Chapter 86: Agape Part 2


The Goddess went out of her way to bless me with Meadow in my life; I was proud of her, and honored to be her mate. Gideon swallowed hard and nodded at her standing up. "Ok, maybe I can stay behind the door and listen, or you have a Gesell Chamber here?" He said asking us. Meadow stood up as well with a smile and nodded. I on the other hand, was scratching my head.

"A Gesell Chamber is an interrogation room, with a tinted glass that allows others to stand behind it while they watch and hear the interrogation. It is commonly used in psychology research or interview," Meadow explained.

"We have two of those, yes," Cara replied.

"Meadow, can you lead the interrogatory?" Gideon asked and I growled.

"No way in hell she’s going to be near that murderer," I said and Gideon flinched and gave a step back.