Is forgetting the past is easy?

"What in the hell the thing you are keeping away from me?" Alexi asked Noah.

Noah sighed looking at Samantha who is talking, laughing with everyone.

"I can clearly see the tension in you guys! What happened?" Alexi asked.

"Huh? Any problem?" Martin asked as he walked towards Alexi, Noah, and Andrew.

"No, nothing!" Alexi answered and Martin raised his eyebrows at Alexi.

"What? I said nothing!" Alexi said again.

"Alright!" Martin replied with a small smile.

"I am going to make dinner..." Samantha said with a smile.

"SIL... I am coming with you to help you out!" Martin said and Samantha nodded. Alexi rolled her eyes and turned towards Noah, Andrew. Martin walked towards Kitchen with Samantha with other women's too while Johnson and others were playing with Anna.

"You better tell me what happened?" Alexi asked and Noah looked at Andrew.

"Arvin..." Noah said and Alexi widened her eyes just while listening to his name.