

Blink, blink, beep. As counter got up to ten thousand, sudden surge of electrical activity released restless beings from prolonged pause. With a loud plop, hydraulic valve showed a way out for honey colored liquid from a crystal chamber. Dim lights came on as not to irritate sensitive existence that is yet to stir. A robotic arm extended from a cupboard holding a silk robe. Furry of fans were in a hurry to ventilate the stuffy air through slowly opening balcony door, allowing in sweet summer night air, just as she likes.

Amniotic fluid slowly drains while lightly lowering its cargo on to the embedded bed. Skin is gently cleaned and dried, and finally the fluid is sucked from the lungs and replaced with a breath of life. After the vital signs are confirmed, the cover of the chamber begins to recede back into the wall, revealing tender body.

Slowly, sleepy eyelids peel back, revealing dreamy, chocolate eyes. A hand stirs weakly, as if forgotten how to move. As it touches upper thigh, tender sensation radiates through the body.

"Mmm" escapes from the throat.

'Oh, I've missed this' she thought as she moved her hand up to, circling the ticklish stomach while exploring long forgotten sensations of physical body. As she reached up voluptuous hill a naughty action enclosed tender nipple, sending shivers through her.

'Humm', fully alert she attempted a stretch, which was met with groaning, sluggish muscles.


"Welcome back my lady."

"My muscle memory is sluggish."

"Would you like an exoskeleton, or should I call an aid?"

"Light exoskeleton will do."

With a swish, a swarm of black nanobots was released and pale skin was being covered in black stripes, as slowly growing black ink spreading on pristine canvass.

"Mmmm, much better."

She got off the bed and enjoyed a pleasant stretch. As her memories were still in dreamy haze, her gaze fell on low hanging moon outside, next to it two cold suns, one was less than a quarter of the size of the moon, the other was quarter size of even that. But perceptions are misleading, and realization that the third giant was mostly eclipsed by the larger night sun, really drove in the change of time.

"I might have been hasty…"

She looked apprehensively at the static number on the counter, brooding a little.

"Orion, is seeding of my blue jewels safe?"

"There were no major problems. Would you like a full report?"

"Not now."

Tension drained from her body that she didn't know she had. She slowly reached for the silk robe, enveloping her black and white patterned body in luxurious fabric. With refreshed mind her gaze was drawn back to the night sky pondering.

'So, the supergiant aligned with triplets creating an illusion of a small cold sun. Time flies, huh...' slight regret was creeping up as she approached the balcony. Inhaling sweet summer air radiated such a pleasure through her being, amused at tipsy like feeling a sweet smile creeped up on her round face. Eyes closed, silly grin, she froze when she heard a quiet knock.

"It's me." Came a quiet voice from behind the door.

"Orion, let her in"

Door quietly slid open, allowing feline figure to pass through. Gingerly, she approached the balcony. Golden eyes in a heart shaped onyx face created illusion of a panther in the shadows of the bright night. It was a truly a majestic feline figure, skittishly approaching her target.


"How could you!"