I am at fault!

"So, you went on a date with Nick. Huh?" Samantha asked on the phone.

"Sam... It's not a date... I told you already." Alexi answered.

"Well... From his view... It was a date already. Isn't it?" Samantha asked on the phone.

"No. It's not, Sam..." Alexi answered 

"Are you really sure about it? He was at our wedding... I saw him looking at you... That look isn't normal... It's something else... He knows that you and Martin are dating. Still, he asked you out." Samantha said. 

"Sam, the whole world knows that we are dating... Then why..." Samantha cut off Alexi in mid-sentence.

"I don't know... What to talk about right now, Alexi? I think you did wrong in accepting Nick's dinner... Or else... You did wrong in conveying to Martin that you went out with Nick is just a friendly way." Samantha said.