Chapter XII

I registered his praise in my mind and blushed a little even though in this heavy time a smile crept across my face.

"Don't flatter me much"

"Stating the truth is not a crime you know" 

He said again, staring at me. Neither he is full-on smiling nor he is serious. The emotion that I can't describe is planted on his handsome features. Even though there are no lights but still the brightness of the moon is casting a shadow over his face making him look more beautiful.

I again smiled a little and little by little we started talking and getting to know each other better. He is good to be around. Even though I learned that he is the right hand of the king, the best warrior here and the closest friend of the king he is kind of jolly and I really like that.

How come a bad king and a person like him get such a good friend.

Time passed by really quickly and I didn't even realize that while talking to him I forgot about the current situation I am in. At last, when we both felt that we need to sleep now we stood up from the edge of the window and said goodbyes to each other.

"I really had a great time with you," he confessed.

"Mutual feelings, it's good to know that someone is there to talk with me" I replied with a smile and he retreated towards the door, opened it and exited but not before turning half towards me and saying,

"You have a beautiful smile princess."


Morning came quickly and when I opened my eyes two maids were already standing at the edge of the four-poster bed. They indicated to me to go towards another door in the room that I hadn't noticed before. They opened the door and it was a large pool with stoned flowers and grass covering the sides of it.

I stripped out of my clothes and told the maids that I can help myself but they both declined and said that I said direct order from the king to them to assist me. So I didn't resist further. We exited the bathing room after I was purely cleaned and when I entered the room a series of beautiful dresses were lined up on the bed.

"Please choose what you want to wear, Princess and if you don't like any of them we can replace it with others. There are many of these gowns behind that door" The one with the older age gestured toward another door in the room which I again failed to notice earlier.

"No-no they are all very beautiful," I told the truth. I started to think about which gown I should wear and looked at all of them one by one mentally battling with myself.

Honestly, they are all very beautiful but since I like light colours most and since I am probably staying in this castle not going outside so I chose the simplest one. The blue one.

I quickly changed into it and the younger maid started doing my hair. My hair is naturally wavy so she combed it and let them roam freely on my back. She put some kohl under my eyes and put some rose thick juice onto my lips making them look more read then they already were. A Rosy light red.

The kind old lady smiled at me. I smiled back. It felt good to be able to smile again.

"Now you look ready and most beautiful" Just as she said that the door burst open and there stood the king himself.

Just as he looked at me a shine brought up its own way on those black orbs and it reminded me of a million stars in a pitch-black night. He smiled at me but I didn't smile back. His face fell a little.

"There is no doubt that she looks the most beautiful but there is something that will complete her look," He said and the three of us frowned. What is left? They have dolled me up from head to toe. My question was answered soon as he made his way towards me and opened a box revealing the most beautiful baby blue earrings​ laced with diamonds.

He swept my hair a little from my ear and started putting them while saying, 

" I had personally chosen those dresses but I knew that you would choose this one, so I bought those earrings for you"

I don't know what to say. How can he be so sure that I could choose this one and well I must say that his choice in clothing is good but I didn't say anything and he moved toward my right ear just as he finished doing that he moved me towards my left so I could face the mirror.

He kept his head on my shoulder and encircled his arms around my waist like we are some kind of lovers and not fazed about the Fact that two ladies are just standing near us.

He looked in the mirror so did I. His facial expressions on full grin while I was just standing there with him.

"Beautiful...." He said and for the first time, I know what his praise meant.