A new beginning in life!

"Good morning, Sam." Quency said as she got out of the car.

"Good morning, Quency." Samantha replied with a bright smile.

"How are you doing now?" Quency asked as they both walked inside the Caffeine by Amaxi Hotels. 

"Good, Quency. Thank you for asking. How are you doing?" Samantha asked as they both walked inside the lobby?

"Good, Sam." Quency replied with a smile as they both got inside the Elevator.

"What is my schedule for today?" Samantha asked.

"There are no important meetings. Noah already cleared the meeting and made everything clear to each and every department about their works." Quency answered and Samantha nodded.

The elevator door opened and they both stepped out of the elevator.

Samantha walked to her office while Quency went to her's. 

Samantha went to her office and opened the door stepped inside closing the door behind her.