Samantha is Safe!

"Samantha..." Alexi yelled out loud with tears grabbing the attention of everyone. The music got stopped and the whole club became silent. Everyone turned towards Alexi. Johnson, Martin, Andrew, Noah, Lucas, Chitra, Quency, Sophia walked towards ran towards Alexi and saw her in tears.

"Alexi, what happened?" Martin asked as he cupped Alexi's face in his hands. He wiped off her tears and looked into her eyes. 

"What is Sam?" Alexi asked with tears.

"She might be here around..." Alexi cut off Martin in a mid-sentence.

"She is not here!" Alexi yelled out loud with tears.

"What do you mean by not here?" Martin asked.

"I searched... She is not here... I am sure... Something... Happening to her... He is here... I heard him! Search Samantha... Now!" Alexi yelled with tears.

"What? Who is here and what will happen to SIL?" Martin asked with a frown.

"I said search goddammit." Alexi yelled with tears.