Chapter 3

"The World of Eden consists of 15 Continents with 128 different kinds of races, this is the book of records" Dr. Pinochio opened his palm and a brown thick book appeared on his hands.

It looked old but Mark didn't care about the appearance, the older the book, the more history it had, and the more importance it had.

Mark kept the book and decided to read it later, Dr. Pinochio then continued explaining, "Next is the difference of the players and inhabitants.

The original inhabitants are what we call NPC, they were born and lived in this world after it was created.

Once they die, they die, they won't respawn, and can't be revived, there are also special NPCs which are adventurers.

Adventurers are the warriors, they have the same system as the players, they could use magic, aura, etc.

"So to summarize it, they are some kind of mercenary?" Mark asked.

"Yes." Dr. Pinochio replied, "Next would be the Players" Dr. Pinochio continued.

"Players are the beings from the earth, they would be like an alien specie in this world, they are immortal, and would be able to be revived, they had the same system as the adventurers but slightly different." Dr. Pinochio explained.

"What is this system you are talking of?" Mark asked.

"If you raise your hands and wipe it down, the system interface would appear in front of you." Dr. Pinochio instructed,

Mark followed it and swiped his hands down, just then a floating box came down with words and some kind of symbols on it, but it was too many, Mark didn't know what are these things for.

"This is what we call the Main menu, there you could see the thing called status with the drawing of a blank avatar, please press it" Dr. Pinochio pointed.

Mark then pressed on the status, then the box in front of him suddenly changed and showed.


Name: Mark


Library of Ineffable Legends Librarian

Game Master(Hidden)



HP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Dexterity: ???

Intelligence: ???

Vitality: ???





There are too many question marks, "Why is all of it question mark?" Mark asked.

"Simply the system can't calculate your power Librarian Mark" Dr. Pinochio answered, Mark nodded then asked another one, "Then why is there so many things in my status?".

"It's the privilege of being the game master" Dr. Pinochio said.

"Why make me a game master?" Asked Mark.

"To be the final judge and the watcher of the upcoming war." Dr. Pinochio said.

"Upcoming war?" Mark looked confused.

"It may seem that everything is peaceful in our world, but it's not, everyone is fighting for power, non wanted to back out, to stop the war, we created this game" Dr. Pinochio said.

"Stop? more like use another world to start the war." Mark said.

Dr. Pinochio didn't refute it as it was the truth, "Continue explaining" Mark said.

Dr. Pinochio nodded then continued explaining.


After half an hour of talking, Dr. Pinochio finished explaining, its not just the big shots who would be fighting here, even those nameless people and that beggar somewhere.

They had the right to fight in this virtual world, and the goal is simple, reach the top and stand at the apex.

Mark understood everything, and he had nothing else to do other than staying at the library and watching over the world, of course,

there are rules in this world but Mark didn't have anything to do about it, there is a thing called A.I that governs the rules, it is second to Mark who was the game master, Mark sighed, it was bothersome.

"So where do I put the Library?" Mark asked.

"Over here" Dr. Pinochio snapped his fingers, and then the place suddenly distorted, the next thing they found is that they were in a very open space.

Mark looked around and found that the place looked rather magical, there was the forest around and it very windy, Mark then kicked the ground and his body started to float.

He then looked up in the sky and his body started to move immediately, and in just a few seconds he reached the top.

Mark looked below and saw many buildings, buildings, and people, he then looked below and found the position of the library is in the middle, it was also on top of a flat mountain that was slightly high.

Mark then descended and went back, "Isn't it a little high?" he asked.

"Its all good Librarian Mark, there are portals here and the library would also appear in all different cities and kingdoms, its the center of everything." Dr. Pinochio said.

"Hmm, so you were saying a single point portal?" Mark said

"Yes" Dr. Pinochio said.

Single Point portal is like a tree and its roots, no matter what root you follow, it will lead into one tree, now it was used on a portal, that is what Single point portal.

Mark then turned his head to the place where the library gonna be placed and swiped his hands, just then the mini version of the Library appeared in his hands, he then threw it to the open lot.

The mini version of the library reached the ground and like it was being absorbed by the ground, it started to sink, after it disappeared, it was silent for 10 seconds before the ground started trembling.

it was not one place that started to tremble but all around the world, the inhabitants of the world didn't panic, they made their way into the mountains were the earthquake came from and one by one they bowed.

Even the kings, the heroes, the villains, the gods, the monsters, everything bowed, showing respect and fear.

Meanwhile, in Mark's position, the ground trembled greatly, then the ground where the mini version of the library was absorbed, something erupted and shot itself into the sky, it was very very tall.

It was not just in Mark's place but everywhere, they all saw a tower that shot the sky, everything trembled in fear, they didn't just bow anymore, they started to kneel, after 1 minute the earthquake stopped, and when they looked up, they saw a magnificent tower.

Then words were written on top of it enough for everyone to see, "Library of Ineffable Legends".