many things without taking your feelings into account. I may have stayed dead for seven years to protect the Earth, but I still missed out on a lot of Gohan and Goten's childhood, and some time I could have spent with you, my wife." He proclaimed in remorse for the past. "I wouldn't be surprised if you hated me, really. I wish I had more time to be a better husband… or learn what it takes to make you happy. I'm sorry."

Chi-Chi glared at the Saiyan in annoyance. It almost looked like she was back to acting like her old self again.

"Idiot. Why would I ever hate you? I love you… and I always will." She assured him. "Sure, I was a bit devastated by your sacrifice against that Cell monster, but I understood why you did it. Why do you think I decided to train Goten? To make sure he'd grow up to be just like his powerful, yet lovable father; the same man who proposed to me at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament all those years ago. The man who gave me a ride on the Flying Nimbus when we were both young."

With some difficulty, she managed to wrap her arms around Goku and hug him. He reciprocated this gesture with an even tighter embrace.

"I could never love anyone, but you, my Goku. You'll always be mine and I'll always be yours."

"I love you too, Chi-Chi."

Chi-Chi warmly grinned at him. She broke their embrace and then laid her head down on the bed's pillow. To her dismay, she was starting to feel more exhausted and faint.

"Goku, you remember how our wedding ceremony went, right? And what you said to me before we were married? Till death do us part?"

"Yeah? What are you saying?"

"Well, I don't have much time left. There's no denying it, so in the future, I want you to find love with another woman someday, Goku. You deserve to live a happy life, even when I'm not around any longer. I couldn't bear to see you grieve over me the rest of your life."

The martial artist thought this was a weird joke she was trying to tell.

"But that's crazy talk, Chi-Chi! I love you! Why would I even think of being with someone who isn't you?!"

Chi-Chi took off her wedding ring and held in front of Goku. She looked adamant about this being her last, dying wish.

"Our life together is over, Goku. We had a long, happy marriage, but it's time to say goodbye… until we see each other again in Heaven." Goku's wife somberly reminded him. "So please, promise that you'll learn to move on from me. That's all I ask of you."

"But I don't know if I—"

She then stared at Goku in much more serious, pleading manner. Their black eyes met each other in almost perfect synch.

"Please. Promise me, Goku."

Feeling himself trying to choke back tears, the Saiyan grit his teeth and nodded.

"Fine. I promise, Chi-Chi."


She then leaned forward and kissed Goku on the lips one last time. They deepened the kiss and continued to do so for what seemed like an eternity.

Once their lips parted, Chi-Chi let go of her husband's hands and slowly stopped trying to breathe. She was now able to die in peace thanks to Goku's presence.

"Take care of Goten and Gohan, dear. They'll be needing you around more than ever now." Chi-Chi's eyes steadily drooped closed with each word she said. "And thank you for giving me the happiest days of my life, Goku. I wish I could yell at you again like old times, but instead, I'll just say…"

She ever-so-slightly raised her hand and waved at Goku. Before her very eyes, he transitioned from a kid to a teenager until he reached his current adult appearance once again.

"…goodbye, my love."

With a melancholic grin etched on her lips, Chi-Chi's arms fell limp. She dropped her wedding ring onto the floor and her vitals flatlined all at once.

"Chi-Chi? Chi-Chi!" Goku, in a state of panic, cradled her lifeless body in his arms. "No, no, no. Stay with me! There're so many things I had left to say to you!"

Letting the tears he held in flow freely, Goku pressed Chi-Chi's face to his shoulder and screamed as loud as possible. A surge of energy surrounded his body that seemingly imploded the entire hospital room.


Outside, Gohan held a single hand over his face and broke down crying. His mother was now gone and there was nothing he could even do about it.

"M-Mom. No."

It was then that the entire Dragon Team took some time to mourn the loss of a dear friend, mother, and wife. Goku, however, would not be able to recover from her passing as fast as everyone else.

Sometime later…

After holding a private funeral, Chi-Chi was buried near her and Goku's house on Mt. Paozu. It was marked with a simple gravestone that displayed her name, birthdate, and current date of death, June 13th, Age 775.

Gohan, Goten, and Videl decided to temporarily stay at Capsule Corp in order to give Goku some much needed time alone. He would obviously be needing it for a while, given everything that took place.

Towering over her grave was a large Sakura Tree with multiple, light pink petals that flowed in the wind. They fell one after the other, matching the sunset as it became visible in the distant horizon.

