Thank you!

Golden rays of sunlight come flooding in the room. Sun light up Samantha's face before she turned around on the bed and opened her eyes and looked at the clock which is on her bedside table, saw the time was six in the morning!

"Ohh... We slept so early yesterday!" Samantha said to herself and looked at the other side and didn't find Alexi on the bed and got up and sat on the bed.

"She woke up early today?" Samantha asked herself and got up from the bed and made her bed.

After making her bed she went to the restroom, got under the shower and the warm water helped her to relax her body and made her think about yesterday.

"Am I going to be a... Wife?" Samantha asked as a tear fall down from her eye and her heart started beating fastly.

"Can I... Fulfill his... Needs as a wife?" Samantha asked as another tear fall down from her eye.

"Will I... Be a good wife?"

"What if... I can't?" 

"Will he... Leave me?"