BP Explanation (Must Read before starting book!)

To those of you who have no idea how the BP system works for my world and think that DBZ is the base for all power in this FF, here is a detailed explanation as to how it works before you decide to drop because it doesn't make sense to you.

Ex. Soren's BP is at around 10,000 and his opponent a Ninja is at around 8,000 in BP. Soren can use Ki, one of the most powerful forms of energy that even the Gods fear, and each attack can be used at a 10,000 BP output since Ki is Life force and draws in energy from the surroundings as he puts in his own energy for an attack. The Ninja on the other hand has a container that can hold a max of 8,000 BP, some may say this is enough to blow up a planet in DBZ, but the Ninja is unable to use all of that power in a single attack due to it being like a container that empties as Chakra is used in attacks.

Ex2. Ninja has 8,000 BP and uses a Fireball Jutsu which cost him around 100 BP making his total drop to 7,900 BP. Soren along with all the other Ki users draw in the surrounding Ki emanating off of everything while putting in little of their energy. 10,000 BP + 9,000 surrounding BP - 1,000 of his own BP = 1 attack worth 10,000 BP and Soren has around 9,000 BP left for other attacks.

Ex3. (For the slow people) Ninja has limit of 8,000 BP to use and make big boom. Soren has a limit as well, but can make bigger boom due to Energy type.

Hope this cleared any questions up for future as I slowly explained it in story while losing some viewers because they were dense and didn't ask before assuming what kind of power system I'm using.