Goku looked down at the grave with a somber expression on his face. It was hard to believe that their journey together could end so abruptly like this.

"It's gonna be hard living without your cooking, Chi-Chi. You always made the best food."

He then took a long around to admire the pink petals and their beauty. To him, each petal represented a memory from his and Chi-Chi's pasts. These vivid memories fell from the tree and faded away, becoming lost in the past where they belonged.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Goku just couldn't let go and move on.

"I know you're not coming back. You can't come back, really." He whispered while clutching his aching chest. "But you're still always on my mind. I can't even imagine loving someone as much as I did you. I don't think I physically can."

He then remembered the last promise made to Chi-Chi on her deathbed and sighed. He couldn't live with himself if that ended up becoming a false promise.

"For you, I'll try to move on, Chi-Chi. It will probably take a long time to fill the void you left behind, but… I'll try."

With some difficulty, Goku turned away from the gravestone and stared at the setting Sun. There was still a world to fight for and protect, in spite of his wife's tragic death.

It'd still take a good few months for him to eat anything that wasn't Chi-Chi's cooking or wild animals, however. The rest of his time would be spent on fighting and fighting alone.

"Alright. Let's get started."

He then cracked his knuckles and ascended to Super Saiyan 3, lighting up the pink petals that sporadically danced around him with golden light.

Back at Camp Half-Blood, December 16th, 2007 (Age 775)

"And six months later, that'll all I've been doing. Training by myself and eating as little as possible. Although, a few weeks ago, I started falling back on my training and eating even less, which my son, Goten, noticed." Goku said, finishing off the rest of his story. "That's how much Chi-Chi's death affected me."

Percy was shellshocked, to the say least. He rested a hand on his forehead and shook his head. Pneumonia mixed with hematoma was a horrible way to die, especially for a woman who, from Goku's perspective, seemed like a genuinely great person.

"Wow. I had no idea you went through all of that. I'm so sorry, man."

"Just remember to cherish the people you love and care about, Percy. You never know what could happen to them or yourself in the future."

Hestia nodded her head. "After all, Goku here didn't expect to be taken to our universe now, did he?"

The son of Poseidon took Goku's advice to heart. In the end, he was grateful that this story was told to him. It made him respect the martial artist's carefree attitude a lot more.

"Yeah. I'll keep that in mind."

He then saw Annabeth walk up to the Big House with Grover and Thalia by her side. Despite their argument earlier, Percy was no longer bothered by it and wanted to make amends.


The daughter of Athena awkwardly played with her blonde curls. "Hey. About what happened earlier, I—"

"You don't have to say anything. I was being a total jerk back there." Percy admitted in newfound understanding. "I was just worried about what could have happened if Dr. Thorn did succeed in capturing you. I let my emotions get the better of me, so if you do end up joining the Hunters, I'll support your decision, as long as you're safe."

Thalia's eyes widened. "Wait… you were thinking of joining them?!"

"No! I wasn't. Admittedly, a part of me did consider it at one point, but that's all it was. A consideration." Annabeth insisted. Nonetheless, she still smiled at Percy. "I appreciate your concern for me, but don't worry too much, Seaweed Brain. I'm not going anywhere. You guys and Camp Half-Blood… are my family. Nothing's going to change that."

She then boldly gave the boy a short, but sweet hug. His face lit up like a tomato in response. "Thanks for admitting you were a total jerk, though."

The girl winked at him before walking inside the Big House. This left Percy alone to process his frazzled emotional state.

"W-What just happened?"

Goku patted him on the shoulder. "That was you listening to my advice. Haha."

Thalia quirked a brow. "Advice? What kind of advice? How to totally misread a girl's emotions?"

"It was actually related to a part of Goku's past. He told Percy and me about it not too long ago." Hestia corrected her.

"Damn. See what happens when you take too long to get ready, Grover? We miss out on some useful information."

"Huh? How is this my fault?!"

The daughter of Zeus simply held up three fingers and smirked.

"Three words. Stalker with hooves."

"I wasn't stalking! I was observing them for… research purposes!"

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just get inside, goat boy." She yanked her friend by the fur and dragged him toward the entrance. "This prophecy better be interesting."

"Trust me, it is." Percy said.

With the council meeting about to commence, he made his way to the Big House's rec room himself. Goku, on the other hand, stayed behind with Hestia.

