(Jane and Stacey) The last Martial artist in the Modern World


Whoa what the hell?!" What's happening?!" *system up grade*

(X) Level-1

(Incognito on)

Name: Jessica-Shane(Jane)

Age: ?

Gender: transgender


New system acquired: storage space, martial arts book,system translate


"...Huh it didn't change that much Jane."


"I know it didn't change that much at least the system isn't broken anymore, well anyway shouldn't we find a place to practice."


"Yeah we should but first isn't it better to do it somewhere safe."


"...Yeah I didn't think about that,then where should we go than?"


"Hold up let's search it up on my computer."


"Wait can't we use my system."


"...Oh yeah, yeah let's do that I bet the system is better then the computer."



*Jane starts typing*

"Alright I found a place, it's the Curonian Spit in the Kalingrad region we could go there."


"That's a good place we haven't been there for so long."


"Let's pack up Stacey you go get your stuff while I get mine."



*Long painful hours of packing*


"Are you ready stacey?"


"Yeah let's go"