Bold Samantha!

"Let's go on vacation with everyone." Samantha said making Johnson frown.

"Samantha..." Samantha cut off Johnson in mid-sentence.

"Look, Johnson... Don't think about all these... We are good and you are good enough for me. Don't bring these thoughts inside your mind." Samantha replied and Johnson took a deep breath.

Samantha wrapped her arms around Johnson hugging him tightly. 

"Don't bring these thoughts inside you anymore... It will only raise problems in our relationship." Samantha said and looked up at him.

"Trust me." Samantha said with a small smile and Johnson nodded with a smile as he kissed Samantha's forehead.

They both hugged each other and lost in the feeling of the heart beating in each other arms. 

"You really want to go on vacation?" Johnson asked as he buries his face in her neck breathing in her smell.