"Why did you even do something so brainless?"
"Hey mind you! This is not brainless alright! It is called strategy."
Jae-in scowled at Xuan Di while he rolled his eyes backwards to show his annoyance at her stupid logic.
"Ha ... Strategy? Right, thanks to your "strategy" we are both captured and now no one is going to save us."
"You don't understand. Xiao Lang is the perfect candidate to use so to escape from this place."
"You should be mindful that your plan might not work."
"Don't worry, if my plans fail, we got Qi Yuan and he will find his way to save us."
"Forget about it, he has too many things on his plate."
"What do you mean?"
Xuan Di remain silent and turn his back, refusing to look at Jae-in. He can't believe how she threw herself to Xiao Lang just to achieve what she wanted. He knew it, nothing much has changed within her. She is still that scheming woman that he knew. Huffing on his own temper, despite him denying, he is actually frustrated over the earlier incident. He refuse to acknowledge that he was angry just because she didn't side him and took the enemy's side. [1]
"Tell me what is going on? What is Qi Yuan tied down to?"
"Oh someone is finally concern about their comrade and not trying to recruit new members to our group huh?"
"What are you ... Forget it, just tell me what happen."
Reluctantly, Xuan Di told Jae-in everything that happened the moment they left Si He Yuan, entering Xiang Hua Lou, the encounter with Ai Le and the journey to find her. After being updated with everything, Jae-in sank onto the floor with a worried face.
Re-evaluating the whole Kai border trip, things are definitely going wrong somewhere. Especially when they reached Luo City, as if it was not obvious enough, someone was definitely aiming them.
"Eh, don't you think everything that happened in Luo City seems to be a coincidence?" Jae-in asked.
"Look, before we enter the gates of Luo City, normally the guards will do a thorough check on the identity of the commoners or travellers. But for us, they did not bother checking or verifying and let us through easily. Also, it seems like they recognize us or manage to identify our traits like a target."
"If it's such a 'dirty' city with underground transaction, I think it's not a surprise that they let us through without checking, after all we are definitely a good rank of standards in terms of looks."
Jae-in pause and studied Xuan Di's serious face after he made such a statement. Only staring for a few seconds, she turned away and scoff loudly.
"It seems like you are a man filled with too much confidence and lack of reality."
Xuan Di felt offended by her statement, momentarily forgotten how mediocre his 'current look' is due to the pills.
"Me? Too much confidence? Then who do you deem handsome huh?"
"But I just don't get why did they target Yu-ji and me? If this city is targetting females, then why did they capture me who is dressed up as a male?"
"Probably you look too beautiful as a male and they didn't mind."
"That's what Xiao Lang said, he told me there is a noble that chosen us and instructed to kidnap and be sold as slaves. I wonder who is that noble?"
"Probably we will need to stay a little longer in this village to get our answers."
Silence filled the air and things got a little awkward. Remembering how they were not close to begin with, Jae-in decide to end the conversation. Xuan Di fidget anxiously as he sat beside Jae-in, with his eyes darted left and right, he turned his head to look at her.
"So ... Who is handsome to you?"
Without answering him, Jae-in laid on the floor and used her arm as cushion to get to sleep.
"I'm sleeping now."
" ... "
Looking over the back view of Jae-in, Xuan Di move closer to the wall, still remain close to her while leaning his shoulder. Closing his eyes, he endured the flaming pain on his back, he knew the old injuries had ripped open once more.
Honestly, he felt torn with two figurines of himself mentally fighting over each other. One, arguing that Jae-in is putting up a fake self to deceive him once more for an unknown purpose, while the other fight back saying she is just adapting to the situation and making use of all opportunities to escape.
Recalling the childish scene earlier on with Xiao Lang, he laughed at himself for not behaving his usual self. In the past, he would never imagine himself being so angry over such immature reasons. No, probably he never felt the need to.
*** ***
It wasn't long till the two of them were dragged out from the cell. With their hands being bounded, they were roughly dragged to the main hall and await for their verdict.
The 2nd-in-charge of this gang sat at the main seat with all his men stationed by the sides. Xiao Lang is present as well, but he hid himself among his comrades, ashamed to face Jae-in. Looking at their enemy, Jae-in is more curious of who is behind this scheme.
"Heh, so you are the main target for this transaction huh? Not bad looking, no wonder you were specifically asked for."
"Who is he?"
"Of course we can't disclose our client's information, but don't worry he holds high regard for you and he is on his way to come here to collect his goods."
Both Xuan Di and Jae-in remain in their kneeling position, showing off their vulnerable side towards this 2nd-in-charge.
"But, from what I understood, your main target was my friend and not me."
"Your friend? That ugly wrench? Ha. She was just a distraction."
"W-what did you just say?" Jae-in shot a glare at the 2nd-in-charge.
"Our client specifically instructed us to target that girl so to create an opening in your defence system, if not, why was it so easy to capture you?"
"I don't understand what you are trying to say ..."
"Look here pretty boy, you have always been our main target. Your friend was just a distraction to make your team thinks that she was the target. With the group's focus onto your friend, no one is there to protect you. Isn't this a simple logic?"
