
"So, do you like the designs?" Johnson asked as Samantha kept them on the table after looking at them.

"Yeah! They are amazing." Samantha said with a smile making Johnson smile too.

"Yeah, they are awesome. I am awestruck by these sketches and can't wait to see how the suits will be after renovations." Noah replied with a smile.

"But One Sketch is different from them. It's unique and not suited in this suit. It looked more homely." Noah said as he grabbed a sketch.

"Which is?" Johnson asked as Noah handed him the sketch.

"This sketch isn't for Hotel. This got mixed up with these by mistake." Johnson said with a chuckle, smiling at Samantha.

"Oh, Okay...  Can't you tell us what this sketch is for?" Noah asked.

"Umm... This sketch is going to be our bedroom. I sketched it especially according to Samantha's taste." Johnson said looking at Samantha with intense.

'God! He already sketched our... Bedroom.' Samantha thought with a smile.