Chapter 13 - Let's Get Them All

Chapter 13 – Let's Get Them All

"What is that?" Kyle pointed at the bubble with the cabbage soul and magic construct inside it. The bubble was similar to the bubble Kyle had surrounding his magic construct in his mana sea. He knew that the bubble was used to stabilize the whole magic construct but he wanted to know the soul and the super complex magic construct inside the bubble.

[That is the special magic skill I create by myself from the massive data we have collected for the past two years. The skill was a combination of mana gathering to gather mana in the air to activate the skill. Improved copy to copy the soul of the cabbage. Produce medium to create body or medium for the soul to reside and fast growth to lower the time needed for the cabbage to mature] said Dodo and Kyle's mouth fell to the floor.

From all the list of magic skills he heard, he knew immediately what Dodo did. Dodo was creating a living organism! Luckily, he had no control over the life law, and thus, he could not grant life to the organism he created easily but having the connection to the life law was not that much different to having the control over the life law.

[By the way, the produce medium magic skill had different constructs for different organisms we want to create] said Dodo and Kyle closed his eyes trying to calm himself. He was thinking that 'this is the power of the system' and he sighed.

"I never heard of produce medium skill before. Do you create that skill?" Kyle asked.

[It is a combination of a few golem creation magic. However, since I put a specific magic construct based on the body of the organism we want, the magic becomes a completely new magic and I name it produce medium. If you want to, we can create a human body but it will not have any soul because of the reason I told you before] said Dodo and Kyle shuddered.

"There is no way I am going to create that. It is unethical and it is creepy," said Kyle while hugging his body.

[It might look unethical but think of this, we can save a lot of people if we can create the human body. Those sick people that need organ transplants will have a chance to undergo the operation by paying cheaper fees. They will have a chance to live longer] said Dodo.

In the current times, humans were able to create organs for medical purposes but they were expensive. Based on the type of the organ, the cheapest organ could reach a hundred thousand to millions of sola.

"Let's add this too," said Kyle with a serious face. "There will be many strong magicians that will come to us asking to create a better body for them or many bodies for them so that they can live longer. Immortality and calling the dead back to life and many more banned magic will be used widely because we can create a medium for them to use."

[I know that might happen but it is not like they will know about this magic. This is our dojo's secret] said Dodo. He had already thought of that possibility and he knew how powerful the magic he had created and never wanted to tell anyone other than his master.

"Then, have you thought about how weird it will be if we provide many organs for hospitals? People will catch on that we have some special method to create the organ cheaply or we are doing something illegal," said Kyle and he added, "Never tell anyone else you can create a human body."

[You are the only one that will know about this because you are my master. Also, if your descendant inherits me, I will never tell them too] said Dodo. Kyle nodded.

"Let's move on from this dangerous topic," said Kyle and he continued, "Why didn't you use the mana gathering skill for our dojo? It looks like it is powerful enough to activate the special magic skills you create. So, the skill must be powerful enough to power up our dojo," said Kyle.

[What are you talking about? I am using this magic inside the mana generator. Do you think a normal mana generator will be able to make our dojo operate even a minute? No, they will not be able to do that] said Dodo proudly.

Dodo had indeed improved the mana generator by using the most advanced magic construct (mana gathering) and better material as well as better circuits for the mana generator and my more improvement. Dodo could do more but they did not have the budget to buy the material.

[Also, since this mana gathering magic is too strong, instead of absorbing the mana on this planet, I transfer it to absorb the mana from our universe. It might make the mana in the air around here thinner all the time and that will alert the authority] said Dodo and Kyle was silent. Dodo had thought many more things than him.

"So, all we need now is money to buy more materials and create more mana generators for our dojo," Kyle mentioned the obvious thing and then, a thought came to his mind but Dodo cut him because he knew what Kyle was thinking.

[No, the mana gathering magic cannot be used inside the human body. Not at its current form. If I modified the skill, you can learn it but it will not be as potent as its current form. If by chance you put the skill as it is inside your body, beware that your body will explode from the massive mana it absorbs] said Dodo seriously.

"Oh, okay then, can you bring me to the animal planet?" Kyle asked and Dodo teleported him to the animal planet. There was nothing there except a small pond. Kyle walked towards the pond and saw that inside the pond was the magic construct to produce anchovies, the only animals/monsters Dodo had full data on.

"Can the monsters produce by the magic construct breeds?" Kyle asked. He had a bit of concern about something.