"Then what your client want to do with me? What does he even gain? I am nobody!" Jae-in asked while calming her heavy breathing due to anger.
"For this, let me be the one to clarify your question."
A sudden interruption of the conversation made the 2nd-in-charge look towards the incoming guest. The voice of the guest made Jae-in and Xuan Di turn behind and soon a shock expression is plastered on Jae-in's face.
"Is has been awhile isn't it? Lady Jae-in."
"Y-You ... Qi Zheng? "
Removing the veil that covers his face, he walk towards the main seat with an undeniable aura, making the 2nd-in-charge give up his seat for him. Taking a seat with his captured target facing him on the floor, a rush of excitement filled him. Dropping his head upwards with a wide smile on his face, he came to a realization.
"Ah ... So this is how it feels like to have people bowing over you."
"What are you doing Qi Zheng? I am not your people and you have no rights to treat me this way. For you to engage with the underground association, it is enough to be punished for death sentence!"
He wasn't affected by the fact that Jae-in had said and casually pulled out a short knife, simply cleaning them with the hem of this top.
"Then I will just need to make sure that this fact will stay a secret forever. Isn't it?"
With this brief conversation, Jae-in is trying to recall the whole intention of this mind game. Backtracking his steps as though she is him who is the mastermind, her brain is pushed with adrenaline to find a way out.
"Oh, apparently we have an extra gift here! Welcome! Xuan ambassador!"
Lifting his bottom off the seat, he bends down to Xuan Di and press the short knife onto his face.
"You know what? I seriously hate anything and everything related to the Xuan Kingdom. Let me tell you something, the moment I ascend my throne, I assure the people of Kai Kingdom that Xuan will never be sitting with us on equal terms."
Jae-in stared at this crazy man whose eyes filled with just one greedy goal, the throne. Willing to sacrifice the peace established between Xuan and Kai for generations just to attain his cravings for power and unified ruling. He definitely lost his sanity as he wasn't as clear minded as the previous time they met during the banquet.
'But, why did he target me? I was just the helping hand of Qi Yuan, an outsider. Or is it because he can't find ways to deal with Qi Yuan so he channel all his anger towards me? Ha ... How pathetic.'
Laughing out loud intentionally to show no fear of what plans he had for her, she relaxed herself by sitting directly onto the floor. Swinging her head on her left to get rid of the single strand of hair sticking onto her face, she look into Qi Zheng's eyes.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Nothing ... I just find everything is such a joke."
"Joke? Ha, in such a situation you can still have the guts to laugh? I don't know whether to commend on your bravery or your idiocracy."
Jae-in turn her body to face him directly with no fear reflected in her eyes as Qi Zheng tried to search for hidden plans.
"Well, it's just a pity that you have to scoop so low just because you weren't capable enough to fight for what you want."
"W-what? Weren't c-capable?"
Qi Zheng fumbled over his words like this is the first time someone actually has the guts to confront him with his weakness stated right in his face. No doubt, whatever Jae-in is saying definitely stirred his demons.
"Am I wrong? Picking on the one who is a weaker target because you can't face your opponent directly. Why don't you fight on square one with Qi Yuan instead of conspiring this kidnapping plan? I am just a mere Xuan traveller, whom have no relations with your throne game, aren't you picking the wrong size for your fight? Coward.
Admit it, you are not on par with Qi Yuan. Also, being an older brother who holds the crown prince title yet cower in fear of his little brother, afraid that he might steal whatever you have in a blink of an eye. With no proper convincing traits of being the future Emperor, no wonder there is so little faith being placed in you by Emperor Kai. Even I, an outside of Kai kingdom, can obviously see the favoritism being emphasize for Qi Yuan.
If it wasn't because you were born first, I bet you will never have the chance to be bestowed the position of the crown prince. Tell me Qi Zheng, what else can you achieve besides playing mind games, hiring assassins, collude with underground association or even sacrifise your own lover for the sake of the throne, the power and the authority?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You can't do shit.
Without all these external help, you are worthless on your own. Trash. No wonder everyone is leaving you. Even your mother, your lover, eventually you will be left alone. The kind of person you are, the ending will forever be predictable."
Xuan Di remain silent while he watch the verbal argument take place, the longer Jae-in talks the uglier it sound. He got worried and keep giving eye signal to Jae-in to stop talking at once, but she ignored him. Unable to stop her, he scoot closer and bump her shoulders to hint her not to make Qi Zheng any more crazier.
After Jae-in finish her piece, the main hall went silent.
Everyone held their breathe, including the 2nd-in-charge, refusing to release the air that they took when they heard the identity of their client. Never in their life they would imagine the holy prince of Kai will make his way down to this shabby village. No, they didn't expect him to carry out such acts in the public eye. The hell, everyone look towards the fiercely sound young man whom they though he looked too beautiful for a man, turn out to be a lady.
Xiao Lang, who stood at one corner, trying to absorb the fact that Jae-in is a lady and nervously look at her, worried that she might be in danger because of every words she said.
