I will bring Anna home safely!

Johnson, Andrew, Noah, and Alexi walked inside the store. As soon as they walk inside they saw Martin and Lucas.

"How come you guys are here?" Andrew asked.

"We talked with security and found the kidnap happened here. So, we got here as we might find any clue." Lucas answered.

"Ohh... Did you find anything here then?" Noah asked and Martin nodded.

"What?" Noah asked.

"Let us show you guys!" Martin answered and gestures them to follow him.

They all followed Martin and Lucas. They both took them to a room and found a few people watching the recording clips of the store on computers. 

"He is the owner of the store." Lucas said pointing to a man and he gulped down looking at Johnson.

"Where were you when the kidnap happen?" Johnson asked angrily as he walked towards him.

"Ummm... Mr. Davis..." He stuttered.

"Where the hell were you?" Johnson asked angrily grabbing his collar.