Top Students

The next morning I woke up first. I looked down to see Draco sleeping soundly with his head on my chest. I smiled and looked at the time. It was around 7 am, and breakfast was at 9 am. I strategically moved out of Draco's grasp and walked over to my dresser. I pulled out a pair of my running clothes and changed into them. It was a black sleeveless hoodie, black sweats, and a pair of white and black sneakers.

I wrote a note real quick for Draco if he woke up while I was out. I quickly jogged out of the room and saw that there were already some people awake. I smiled and nodded at them and continued on my jog. I remembered that I didn't have that much time so instead of jogging today I sprinted my usual route around two times. I quickly ran back to the Dorms passing a few people on my way.

I just smiled and nodded at them and quickened my pace to the Dorms, I arrived back at the dorms at 7:30. I saw that Draco was already awake and at his dresser picking out his robes. "Welcome back Ho- Hadri," I smirked at the pet name he almost let slip.

"Morning Sweetie~," I coaxed gently and his face turned a light shade of pink. I walked over to him slowly and saw his face clearer. It still held traces of just waking up. I smirked and took his chin in my fingers. His face grew redder. I pressed an innocent kiss to his lips and smirked at how red he was.

"Let's just get going to the showers!" he stammered out. I smiled and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed my Slytherin robes and walked out the door with him. We walked quickly seeing as our tiny squabble had taken five minutes of our time. We arrived and I showered quickly. Draco also did, but I was a little quicker.

"Now what do we do Darling?" I asked sweetly. Draco was a bit pink on his cheeks but answered anyway.

"We go back to the room, put our dirty clothes in the basket, do our hair, and then go to breakfast." He was stuttering a little but it was fine. He looked at me expectantly to see if he was right and I nodded. We did exactly that, quickly walking to breakfast.

When we got there almost every eye in the whole great hall was on us. I was curious why until I saw the flushed gazes of the girls at us I sighed and clasped Draco's hand. He was a little surprised but we kept walking towards the Slytherin table. We sat next to each other and chatted quietly.

Quickly finishing our food all the students were sent to classes. Slytherin, unfortunately, had classes with Gryffindor which meant that I would have to see the redheaded git. I sighed and sat next to Draco in potions. We both read our potions books occasionally helping the other out when they asked. We both had just finished going through the book together when the door boomed open.

Draco and I had been laughing at the Weasly because he had just tried doing a fake spell. When the door boomed open and Snape entered I was happily surprised. "There will be no foolish wand-waving or incantations in this class," I smirked and watched the Weasly get flustered. "Potter! What do would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" I looked at him thought for a moment and got the answer.

"You'd brew a sleeping potion 'so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death.'" I answered calmly he nods slowly before turning to the rest of the class. The lesson went pretty well in my opinion usually Snape would subtly tease some of the Gryffindors. Most of the Slytherins were oblivious except for Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and I. We thought it was hilarious and when we broke a smile, chuckled, almost laughed, or just straight out laughed we wouldn't get reprimanded in fact we got house points. I smiled when the lesson ended and it was time to go to transfiguration.

I bowed slightly to Snape and walked hand in hand with Draco to the next lesson which was actually kinda fun. Professor McGonagle was kinda fun besides the obviously biased opinion of Slytherins. My friend group was in Slytherin sure, but she was a little kind towards us seeing as we excelled in her class. Draco and I were the top students in it but Pansy and Blaise were pretty good in it as well.