Making a Friend.

Exiting the room, I started to look for Myung-Dae, going through several hallways, I caught the eye of some workers, looking at me with some kind of unrecognizable expression displayed on their faces. Ignoring all of them I continued my search for Myung-Dae, after searching for more than an hour, I was ready to give up when I spotted Byung-Woo. Making my way to him, I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention. At turning towards me, his eyes widened, and he quickly excused himself to the person he was talking to. 

Turning to me, he eyed me with curiosity, and I said the only thing that I needed to,

"Where is Myung-Dae?" On hearing his name, his expression turned into one of shock and his eyes widened, but composed himself quickly, he smiled at me,

"Actually, Myung-Dae is busy in a very important meeting, so he won't be able to see you now-" After saying this, he looked at my clothes, directing his eyes from my eyes to my clothes and then he frowned,