Chapter 7

Sorry for the long break, so I'm here, thank you for the help and the book won the gold tier of WPC #124, thank you for the support guys, I'm fixing my schedule so, it would be 3 chaps a week for now.



"Huff, Huff" A young man was breathing heavily, his body was full of wounds and the steel sword he was holding was near being broken to pieces, this young man was Orion, in front of him was a man with white robes and a dignified aura, the man was Mark, today he was training Orion on how to fight, even though he was a librarian, he was over trillion years old, so he also tried learning many things.

"Stand up!" Mark yelled.

"Yes!" Orion also yelled and stood up weakly, his feet were wobbling and he also cannot lift the sword in his hands anymore, Orion looked at his master who didn't even break a sweat from their fight, they had been already fighting for 2 hours without break, but he didn't care what he was shocked at is the weapon he was holding.

Mark raised his hands and showed the weapon he was holding, it was a Harisen, The harisen is a giant paper fan, usually made in a closed fashion. It is most traditionally used as part of a manzai act, in which the straight man smacks the funny man in response to their jokes or idiocy, and every time Orion was hit by the harisen there was no pain but he felt like there was a pain.

Even when his sword hit the Harisen it didn't get a scratch at all, and Orion was also having a hard time hitting Mark as he evades smoothly, Orion shook his head and stared at Mark who yawed, Orion gritted his teeth and used the last bit of his strength to charge, just then a small rock tripped him and he lost his balance, he then noticed the Harisen coming into his face.


Orion was slapped in the face and the sound was very loud, he flew for a few meters before rolling into the ground, Orion lied on the ground and he felt very tired, he was breathing heavily.

"That's enough for today, let's meet again tomorrow," Mark said and left.

"Ding!" just then Orion received a notification.

[Quests 1 Complete]

[You have received 200 experience]

[You received 10 copper coins]

[You have leveled up!]

[New Quest Available]

[Quest 2]

[Meet up with Librarian Mark tomorrow to continue you're training]

[Rewards: 300 experience and 20 copper coins]

[Failure: 30 slaps of Hirasen]

Orion was happy he finished the quest but when he read the second quest he shuddered, Orion sighed and slowly sat up, he then smiled, he doesn't know why but it felt fulfilling and happy, he was slowly getting used to his new body, Librarian Mark said to him that he will train him to control his body and he thought Librarian Mark was messing with him but after their fight, he noticed he really doesn't have full control over his body.

Orion sighed again and said "Status", then a floating panel appeared in front of him.


Name: Orion

Level: 1 (100/200)

Class: None

HP: 30/30

MP: 20/20

Attributes: Str: 5, Agi: 5, Int: 5, Vit: 5, Dex: 5

Free Attributes: 3

Skills: None

Master: Librarian Mark (1/1)

Blessings: [Locked]

Affiliated City: Apple City

Orion found some new things in his status and he also has 3 free attributes, and he was also interested with the blessings that were [locked], Orion decided to ask tomorrow and as for his free attributes, he will save it for now until he has a class, he then logged out of the game, he received a notice that his sister was calling for him.


Mark was sitting in the counter and looked at the players and NPC's that came to the library, he was looking for more talents, he would create a group, he remembered a saying in a book he had read.

"A Wise Tyrant is infinitely better than a Corrupt Democracy"

And yes, he felt that those people who wanted to be the leader of the earth are all corrupt people, well, everyone is unfit to rule, there's a reason why its hard to find one, and if you do found one, there's no guarantee that the future generations won't spoil that power, Mark sighed.

In the past, he won't even care about these things but now, 'Sigh' he sighed again, being bored isn't easy he thought, just then he remembered that there were books and things he got from the earth, he then opened his system, then a panel appeared in front of him, there was no one else could see it except for him, he then pressed on the icon with a library, when he opened it he was greeted by many things, there was a search bar at the top and recommended section,Mark then started searching for good books.

While looking for a book, Mark noticed different categories on the right side, there were Movies, Music, Anime, Novel, Hentai, and many more, Mark then pressed the music category just then the panel changed and different kind of CD's appeared in front of him, he then looked around, there he saw a song called 'Bad Karma' then another one called "Bohemian Rapsody' he then pressed on a random one.

Just then a headset and a Vintage Record Player with a disc already on it appeared in front of him, and there was a manual, Mark then read the manual.

[How to use the headset and the Vintage Record Player] (Author: I'm not gonna explain it cuz I know everyone knows how to use it)

After reading the manual, Mark got the grasp of it and inserted it to the socket on the Vintage Record Player, he then wore the headset to his ears and pressed a button, the disc started spinning and a few moments later, Mark heard music.

"I was wrong when I hurt you

But did you have to hurt me too

Did you think revenge will make it better?"

Mark liked the music he then looked at the song title which was written on the disc 'The Past', Mark felt good and decided to read a book, he then found a good book, "ABC's" he then started reading, all the people came to the library saw the Librarian wearing a headset with the Vintage Record Player by his side.