Envious Faces (2)

When I woke up the next morning is when I finally realized I had fallen asleep. I carefully untangled myself from Dray's clutches, making sure I didn't touch him with any of the things sprouting from somewhere down my spine.

I changed into my jogging gear looking at the time, it was exactly 7:00 when I had left. I sprinted outside, I was doing it as quick as I could so it would be over and down with. The other students were getting their soulmates and forms tested today and Im excited to look at the forms.

I had already done three laps through my routine so I decided it was a good place to stop. I still sprinted all the way into the dorm though. I looked to see Dray getting helped into the robes by a woman this time. I smiled at them both and pulled out the basic underclothing of the robes.

I quickly showered and put the basic parts of the robes on. I walked back outside to see Dray and the woman talking. I smiled at them both and picked the other parts of the robe up. I had put the same enhancement on all of our clothes for good measure.

I quickly did up the rest of the robe remembering how the dude did it yesterday. I was finished quickly and checked the time, 8:45. Fifteen minutes until breakfast started. Dray looked up from his conversation and I tapped my wrist indicating the time. "Sorry Rose, it's time for breakfast, and frankly Im quite hungry!" she giggled, her cheeks slightly pink and nodded. I took Dray's hand on my own and smiled at her making sure to show my fangs.

Her pink cheeks disappeared and instead, she gulped in fear. We walked down to the breakfast hall people with jealous faces were all around us. I just smirked and moved a bit closer to Dray whispering in his ear. 'I think we have envious faces Dray~.' He giggled under his breath. 'Only because you love drawing attention to yourself, and the fact you're putting our knowledge of being soulmates out in the open!' I chuckled under my breath replying to him with, 'I can't help it, you're like a drug to me. I need my daily dose of affection every day.' he smiled and shook his head.

We arrived soon at the dining hall, all attention that was previously on Ronald Weasly was now on us.

I waved at him and he flamed up with rage. Dray and I were lead to the special Slytherin table, each of the houses had one now. I guess we all were considered special because our soulmate status was obvious early on. I sighed thinking, 'Obviously not obvious enough for my grandfather, and his parents though!'

I sighed quietly under my breath buy Dray felt it. "Hey, what's wrong Hadri?" I shrugged and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm just worried about your parents, and my grandfather. I don't know what they'll think once the letter arrives. I just really hope they accept us. I love you Dray Im not going to let your parents or my grandfather stop that! I just don't want you hurt." He smiled softly at us and we both tensed up when we saw an owl flying towards us.

It landed with two letters, one with my name on it one with his name on it. We both put them in our pockets and ate our breakfast. Today was a free day because of the tests people were taking. We arrived shortly in our room and breathed deeply before opening the letters. We had waited to incase they were howlers.

We tore the seal to find they were regular letters. Mine read, 'Hadrian I love you no matter what. I hope you and Young Malfoy find happiness together, I do hope his parents approve of you guys though. It really does hurt if your parents don't approve of you. But anyway, I approve Hadrian. I love you and I and your grandmother miss you! I can't wait for Christmas this year! Stay safe. ~ sincerely Your grandfather' I was tearing up at the letter and I looked over at Dray to see he was smiling and crying. I was confused but not worried because he was smiling very genuinely.

"My m-mum and dad approve Hadri! I can be with you in public without fear! I love you!" He turned towards me telling me the good news then jumping on me and getting twirled around in the air. I was smiling and crying with him.

"I love you to Dray!" I set him down and gently pressed a kiss to his lips. I made sure it just stayed innocent because of my sharp teeth and abnormally long tongue. I pressed my forehead to his forehead and we just stood in the middle of the room hugging each other for a few minutes.

Until suddenly there was a crash outside the door. We looked towards it to find it had been pushed open and revealed all of the first years. Dray blushed heavily and I did feel that I was a little pink. The cause of the noise had been Pansy falling into the door and pushing it open. Dray and I looked at each other and we chuckled.

"Not surprising at all actually!" Dray chirped. Pansy stood up with help from Severus... wait for a second! Even Severus was here?! I looped an arm around Dray's shoulders and smiled.

"Enjoy the show enough yet?" I asked plainly they all smiled sheepishly and backed away. Pansy back out the door with Severus and they closed it. I chuckled with Dray and we just smiled at each other for a few more seconds. I pressed another kiss to his lips and he's the one who slid his tongue in which was also long. I noticed he also had fangs so we just plaid with each other's tongues for a few moments before we broke apart.

We hugged each other to the best of our ability and I noticed our bodies fit perfectly together. A match made in Heaven or Hell.