"Umm... I am tired!" Alexi said as she directed herself.
"Yeah... Me too!" Chitra replied.
"Let's get back to our suit. Everyone is tired. Let's take good rest!" Andrew said and everyone nodded.
Everyone got up from the quilt and walked toward the Resort.
They allow walked inside the lobby and got into different Elevators.
They all reached their floor and walked out of the elevator. They all walked inside their suit tiredly.
"Good night!" Alexi said as she walked inside her bedroom and closed the door before anyone replies to her.
"Good Night guys!" Noah, Chitra said and Andrew nodded. They walked to their bedrooms too while Andrew and Sophia said good night too.
They walked to their bedroom and Lucas said their goodnights too and he, quency walked to their bedroom while Martin, Peter, Ashley did the same.
Johnson looked at Samantha and smiled. He wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist and brought her close to her.