Do you love Alexi?

"I don't understand, What is the relationship between you both?" Martin asked and Andrew chuckled.

"Come on, let me tell you." Andrew said and Martin looked at him weirdly.

"You seriously gonna tell me?" Martin asked and Andrew nodded.

"I can't believe you." Martin said and walked away from there to his office.

"Woah! This man is so jealous." Andrew said to himself and chuckled and followed Martin.

Andrew saw Sophia taking the lunch for Martin and stopped her by calling her name.

"Ms. Graham." Andrew said and Sophia looked at him.

"I want to talk to him about something important... I will take this. You can have your lunch." Andrew said and Sophia nodded nervously and walked away.

"Is she shy?" Andrew asked to himself with a smile.

"But, she looks cute." Andrew said and chuckled and knocked on the door and walked inside.

"Well, I bought your lunch." Andrew said as he kept his lunch on the table.

"This is not your work. Where is my PA?" Martin asked.

"Cool, Dude... I bought this from her as I want to talk to you about something." Andrew said and sat on the couch in front of Martin.

"What do you want to talk to me?" Martin asked as he started eating.

"Do you love Alexi?" Andrew asked as Martin got chocked and spill his food from his mouth.

Andrew gave water to him and he drank it in one gulp and looked at Andrew.

"Are you crazy?" Martin asked and Andrew shook his head.

"No... So, tell me you love Alexi or not?" Andrew asked.

"And why should i answer you?" Martin asked.

"Well, I'm like Samantha's and Alexi's big brother. I know everything about them and you don't have to tell me but I know, you love Alexi." Andrew said and Martin looked at him with his wide eyes.

"Brother?" Martin asked.

"Yes, I'm not their own brother but they are like my own sisters, and let me tell you, I'm so protective of them." Andrew said with a smile.

"I'm so sorry." Martin said and Andrew chuckled.

"No problem. Now, tell me. You love her right?" Andrew asked.

"You already know it." Martin said.

"I want to listen to it from your mouth." Andrew said and Martin took a deep breath.

"Yes." Martin said and Andrew smiled.

"Good." Andrew said.

"But, how do you know I love her?" Martin asked and Andrew chuckled.

"Look, Martin. I am working in this industry form the past 10 years and I can see what is real love and fake love." Andrew said.

"With the way you look at her, I can say you love her genuinely not only me anyone can tell how much you love her. I know you are a playboy but I think you will change yourself for her but Alexi..." Andrew cut off in mid-sentence and looked away.

"But Alexi what Andrew? Don't scare me and tell me whatever it is." Martin said.

"Alexi...." Andrew stopped as he was hesitated to say further.

"Alexi doesn't believe in love. I mean she believes but she thinks that love is not for her to believe." Andrew said with sadness in his eyes.

"Oh... Ok! Wait... What?" Martin shouted.

"Yes. She don't believe in love." Andrew said.

"But why?" Martin asked.

"It's not my place to tell you about it but I will tell you something about her." Andrew said and Martin nodded.

"Alexi is so different from other actors and models. Most models and actors will go in the wrong way to get popular fast in Industry and with Alexi's beauty and talent she can be at the top within a less time if she chooses to go in a wrong way but she didn't choose it and worked hard and didn't care if it takes her 5 or 10 years and now after 9 years of working hard day and night she is the top model and actor in Hollywood." Andrew said with admiration and adoration in his eyes.

"So many men find her attractive and asked her to date them and also said they will give anything she asks but Alexi said NO to them and walked out from there. Alexi came to the industry when she was just 14 years old and started doing as a model at an early age cause of her family circumstances." Andrew said and his eyes suddenly changed into sad.

"She went through a lot in her life but she never took any wrong step to get popular. She worked hard. I mean so damn hard. So many members tried to make her fall down but Alexi stood so strong on her feet just because if her family and didn't let her tears fall down and made her way into the Industry." Andrew said with proudness in his voice.

"And today, she stood as an inspiration to many people in this world. But, no one knows her past. Her secret that buried deep down in her heart. No one knows it... And... No one tried to mend her heart until now. They just want her beauty and her body and nothing else..." Andrew said as his eyes get teary.

"It hurts her a lot but there is no one with her to share it... She can't share it with her sister nor her parents. They are so sensitive in her case. So, she just buried them down in her heart. Everyone someone says, she is lucky to get on to these positions but no one asks, how much she struggled to get on to this position. Because they don't care about the struggle when she finally achieved fame and it's a useless talk for them" Andrew said.

"She wants a person who takes her all the pain away and who gives her a new life. Who loved her and cares for her and who respects her and her professionalism." Andrew said and looked at Martin in the eyes.

"Will you do that for her?" Andrew asked.