A new person!

"Ohh... Mr. Davis is also here?" Mr. Vernon said as he looked at Johnson.

"Ahhh! Yes! Johnson, he is James Vernon. He is our Australia Hotel's construction Company CEO and Mr. Vernon, he is Johnson Davis. My fiance!" Samantha replied with a bright smile as she grabbed Johnson's arm.

"Hello, Mr. Davis. Nice to meet you!" James said as he forwarded his hand. 

"Hello, Mr. Vernon. Nice to meet you too." Johnson replied as he shook hands with him. 

"You are really so lucky to get a girl like Samantha in your life, Mr. Davis." James said with a bright smile as he looked at Samantha.

"Yeah... I am really lucky to have her in my life. She is my everything. I will never let her go from my life. I love her!" Johnson replied with a bright smile as he wrapped his arms around Waist looking into Samantha's eyes.