Samantha Julie

Samantha got out of her car and walked into the Hotel. Quency walked towards her, and they both walked inside the Private Elevator.

"Sam, You have 3 meetings today. 1st is with the CEO for the Thailand dealers, 2nd is with the Marketing Department Manager, and 3rd is with Mr. Davis." Quency informed her.

"Okay, Inform Noah to come to my office with the Report."

"Sure, Sam," Quency said. They both got out of the Elevator, and Samantha walked to her office.

Samantha opened the door, and walked inside the office and kept her bag on the couch, and opened the curtains, letting the golden rays of sun illuminate her room with positivity.

Soon, Noah knocked on the office door.

"Come in," Samantha answered from inside, and Noah walked in.

"Good Morning!" Noah said as he kissed Samantha's forehead lovingly.

"Good morning, Noah," Samantha replied with a smile.

"Here is the Report," Noah said as he handed the report to Samantha and sat on the couch.

"Well, it looks good," Samantha said as she studied the report.

"Yes, It's good, and would benefit us to market our Hotel in that country. They will send their professional massagers and their special oils." Noah replied.

"Yeah, it looks like that," Samantha said.

"So, you are accepting the deal?" Noah asked.

"Yes," Samantha replied, and Noah smiled.

"Good, I will inform the dealers," Noah said and Samantha nodded.

"I heard, Johnson Davis, took an appointment to meet you?" Noah asked curiously.

"Yeah but I don't know the reason," Samantha replied anxiously.

"I guess, he got to know that we are planning to keep a tender for the Interior designing companies."

"How can that be possible, Noah?" Samantha asked in a confused tone.

"They have their ways, Sam."

"But, he said he wants to talk something personal."


"Yeah!" Samantha replied.

"Should I be with you?" Noah asked.

"No... No, It's okay. You have a flight in the evening, right?"

"Yeah, but I can cancel it. Nothing is important to me more than you." Noah said with a smile on his face.

"Noah, Listen," Samantha said as she came towards Noah and sat beside him.

"You were with me, always. But, I need to fight alone sometimes. You won't be with me forever, right? So, I need to take care of myself now." Samantha said in a soft tone as she kept her hand on his hands.

"Don't say that, Sam. I am always with you until my last breath. You are my sister, and I will protect you forever. And I'm sorry, I wasn't there with you when you needed me most." Noah said as he took her hands in his hands.

"Don't say like that, Noah. You were always at my back whenever I needed support. You took care of me like a small baby when I was shattered and broken from inside. You guys made me believe in life, and gave a hope that I can do something in my life, and thank you for that." Samantha said as a drop of tear fall from her eye and hugged Noah.

"Shh... Don't cry," Noah said as he kissed her forehead.

"Still, how many days, or years Noah? For how many days should I keep this... secret! From Mom and Dad?" Samantha stuttered with more tears, and Noah wiped her tears away.

"You know, you can tell them anytime. They won't judge you," Noah said as he kissed Sam's forehead.

"No... No... They will... break down," Samantha replied with sobbing, and Noah hugged her tightly.

"I... I... I heard... them... last night," Samantha stuttered with tears, and Noah looked at Samantha.

"They... Want me... To settle... Down." Stuttered Samantha.

Noah hugged her, and she cried in his arms.

"I want to make their wish true and want to see smiles on their faces, but... I'm... Scared." Samantha said as tears didn't stop falling from her eyes.

"Sam, Calm down. Everything will be alright."

"No, Noah... It still... hunts me in my dream. It hurts my heart a lot, and I feel like trash sometimes. I think, why even I am alive!" Samantha sobbed heavily, and Noah wiped her tears away.

Noah tried his best to stop Samantha's tears, but he couldn't. Samantha started getting her panic attack.

Noah knew she suffered a lot in her life and couldn't forget any. It haunted her in her dreams, every day. There wasn't a single day when she slept peacefully.

"Calm down, Sam!"

He hugged her tightly.

"I... I... lost so much, Noah. Why? Why should it only happen to me? Why? What did I do?" Samantha shrieked.

"Calm down, Sam!" Noah shouted and wiped her tears again.

He cupped her face with his palms.

"Look. Look at me. You are not wrong. You didn't do anything, and it's not your fault, Samantha." Noah said by looking into her eyes, and Samantha nodded.

Noah gave her some water.

"Sam, please don't think about anything. I know, it haunts you, but please try to forget it."

Sam wiped away her tears and listened to him carefully.

"You are so strong Sam, and you know that. We all are proud of for what you have achieved today," Noah stated with a small smile.

Samantha smiled back and nodded her head.

"I am sorry. I won't think about it again!" exclaimed Sam.

And Noah smiled, nodding his head.

"I guess, you got some work. Right?" Samantha asked and Noah nodded.

"Thank you for understanding me," Samantha said.

"Silly girl. I am your brother, and I will always support you and understand you." Noah said, and Samantha hugged him once again.

"I have meetings. I will get back to my office now." Noah said as he got up from the couch, and Samantha nodded.

Noah walked out of the office, closing the door behind his back.

And Samantha started working again She finished her meeting with the Marketing manager too and got busy completing her pending works of the Hotel until someone knocked at Samantha's door.

"Come in," Samantha said, and Quency walked inside.

"Johnson Davis is here to meet you, Sam," Quency said.

"Okay, let him in," Samantha said as she got up from the chair, and walked towards the coffee machine to make her coffee.

"Okay," Quency replied and walked out of the office.

Samantha took her mug, and walked towards the big glass window, and started looking at the New York view from her office by sipping the coffee...