[Yes, they can and I know your concern. Overpopulation. That will not be happening because I already put a limiter on the magic construct. Once the monsters or plants reach a certain amount on the planet, the magic construct will stop producing more of them] said Dodo.

Kyle was indeed worried about overpopulation. Too many of them might be a bit of a problem. "Can we sell them?" Kyle asked. They could become a supplier for fresh produce in the city and had more income.

[I suggest you not. This product is for personal use. We need the food here for our monsters to feed. They will need something to eat. Of course, I will plant or breed suitable food on their planet but they will sometimes need more food and these two planets will help us] said Dodo.

"Well then, I guess there is nothing else to do here," said Kyle and he asked Dodo to teleport him back to his room which Dodo refused. He asked Kyle to use the teleporter he had prepared on the planet. Kyle grumbled along the way and entered the teleporter and teleported back to his room.

In his room, Kyle suddenly remembered something, "I should have picked some vegetables earlier," said Kyle, which Dodo said he would handle. Kyle told Dodo what he wanted and Dodo teleported it into the refrigerator.

Kyle took half an hour to prepare his dinner and while eating, he asked Dodo, "So, our plan now is to get the data of the monsters and we will create them the same way we create the vegetables and anchovies?"

[Yes. Also, we will not only be hunting monsters, we will need to pick up herbs and trees and any other materials we find in the wild including magic minerals] said Dodo. [We will need to produce them by ourselves so that we can create our potions and equipment]

"Okay then," said Kyle and he continued eating. After he finished his dinner, he played with his phone and fell asleep until morning.

Day 3, Month 1, Fall, Year 3022

Kyle woke up early because that day would be his first time hunting the monsters and he needed to properly prepare himself. He ate his breakfast and got ready to head out. Dodo had been surveying the area they should go hunting and they chose Zone E-47-R1-13 Apple forest.

Kyle's home was located in the south of the city E-47. There were three gates (11, 12, 13) there they could use to get to the wild area, and passing through gate no 13, they would arrive at the Apple Forest.

The E-47 from 'Zone E-47-R1-13' was the city where the zone was located. The R1 was the dominant rank of the monsters they could find there which was Rank 1. There would be other monsters of higher rank too but they were rare. As for 13, that was the nearest gate towards the Apple Forest.

Apple Forest was named because the forest had an abundance of apple trees. Most of them were normal apples but some of them were magic plants that bore magic apples, apples with mana inside them. These magic apples could be eaten raw (there are harmful ones) like that or used as materials to make food, potions, and many other things.

Kyle and Dodo chose the Apple Forest because they could find eagles there. The most important thing to them at the moment was getting the data for the eagle to create the perfect soul for Kyle. The artificial soul inside Kyle was too inferior and they needed the better one. The monsters and materials were important too but their main target was the eagle.

There were a few monsters commonly found in the Apple Forest. The most common one was slime. This monster was common everywhere on the planet, no, the multiverse. Every planet would 100% sure have slime living there.

Other than the slime, there were monsters from the bear family which were the strongest monsters that could be found in the Apple Forest. Three types of bear monsters could be found there. They were the mega claw bear, blue eyes bear, and winged bear.

As the name implied, the mega claw bear had a huge claw while the blue eyes bear had blue eyes. The mega claw bear could be found mostly at rank 1 but there were some of them at Rank 2. The mega claw bear focused on physical skills with their signature skill, the ripping claw. It looked like a normal claw attack but the claw was concentrated with vibrating mana that could rip their enemy easily.

As for the blue eyes bear, they were weaker than the mega claw bear. They could only be found at Rank 1 and they could use water magic. However, their water magic was not as strong as the ripping claw. The strongest water magic in their repertoire was the water ball. The blue eyes bear was not only the weakest but they were also the rarest among the three types of bear.

There was a reason for that. Their blue eyes were beautiful and many people were collecting them. Not only the eyes were beautiful, but they were also used as ingredients in many kinds of potions. So, the blue eyes bear species could be considered endangered on Planet Mykon due to overhunting.

The strongest among the three was the winged bear. There were variations to the wing but the most common winged bear was the feather winged bear. They could commonly be found among the winged bear. The winged bear mainly used wind magic but sometimes, based on the wing they had, they could use other types of magic too.

In the history of the winged bear, there were three species of winged bears that were known to be the most dangerous out of all the winged bears. They were the dragon winged bear, the phoenix winged bear, and the angel-winged bear.

All three of these winged bears packed a lot of firepower and whenever one of them was spotted in the wild, the authority would deploy a lot of manpower to kill it because once the winged bear became stronger, they would be extremely dangerous to the city.

