Increase in popularity/Testing my body

(Outside the Lab)

*Looks up*


"...Huh I never noticed that it was this humongous since I'm always looking at my work...well whatever the entrance should be right around this corne-" *Bumps* *Falls* "Ow.

*Drops files* *Picks up files*

[Scientist A]

"Oh sorry are you okay."

*Stands up*


"Yeah I'm alright."

[Scientist A]

"If your going to go in at this time your going to need a level 7 keycard."


"It's fine I got the key card."

*Shows a level 9 keycard*


[Scientist A]

"I'm sorry for being rude umm."

*Looks at keycard*

"Miss Arial."


"It's fine your not rude anyway I'll be going now."

[Scientist A]

"al- alright." *Runs away and drops some files*

"Did you see that."

[Scientist B]


[Scientist A]

"That's Miss. Arial level 9 scientist they say that those level 9 or higher are geniuses making big impacts on the world."

[Scientist B]

"Wow that's awesome, your lucky that you ran into her or else you would've been punished."

[Scientist A]

"Huh why?"

[Scientist B]

"Some even say that they work with the making powerful weapons for them hiding things that the world haven't seen yet. But really though your lucky your ran into her since she's knew her."

[Scientist A]

"I'll be careful than."

(Outside door Entrance)


"Today should be in the weekends so it makes sense only the higher leveled people could only come at this time."

*Inserting keycard* (Processing) [Access Allowed]


"..." "How the hell didn't I notice any of this well whatever I just need to head to my lab room."


"Ah found it...Hmm yeah there's no way to sneak my equipment out. I'll just do it here since there's no camera and people don't usually past or enter my lab."

*Setting up equipment*

"Now than since I'm part machine I need to find out which part is a machine. Luckily enough they have enough budget for me to get Compact 32kW DR X-Ray System. I should check now."

(Lays down the platform) (Scanning) *20 minutes later*

"Hmm about 90% of my body is a machine the only things left is my Heart, half of my brain and my skeletal is still there...whelp I guess I'm not having any babies well at least I can still (censored) (censored) and (censored) (censored) (censored) and all that."

"...Oh wait I like girls. Alright it's time to test my physical body."

(Back in the Lab)


"First off...I can tell already that my hearing is already really good my eyes."

*Looks at Eye test chart* *Sees a cockroach*

"Now I wish I didn't even have this ability, Alright next is" *Looks at checkmarks* "My arms, easy enough I just have to-" *1 hour later*

"And check that's all of it I guess and from what I checked I can apparently adjust strength of my machine parts like my eyes of course it can turn back to normal or superhuman just like the rest."

"Hmm there really isn't that much to do with my powers I mean I don't feel like doing anything really hmm... hehe I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to gather every knowledge of the world I can and secrets that have never found, touched and seen before."

"Well before I do that I need to find every secrets of the big lab building I'm working at like seriously who wouldn't suspicious of a big laboratory where you there's top class scientist which are also apparently rumored to have strange abilities..."

"Huh I guess I'm one of those people know also... eh I don't feel like doing much right since it's my weekend off, I'm just gonna relax a bit while I work on the whole gather knowledge of everything in the world."

"First off I should probably make a list of all the thing I'm gonna do I guess"

My Bucket list:

O= Ongoing X= Success

1st objective: Find out the secrets that is at the lab department = O

Ultimate goal: Gather knowledge of everything in the world = O

"Hmm It looks like that's all for know" *Yawn* "Whew what time is it" *Looks at time* "Oh It's 11:00pm whelp time to go home."

*Some High tech sounds*

"What's that?" *Exaggerate* "Oh great I have an Ai in me great."

[Ai system] *Shows in text and voice*

(Warning area is dangerous please leave immediately)


"Oh I bet the the emergency drill is gonna is gonna turn off now in any second now."

*Emergency Drill ringing*

[Lab Warning System]

(Warning to all humans to evacuate the area an experimental machines or a area has been contaminated with an unknown organism I repeat) (Warning to all humans to evacuate the area an experimental machines or a area has been contaminated with an unknown organism I repeat-)

"Yep I knew it whelp it's time to get out of here."