Picnic. (Part-1)

They all soon reached the lake house and settled on the quilt on the backyard of the house.

On the way to the lake house, Johnson saw that Samantha was thinking something. She was looking deep in thoughts. Johnson didn't understand what was she thinking about? He wanted to ask her what's bothering her? but Anna was with them so, he didn't ask her anything.

"I will get something to eat until then you guys enjoy." Samantha said getting up and walked inside the house.

"Martiee, Drama Quein. Let's play, Ring toss." Anna said as she took them both with her.

Johnson got up and walked inside. He saw that Samantha is chopping some fruits but she is in deep thoughts.

"What are you thinking, Samantha?" Johnson asked and she flinched.

"I don't mean to scare you." Johnson said as he walked near her.

"No, It's fine." Samantha replied as she again started chopping the fruits.