I want to Leave.

I struggled on the metal chains that kept bounding me to the concrete walls, in this rotten cell. Is it okay for me to lose hope? To give up on everything? And accept reality?

Yes, I have accepted the reality, and it is that I have been captured, kept away from my home and my father, been punished and starved but there is also another thing that I realized, is, that I can't give up. How can I give up after putting so much fight all the while knowing the consequences?

I have waited, had been patient all this time but not now, it's time, it's time for me to put up a fight, again. If I ever want to leave this place without submitting myself to Myung-Dae, it is to put up a fight, a war. The only thing that is left for me is my virtue. And under no circumstances, I am giving it up to Myung-Dae.