"Welp, guess I shouldn't keep Chiron, Mr. D, and the others waiting…"


Curious, he crouched down, so he was eye-level with Hestia's child-like body.

"Yeah? Is there something wrong?"

Hestia smiled and warmly wrapped her arms around his neck. Goku was surprised by this gesture, but found it soothing, regardless.

"Thank you for everything you do. I know recounting those events must have been quite difficult." The goddess of the hearth whispered. "Don't feel pressured to fulfill that promise to Chi-Chi either. I sure she'd want you to move on at your own pace. She would likely do the same in your shoes."

Goku stood back up and gently rested a single hand on Hestia's head.

"I think so too, yeah." He exclaimed. "Wherever she is now, I just hope Chi-Chi is doing alright without me, Gohan, Goten, and everyone else around."

"I wouldn't doubt it. She is your wife, after all."

"Mmhm. See you in a bit, Hestia."

The Saiyan raised on Earth then entered the Big House, preparing to discuss everything pertaining to the Oracle of Delphi's current prophecy. Bianca and Zoë were also about ready to head inside.

Zoë, however, was having a bit of trouble getting over Goku's past experiences. Some tears fell from her eyes as she desperately tried to wipe them away. Her low opinion of him was now rather difficult to maintain.

He truly was much more of a tragic figure than she assumed.

"How can he still smile and goof off after going through all that?" Bianca asked in genuine perplexment.

"I don't know," The Hunters' lieutenant murmured. "But what I do know is that Goku's power and experience are attributes we should rely on. Lady Artemis was right to put us under his supervision, as much as it pains me to admit."

This newfound respect for Goku, however, still required some development on Zoë's part. Perhaps working together on this quest could be the key to achieving that.

After all, whether they necessarily followed the same path or not, both of them wished to save Artemis above all else.

In Other World…

Months had passed since Chi-Chi's death and she was still waiting in line at the Other World's Check-In Station. After Majin Buu, this would be her second time going to Heaven, so it felt odd that she had to wait amongst every other soul presiding there. Luckily, she still managed to maintain some of her original body, at least.

Chi-Chi, upon making it to the front, let out a prolonged sigh of relief. She would have lost her temper completely if she was forced to wait any longer.

"Finally! I can't tell what's worse. Standing in this line or dying from pneumonia."

She walked up to King Yemma's front desk and placed both hands on her hips. The red-skinned ogre wore a purple business suit, a helmet with two horns, and a black beard that covered his face.

He put down his booklet of souls in surprise. He recognized Chi-Chi's identity almost immediately. "Ah! Goku's wife, huh? Didn't expect you to arrive here so soon."

"Yeah. I didn't either…"

"Pity you had to die so young, but eh, sometimes life works in mysterious ways." He jerked a thumb toward a nearby entrance. "You'll be going straight to Heaven, ma'am. Enjoy your stay there."

"Alright. Thank you so much, King Yemma. I guess I'll be on my—"

"Wait a minute!"

Chi-Chi and Yemma spun around to see a small robot standing there. He had a gray nozzle, white lab coat, blue pants, and metallic feet. To top it all off, he wore a purple hat that said "TORI" on it in yellow letters.

"C-Could I go to Heaven too?"

The large ogre looked through his book and the found the name of this strange, robotic-looking person. His eyes widened upon realizing who it was.

"Ah. A famous mangaka, hm? You've made a lot of people happy with your work, so yeah, go on right ahead. You deserve it."

"Banzai! Thanks a lot!" The little robot bowed in gratitude. Before he could join Chi-Chi, he turned around to glance back at King Yemma. "Was I a good one?"

Yemma warmly smiled down at him. Considering the amount of work he's done, there was no another answer he could think of.

"No," He shook his head." "I'm told you were the best."

The robot bowed his head again and stood side-by-side with Chi-Chi. She was a little confused by his appearance, but didn't mind it all that much either.

"So, what kind of manga did you work on? Anything appealing to both kids and adults?"

"Well, I don't know if you've ever heard of it, but it all started with a little manga called Dr. Slump…"

The two then continued talking about their respective histories while ascending to Heaven together. Neither of them would be forgotten by the people who cared about them, and their respective legacies would live on forever.

R.I.P. Akira Toriyama

1955 – 2024

*And that's the end of Chapter 18. Like I said, it was a pretty emotional chapter, so I hope I handled it well. Chapter 19 and the rewrite for Chapter 6 should be completed soon. Until then, take care, guys, and please continue to support this story in any way you can.