Unlike everyone's fear, Jae-in look confident as if she knew Qi Zheng is not capable to punish her regardless what unbelievable statement she made. She solely focus on Qi Zheng like a battle of 2 wild wolves, wanting to bite down each other's throat once they see an opening. She knew how crazy it is for her to spit out these sentence, of course she knows that Qi Zheng will definitely go crazy over them.
That's exactly what she wanted.
The more he lose control, the easier he will leave an opening. Qi Zheng remain silent and stagger his way to Jae-in, with his body shivering in anger and his hot breathe being release out of his nose, right now his mind is occupied with thousands and thousand of ways to murder Jae-in.
"You this wrench!"
Throwing himself towards her with the short knife aiming at her chest, Jae-in skilfully kick Xuan Di away from her using her left leg and dodge the attack by moving to the right. As Qi Zheng focus on her chest, Jae-in use this opportunity to launch an attack onto his neck.
Spring up from the floor, her mouth target the exposed neck area of his and she open her mouth widely enough to sink in her teeth like a monster craving for blood. The intense sharp piercing pain took place at the most vulnerable part of a human. Qi Zheng could barely react other than screaming in pain while using his bare hands trying to pull Jae-in away from his body.
However the teeth of Jae-in sank too deep into his skin, unable to pull her away, he proceed to stab the knife onto the back of Jae-in along with a few hits. A gust of blood rushed out of her chest, mixing with the metallic blood of his in her mouth, with the lunatic eyes of Jae-in, she swallow down all the blood accumulated in her and not relaxing her attack.
Pushing out the hidden needle under her tongue, she accurately insert the needle at the acpuncture point that she has been aiming for, twisting the needle on purpose, she successfully snap off the nerve she wanted.
As if Qi Zheng knew what was going on with his body, he went on full attack mode. Jae-in lean backwards to create space between them, probably this sneak attack was too intense for her weak body to handle, her reaction timing was slowed down.
Using his left hand to press onto the wound on his neck, his eye was off-focused. Filled with fear, he wildly swing his right hand that is armed with the short knife. In a single swing, the main hall once again went into silence.
Xuan Di shouted as his eyes registered what took place earlier on. Using his knees to crawl over to Jae-in, his mind was just filled with blood and silence. Unable to use his hands to reach out to her, he used his head to push her arms to see if she will give him any reaction.
Luckily, Jae-in responded in a few seconds after the attack from Qi Zheng. Pushing her body upright with Xuan Di support her back as he change his position, her shaky hands touched her face.
"I-it's okay, everything will be fine. I am here ... I-t's ..."
Xuan Di chant under his breath repeatedly to calm Jae-in and himself down.
"M-my ... ey- ..."
"C-calm down, everything is going to be fine."
With the single swing from Qi Zheng, it cut across Jae-in's eyelids and now her whole face is painted red. A mixture of hers and Qi Zheng's blood at her mouth and now, more blood flowing profusely from her lids.
Qi Zheng slowly regain his conscious mind and realized what he had done. A satanic laughter escaped from his mouth to celebrate his achievement on punishing Jae-in. Despite her embarrassing state, ignoring the burning sensation on her back, Jae-in kept her eyes closed and started laughing as well. With her voice joining in his celebratory moment, Qi Zheng stop and stare at her.
"What are you laughing at? Have you lost your mind because your lost your eyes?"
"No no no, don't mind me. I am laughing because it's funny how you thought you have won."
"Ha obviously still trying to keep a brave front after being the loser."
"An eye for an arm. Isn't it worth it?"
Qi Zheng stunned for a moment before he frown his eyebrows. He don't know what she is talking about. His arm? His arm is totally fine! As he tested his right hand and now trying his left, only then he realised something is wrong. Trying it a few more times to confirm his fears, he stomp up towards Jae-in.
Grabbing onto her collars, her closed eyes made her look calm as compared to his chaotic mannerism. Spitting out the blood onto his face, a grin appear at her side of her mouth.
"Of course it shouldn't have worked, I have already cut off your left arm musculocutaneous nerve. Why? Do you like it? This is the present from me for you to plot against Yu-ji and I. This is for you who make use of Yu-ji and caused her to be in a dangerous position. This is what you get for endangering my close one. This is your divine punishment from me."
Forcefully threw her body onto the floor with Xuan Di cushioning her on the back to prevent any more injuries, Qi Zheng fumbled over his useless left arm and started screaming like a wounded animal.
The whole gang remain silent and tried to stay out of this messy affair. While going insane, Qi Zheng finally turn his attention towards Xuan Di as he find him an eyesore for protecting Jae-in.
All the underlings look at their 2nd-in-charge for further instructions as they are afraid to make the wrong move. Sighing heavily, the 2nd-in-charge made an eye movement to instruct them to do as what their client had said.
[1]: He need reasons to justify his anger and he don't want to acknowledge that he was feeling jealous and frustrated when she did not side him. Coming up with the reason that she is a scheming woman, so that he is in the right to get angry with her.