Alexi feelings!

"Woah... It's going to be an awesome night at our home again." Samantha said and Johnson nodded. 

"Sure, it's going to be one awesome night." Johnson replied and Alexi, Martin smiled looking at each other. 

"Well... I guess, everyone will be alright." Martin said.

"Don't worry, Martin. Everyone will be okay!" Johnson replied and Martin nodded his head. Just then, Johnson's phone went off! 

"Excuse me!" Johnson said as he got up from the couch and walked away as Samantha nodded at him. They all continued their lunch calmly until Johnson came back.

"Umm... I need to leave... Some important meeting came up suddenly! So sorry! " Johnson said looking at Samantha.

"But you didn't had your lunch?" Samantha asked.

"Ahh! It's fine!" Johnson answered with a small smile.

"No... It's not! Sit down and have your lunch first. Later, leave... I am not going to stop you at all!" Samantha replied and Johnson chuckled but nodded with a smile.