You really want to marry me?

Johnson and Martin were seeing the pictures of Johnson and Samantha when suddenly someone snatched the Camera from Martin's Hands.

And it's obviously Alexi Julie and looked angrily at Johnson.

"Wow... My sister looks so beautiful." Alexi said as she started seeing the pictures on the camera.

"Alexi give it back to me." Martin said annoyedly.

"I will, Martin. Have some patience." Alexi replied and looked at Johnson.

"Look at her, Johnson. Even now she is not realizing what she did a few minutes ago and started accepting her fate with you but be careful Johnson." Alexi said angrily and Continued.

"You just got engaged and you have three months for the wedding and in these three months, no one knows what will happen. Maybe, I might stop this wedding too." Alexi said with a chuckle and Martin stepped close to her.

"Don't you dare, Alexi." Martin replied angrily.