There was once written in a book that an angel-winged bear in Planet Mykon reached Rank 6 and 11 E grade city was destroyed in three weeks. The same situation happened when the other two winged bears reached a higher rank too but that incident did not happen on Planet Mykon. All in all, the winged bear was a threat.

There were also two species of mice monsters living in Apple Forest but they were rarely found in the forest because they lived underground. If one found them, they could be considered lucky. However, the two mice species were not anything special.

Other than that, there were three species of rabbit monsters present in Apple Forest too. They were the horn rabbit, sonic rabbit, and wood rabbit. The horn rabbit was the common one while the sonic rabbit and wood rabbit was the rarest among the three.

The sonic rabbit moved so fast that low-rank magicians could hardly see them and the wood rabbit was as good at camouflage as wood that it was hard to spot them. Other than their tasty meat, there was nothing special about the rabbit.

There was also a special monster that could only be found in the Apple Forest. That monster was the apple deer. Apple deer was the rarest monster that could be found in Apple Forest and they were also the most special monster in that forest.

From what Kyle read in a book, the apple deer could produce an apple treasure on their horns that could be used to increase the power of any magician of any rank by tenfold and also to create a special potion that could heal any special condition, sickness and curses.

The apple deer used to be a common monster in the Apple Forest but due to their special power, they were hunted and became rare. The authority did not even try to put a law to prevent the monster from extinct because they also wanted that apple. In the end, the apple deer became an almost extinct species. No matter which apple forest in the universe, the apple deer was never to be found easily.

In the current times, for the past 5 years alone, there was only once the apple deer was spotted in the universe and that happened far from the 23rd solar system. What happened to the apple deer after that? It was accidentally killed by the magicians who were fighting to own it. In the end, no one could get anything out of that apple deer because the apple deer was burned to ashes.

Many other monsters could be found in the forest and Kyle and Dodo planned to get as many of them as possible. They all could be turned to data and they would have many types of monsters they could offer to their customer.

Kyle got out of his home and took a taxi toward gate 13. Once he got there, he registered his ID at the gate to get the pass to go to the wild area and set off towards the Apple Forest. Kyle walked through the gate passing the thick city wall. While walking through the gate, he saw a lot of magicians walking in and out of the city.

Looking at the many of them, Kyle knew that they all went outside to train themselves because of the incoming war. They needed to work hard if they wanted to survive the war. The one that walked out of the city looked serious and determined and the one that got inside the city looked tired and had many injuries.

"Will I get beaten up like that?" that thought came to his mind. He was a beginner and he never fought a monster before. He did get into a fight with other people but fighting his peers was different than the monsters. His human opponent he fought before had no intention of killing him but the monsters had all the intent to end his life and gobbled his body.

[Let's choose the slime as our first target. They are the weakest and the safest monster you can fight without any experience. Don't worry about dying, I get you cover] said Dodo trying to reassure his master. Kyle got out of the gate and what met him was a thick forest with countless trees bore different colored apples.

"Wow~ this forest is much more beautiful than the picture online," said Kyle while he was amazed with the beautiful view of the forest.

[The city authority cleans the area nearby the city wall so that they can get a clear view of the forest. When we get deeper into the forest, you will see the picture you saw online] said Dodo, and Kyle pursed his lip and said, "I know. I just want to enjoy the view."

Kyle walked forward into the forest. Since he was close to the city wall, there was no monster he could find. Kyle went further inside the forest and once he felt like he could not be seen by the guard at the wall he looked at the variety of apples dangling on the tree.

Without wasting much time, Dodo used the massive data they had collected for the past two years to identify most of the things in the forest. Dodo asked Kyle to collect everything he pointed. Kyle looked around and when he found no one was around, he put his palm on one of the apple trees and the tree vanished.

[More, more~ let's get more of the tree. That one! I want that one! Oh~ that one is quite uncommon, let's get that one! Look, look, Kyle! That herb can be used to make a low antidote! Absorb it fast! That flower is beautiful and it will look good in our dojo! Hurry up and absorb it! I want to analyze everything] Dodo got excited. He was addicted to analyzing things as he got more data with his analysis than copying something from books.

Kyle was smiling hearing the excited Dodo. Though his ear was a bit hurt by that screaming, he did not mind it. Kyle continued collecting everything Dodo wanted because that would help his dojo a lot.

While Kyle was busy collecting the material and Dodo was excited to find many new things, they got careless and unaware of the danger behind Kyle. A 'ferocious' small blue blob organism the size of a fist was approaching them.