Knowing her past will make me know more about her!

"Excuse me." Samantha said with a cracked voice and went towards Restroom.

"Sam, Are you okay?" Alexi asked.

"Ye... Yes." Samantha replied and went to the washroom.

"Wow... Is that My SIL who just talked?" Martin asked.

"Yes." Noah answered with a chuckle.

"She looks really ruthless in business." Martin said.

"Martin, you didn't see your SIL's ruthlessness yet." Noah replied.

"Is Julie's Cafe, SIL's?" Martin asked.

"Yes, It's the first cafe Sam started and that cafe made Sam come until here and it's close to her heart. She made Julie's cafe bigger because she wants to make her dream resort around the cafe." Alexi answered.

"Wow... I heard a lot about Julie's cafe but I really didn't expect that Julie's cafe is SIL's." Martin replied.

"Well, Samantha took Caffeine name from Julie's cafe name and Kept the name for Amaxi is Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels and Resorts." Alexi said proudly.