I am so happy for you both!

Samantha slowly opened her eyes as Sunlight falled on her face. She turner around on the bed burying her face in the pillow... Samantha frowned as the pillow took a deep breath. Samantha slowly moved back and opened her right eye while her left eyes were still closed. 

As soon as she opened her right eyes, she saw Johnson smiling face chuckling at her.

"Good morning!" Johnson said and Samantha closed her eye again burying her face in his neck.

She heard Johnson laughing out loud and suddenly hovered over her. 

"Woah!" Samantha said as she opened her eyes and Johnson looked into her eyes.

"You look so beautiful in the morning!" Johnson said as he kissed her on the neck.

"You... Get up from me... You are so heavy..." Samantha cut off in mid-sentence as she realized how hard Johnson is down there poking her stomach. 

Samantha looked up at Johnson with her wide eyes and Johnson laughed.