I will marry him!

"Yes." Samantha said and everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"What?" Alexi shouted at Samantha.

Liam and Cassandra looked at each other and smiled big.

"Sam, are you crazy?" Alexi shouted with anger.

"No, I'm not!" Samantha said Alexi and she can clearly see that Samantha is stopping herself from tearing up in front of her family.

"Sam, you know you don't have to do this." Alexi said and Samantha shook her head.

"Mom and dad are right! We need to be happy. We should let go of sad things and... Move on and that's... What I want to do." Samantha said and Alexi frowned.

Alexi is clear that she is not talking about the past which happened 10 years but talking about which happened 5 years ago. 

"Sam, you know we love you and always want you to be happy?" Liam asked and Samantha nodded with a small smile.