Letting go

"That's..." he seems to change his mind about what he was going to say as he shakes his head and pauses. "You were powerful enough to break through the sigil on your own?" 

"Yes," I answer, owning it. Even if I can't lie to him without him knowing, I would want to own this truth. My truth. I don't need him for everything, even if he is powerful in ways I don't fully understand. I am powerful too. Power is not just given to you, it is something that can be earned or taken. I am training hard enough and fast enough to become powerful so I don't need to rely on others who play me like a fiddle. 

So I will the one in charge of my own fate, like Rees said, whether or not he believes it.

It truly doesn't matter what others believe about me, only the truth matters. 

I breath deeply.

'Stay with your mate,' Hel's words echo in my ears as I stare at him.