Thank you for everything!

"Then?" Johnson asked.

"Then... We asked, who she is! But mom said, she doesn't know too and told us to ask dad. So, we went to him and asked about the letter and he said, 'Yes, I loved a girl before your mom and I don't remember how it ended!" Alexi said.

"Don't know how it ended?" Martin asked.

"Yes, that's what he said and he never said how it ended but we always tease him because he breaking wrote a letter to a girl and it was so funny! Really so funny! Actually, he wrote a poem in the letter. A love one. I and Samantha still kept the letter so safely." Alexi said and everyone laughed. 

"When did you got to know he had a girlfriend before you?" Lucy asked Cassandra.

"Well, it's after our wedding. We returned home after our honeymoon and the next day he told me about the other girl." Cassandra answered as she shrugs.

"What was your reaction when he told you about this?" Jessica asked.