We kept talking for a long time, getting to know each other, embracing each other's company, laughing, giggling and happy moments. Even though this is not the time, I am still happy that I got to do a little in this world of misery. But this talk also helped me with my real motives. To leave this place. I got to know during the conversation that this kingdom is the Piui (Blood) kingdom.
I have heard and read about this kingdom a lot and about their Kings too. This place was originally named after the founder of the kingdom which was the first king, but as time passed, this piece of land got a name because of its doings, Piui Kingdom.
The blood which was shed by its rulers and the land which consumed that blood is the result of the name it got. It's every ruler was a monster-which people call them, caging their fears within the hearts and souls of its citizens. Not even a single ruler was kind-hearted or nice--this is according to what I have heard and read-- but I wonder how Myung-Dae is so sweet. I am not going to judge him by now because I have never seen him rule or in any other circumstances other than being with me in which he is completely nice.
"Chun-Hei...are you even listening?" Myung-Dae's pulled me out of my thoughts while shaking his hand in front of me.
I gave him a smile and blood rushed to my cheeks because I was not listening to a word he had said.
"Sorry..." I smiled with full teeth. Suddenly he seemed a little nervous and I wondered what happened so I asked what was in my mind.
"Uh..Ah... What happened Myung-Dae?"
He looked at me and took a box out of this black long overcoat and gave that box to me. I took it and looked at him to explain further what it is.
"This is a gift I have for you, I hope you like it, no...no I am sure you will like it," He said with so much believe, by which one can say he knows too much about me and I don't think so that we both know each other too strongly but still sometimes I feel a bond towards him which I happen to wonder that why is it?
I opened the box eagerly because first of all, I love gifts and second I want to know the reason for his confidence. When I opened the box it consisted of a transparent medium-sized ball. I took it out and noticed that it is one of those balls which shows the image upside down. It is very rare and consists of a small number in the whole world. I kept staring at it with admiration, calculating how beautiful the picture is provided of our surroundings. When I got out of my fantasies I jumped and tackled Myung-Dae in a hug. He was unprepared so he stubble a little-because now we were wandering around the beautiful garden, but gained his balance and spun me around all the while our sounds of laughs were heard in the air which passed by us, taking the message to whisper in someone else air and that is what happened after Myung-Dae and I settled back on the grass of the back, my eyes unintentionally moved to my side to notice that Byung-woo was standing a little far away from us. His expressions were not clear to me due to the distance.
"See I told you I would like it but that hug-well I didn't expect that," Myung-Dae said with mischievousness glinting in his black eyes. I blushed because really I also don't know why I did that. Okay, Chun-Hei I know you are happy because of the gift but don't get carried away with it, remember your situation! I scolded myself mentally while Myung-Dae released a deep chuckle again taking my breath away but I ignored those unknown feelings.
"It's just I am really happy. Thank you for the amazing gift I love it" I said and he smiled in response. Just after that Byung-woo reached us with a blank face--completely changed from the last time I saw his expression-.
"My king, those people are here whom you asked to bring for judgement," Byung-woo said with a cold voice. How has he changed from the last time I saw him or is he always like this? That night was just a change of his?
Myung-Dae's eyes changed into these cold black orbs that held nothing, no softness, no emotions, nothing. How come someone can change in a blink of an eye.
"Go on, I will be there in short," He told Byung-woo in a voice which was cold as ice and a voice that sent shivers down my spine. If I thought that Byung-woo looked scarier carrying that posture than Myung-Dae definitely looked hundred times scarier.
Just as Myung-Dae said that Byung-woo took his leave leaving the two of us behind and Myung-Dae looked at me in his eyes again at those black pools which I came to be familiar with. Again changing of moods so fast. How?
"Darling, I have work now, I am really sorry but I have to go now, but I'll drop you off towards your room" Myung-Dae proposed but I know that I have to decline.
"No...no it's absolutely fine, I can go there alone..." I said doing hand gestures to let him know that I can do it but he seemed unconvinced and narrowed his eyes at me so I immediately added, "I mean your work is more important" I said but I think that was the wrong thing because he darkened a little and he held my cheeks, caressing them,
"Chun-Hei, know that nothing is more important than you." He said and my breath hitched again.
How I am so important to him?
And I lost my chance of finding a root to escape this castle because the next thing I know that he is going to drop me off to my room.
Great going Chun, great going.