(Jane and Stacey) The last Martial artist in the Modern World


"We're gonna become fucking Martial artist!"


"What, wait wait wait...what?"


"Martial artist people, ok in this world terms or well it's basically the same thing a self defense or something."

(I don't know where I'm going with this so just umm just gonna skip that part) "Wow that's awesome" "Well anyway let's get started" "start on what?"

"We need to start to cultivate or training I guess, anyway do that thing again" "The one where the book appeared" "yes" *swoosh* *Stacey turns the book* "So what does it say"




"...What do you mean"


"Well there's nothing here and there is nothing written here" *thinking* "Well how about this just shove it in your mouth like it did before "?!??!??" *Tf face* "...Stacey?" "....." :/


"so you are telling me to shove this book into my mouth"




"...Jane are you ok"


"yep!" Jane says with a happy face.




"well anyway Stacey forget about me doing that t- I mean *I am taking what I did to my grave*...isn't that what happened to you last time just try doing it"


"...Jane...you now what f**k it" *disturbing scene* *A strange glow comes out of stacey's mouth" "huharhaurharha"



*Glow disappear*


"Jane, so much stuff is flowing in my head" "well what does it say" "I don't know, I feel like I already know them and something is telling me I don't have to experience that again "alrighty then, well let's take a break first we have been up for a while."